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He came storming into the kitchen. “Go get changed into something . . . nicer. Not sure you have anything, but try. And pack an overnight bag.”

Excitement flooded my body to the point where my hands shook. Listening and following Dominic’s instructions had finally paid off. He was taking me out. Digging through my closet I found an older dress that would be perfect, no matter where we went. Who cared about dinner? I’d deal with the mess later.

I hurried to pack my bag, not giving him the chance to change his mind. When I stepped out in the hall, he raked me over with his eyes.

“I guess that’ll have to do. Let’s go.”

Taking my arm he led me out to the car.

“Where are we going?” I was practically bouncing in my seat with excitement.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll see when we get there,” he snapped.

The almost imperceptible shaking of Dominic’s hands caught my attention. He was nervous, something I’d never seen from him—even when we’d woken up married after a long night in Vegas. How much had changed since then.

We pulled into the lot of the baseball stadium. Excitement tore through me. Baseball was Dominic’s favorite sport and the fact he invited me to come see the game with him meant so much.

“You brought me to a game.” It was hard to keep the glee from my tone but I tried. I didn’t want him to change his mind or regret his decision, thinking I couldn’t behave.

“Just shut your mouth and do as I say.” He got out of the car and waited at the front for me to get out. I opened the door. “Grab your bag.”

I wanted to ask what I needed an overnight bag for but I’d already upset him enough. Quietly, I climbed from the car and followed him to the Will Call, where he checked in and strode to the elevators. Gripping the handles of my bag, I walked quickly to keep up, following him as we made a right down a hall where there was no access to seating. In front of us were about ten doors.

The club box section? How had he afforded this?

At the next to last door, Dominic knocked and waited. The silence was heavy, and I got a feeling in my gut that told me this evening wasn’t going to turn out the way I’d thought. I chanced a glance at Dominic using just my eyes, careful to keep my head lowered to the floor. His skin was void of all color. It sounded a stupid thing to say, but it was true. More often than not, his cheeks were reddened from alcohol, so to see him like this made me even more nervous. His hands fidgeted at his sides, and he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. There was a noise on the other side of the door and he froze. After a few seconds, the door swung open to reveal a guy you’d expect to see sitting outside a club checking IDs, bouncing the idiots who didn’t belong. His gray T-shirt was extremely tight, stretched across muscles so large I knew the guy either took steroids or lived in a gym.

“Don’t stand there and hold the door open. Come in or leave.”

My attention was drawn to a man, sitting alone in the middle of the room. I drew in a deep breath and my lungs burned. It was like the air in here was different – thinner. Goose bumps erupted all over my body, even though the temperature was no different. I told myself I was being silly, but I’d always had the innate ability to sense danger. It was something that had likely saved me a few times with Dominic. I was always able to tell when his mood was worse than normal, ensuring I was even more careful. And with the feeling that had made its way from burning lungs to the base of my spine and was currently wrapping around my chest, making it difficult to breathe, I knew without a doubt that the man was no saint.

Dominic pushed me from behind, forcing me into the room. I looked back at him but he said nothing to explain what was going on. He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward.

“I hope the bag she’s carrying means you brought my fucking money,” the guy in the chair said and for the first time, I got a good look at him. His hair was a deep honey blond, the thin black-framed glasses perched on his nose contrasting nicely with his green eyes; shrewd eyes, trained on my husband.

Dominic raised his hands. “Ashton, hear me out for a moment.”

“I’ll take that as a sign you don’t have the rest of my money yet,” the man drawled, his words slow and drawn out.

The hair on the back of my neck prickled and I felt a presence behind me. Taking a quick peek over my shoulder, I saw that the huge, scary guy from earlier now stood directly behind Dominic. His eyes were narrowed, his muscular arms crossed over his chest.

“Give him a chance to explain, Brock,” Ashton said, lifting a glass of amber liquid to his lips. “I don’t think the asshole is stupid enough to come here without my money and not have another plan. Did you, Dominic?”

“No . . . ah, no . . . of course not. I do have something to offer you.” Dominic’s voice shook with every word. My gut screamed at me that something was very wrong. I folded my hands behind my back; afraid Dominic would see and reprimand me.

What money could this guy possibly be talking about? I knew we had credit card debt, but exactly how much, I didn’t know. Dominic took care of all of the bills. Said he didn’t want me to make mistakes.

I stumbled as Dominic pushed me from behind, my shoes catching on the carpet beneath my feet. “I’ve brought a trade.”

Ashton laughed, but nothing about the sound felt friendly. “A trade? What could you possibly have to give me that I don’t already have, or can’t get with the money you owe me?”

“My wife.”

My head snapped in Dominic’s direction. I couldn’t have heard him right. There was no way he’d trade me. I might make a few mistakes here and there, but I was a good wife. I took care of all of his needs and desires—or at least I tried to. I wasn’t as skinny as he would like, or as pretty, but I tried to make up for it in other areas.

Ashton removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “Your wife. Are you fucking kidding me?” He looked back up, replacing his glasses.

There I stood, in front of a man I had never met, watching my husband for guidance about what the heck was happening.

“Don’t be dense, Elena. Turn around so he can see you. This is a matter of life or death. You need to save me,” Dominic hissed.

Searching his eyes, I could see the fear, so I made a slow circle around, unsure of what else to do.

“What the fuck, Dominic? You come in here, owing me two hundred thousand dollars, and you want me to take your wife in lieu of payment?”

Two hundred thousand.

Everything in my stomach wanted to come back up. How were we ever going to pay back that kind of money? My chest constricted. It felt like I couldn’t breathe.

“Yes and no. I’m offering a trade.” He shoved me forward. “Elena will be yours to do with as you please for the next three months. After that my debt will be paid. Plus, I gave you fifty grand yesterday.”

“That’s splitting hairs and you fucking know it. Shit, that’s only a quarter of what you owe.”

“I know, but I have no way to get you the money. It would take me forever to pay you off. I figure this is easier and faster. She’s not very bright, but she’ll do anything you want her to in the bedroom. I have her trained. You don’t even have to take care of her. Get what you want and go to bed.”

The hot sting of tears burned my eyes. My husband, whom I tried to please above all others, wanted to trade me to pay off his debts. The rational part of me had a feeling that if I didn’t go along with it, something really bad would happen to Dominic. I alone had the power to stop it.

And I would.



What the fuck?

All I wanted was to enjoy the game in peace in quiet. Instead, I’d entered the fucking twilight zone. I knew the moment I lent the asshole the money it was going to be problem. Never once in a million years did I believe he’d try and trade his wife to pay off that debt. Who the fuck does that?