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My lips tingled, my fingers touching the swollen skin as I climbed the stairs to my room. How Ashton read me so well, I didn’t know, but he’d hit the nail on the head: a small part of me did feel like I was cheating on Dominic. While I didn’t care so much about that, it worried me how easily I could ignore the fact I was married and fall into another man’s arms.

Stripping out of the dress, I remembered what Ashton’s touch felt like. It was a touch that I’d never once felt before, and likely would never feel again. It wasn’t just the attraction either. His arms around me felt warm. Comforting.

As I got ready for bed, I let everything Veronica had said play through my head. To think she’d been in the same situation as me was amazing. She seemed so strong, and I wondered if someday I might, too, have that same strength. The more I thought about it, the more I was starting to see how right she’d been. Dominic didn’t deserve me. He just wanted me to look after him.

The way Ashton touched me was so far removed for Dominic’s touch that it felt like I was experiencing everything for the first time. For one, he kissed me. Dominic had avoided kissing me for years, simply using my body for his own pleasure. Kissing took too much time, too much effort. Since Dominic knew how much I loved kissing, to do it would mean that he was thinking about my pleasure as well as his own, and that wouldn’t even cross his mind. My chest swelled when I thought about Ashton kissing me. For him¸ it wasn’t just about the lips; he caressed my face and my body, making sensations run rife through every nerve ending until I had no choice but to lose myself completely. His kiss wasn’t just a kiss. It was an experience; one I would love to repeat. And when he spoke to me he was so kind. From the time I’d spent with him, I knew Ashton was not a man to give throwaway compliments. When he said something he was direct about it, and he meant whatever he said; which is what had made it so easy to believe that he thought our kiss in the car was a mistake.

But he was gentle. If I misunderstood him he didn’t get angry or cross. He took the time to explain what he meant, and didn’t make me feel stupid. The whole evening had left me feeling bewildered. On one hand, I’d experienced possibly one of the best kisses of my entire life. On the other, I was beginning to realize just how much I’d missed out on during my years with Dominic. And that thought was depressing, to say the least.

I slid beneath the cool sheets and, thoroughly exhausted after the turmoil of the evening, I closed my eyes and welcomed the drowsy feeling that overtook me. It had hurt to talk about Dominic, but I felt better afterward, and that had to be a step in the right direction.

I was just about to drop off when Ashton’s words ran through my head. Tomorrow? Something about a big day tomorrow. I had no idea what he might be talking about. Too tired to figure it out, I decided to ask him again in the morning and fell asleep, letting dreams of Ashton and all the things I’d hoped he do to me float through my head.


I leaned into the soft caress. The warmth felt nice against my face as it pulled me from sleep. The action was welcomed. Soothing. Wanting the dream to last, I curled toward the warmth, my lips lifting and a small sigh escaping. A masculine chuckle echoed around the room.

“Elena,” he whispered. “Time to wake up.”

Letting my eyelids flutter open, the sight in front of me made me want to moan, and it was only by the grace of God that I managed to hold it back.


“Wake up, sleepyhead. I told you, you have a big day today.”

I moved to sit up and felt the smooth glide of silk against cotton. Ashton’s personal shopper had insisted on silk nighties and lace panties; nighties and panties Ashton would surely get an eyeful of if I moved any further. Pulling the covers up over my breasts, I sat back against the pillows and watched as his eyes dropped to the start of the sheet, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip.

“What big day?” I asked, trying to draw his attention back to my eyes.

His gaze moved back to my face but his eyes looked lazy and his expression was blank. “What?”

“Big day? Some details might help?”

“Oh, right.” He shook his head and looked at me again, his gravelly voice sending a shiver up my spine as he said, “Elena, your body can make any man lose his concentration.” His eyes darted down and up again and the shivers moved from my spine to between my legs. I clenched my thighs instinctively. “It’s a surprise, but I picked you an outfit and Lewis will be out front in an hour to take you there.”

My eyes narrowed. “You won’t tell me where I’m going, but you want me to trust you?”

“Yes. I’ve never given you a reason to doubt me.”

His finger lifted my chin, the slight domineering tone of his voice like a spark to the embers burning in my stomach. “Okay. You better not let me down.”

He smiled his approval. “Feisty. That’s a good thing.”

My cheeks had to be bright red. A month ago I would never have considered talking to a man this way. Ashton had changed my life so much.

“Why aren’t you taking me?”

His eyes clouded. “I have some business I need to take care of, but I’ll be back later and I’ll take you to dinner.”

I was guessing the business had nothing to do with the restaurant so, ignoring my desire to ask any further questions, I went with the other thing on my mind. “Thank you. I’d love to go to dinner again.”

Checking his watch, he stood up and buttoned his suit jacket. “I need to go. Remember, enjoy yourself.” He leaned in, stealing a quick kiss before standing and walking from the room.

I touched my finger to my lips, feeling the burn from the lingering heat of his mouth on mine. Every time Ashton touched me I turned into a big pile of mush. Something about that man woke up parts of me long since buried. With a sigh, I climbed from the bed on shaky legs, wondering if I’d even be able to stand after a few rounds underneath Ashton.

Where did those thoughts come from?

My brain seemed to be stuck on sex, which was unusual because sex was something I never looked forward to. It hadn’t been like that in the beginning. But years of Dominic being selfish had taken their toll. He never took the time to get me ready so intercourse usually hurt, and in the end I felt like a real life blow-up doll. But now? Now my mind couldn’t stop conjuring images of Ashton naked, touching every part of me, making me call out his name.

I went into the bathroom to get ready, the fizz of anticipation not the only thing making me giddy. I only had an hour to get ready for who knew what. The outfit in the bathroom left me even more confused. On the counter was a cute pair of jeans, heeled sandals, and a trendy T-shirt. Where could he be sending me that would require such a casual outfit? I stepped into the shower and by the time I’d finished, I still didn’t have any ideas.

Makeup became my next dilemma. Deciding to apply something light, I finished getting ready with enough time to have breakfast. Not much went down with the fluttering of my stomach, which only increased when I heard the knock at the door.

The time had come to find out what Ashton had planned.

Collecting my purse and keys, I found Lewis waiting outside an SUV I’d never seen before, the back door open, waiting for me to get in.

I smiled at him. “A different car today?”