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“Ten,” she replies.

Nodding, he holds his hand out for the box. “Understand that the magic that will enable them to work will come from the wielder. They have to be aware of that fact or they may get seriously hurt if they do it for a long period of time. If too much is drawn from them, they could become weakened, even die though I doubt if that is much of a possibility.”

“I understand,” she says, handing it to him.

One by one, he takes the knives out of the box and casts the spell on them that will allow them to cut hair but nothing else. When the spell has been set in the knife, he lays it on the side table next to his chair.

By the sixth knife, he’s beginning to feel the effects of doing so much magic. At the eighth he can barely focus enough to be able to cast it properly. When he finishes the eighth knife, he sags back in his chair “Eight’s going to have be it for now,” he says. “I can’t do anymore.”

She comes over and removes the final two he hasn’t enchanted yet from the box and sets in the eight that he has imbued with magic. “I’m sure this will do fine.” She looks at him and says, “You look like you could use some rest.”

“Yeah,” he says, “I do need to rest. I don’t think you understand just what that takes out of me.” He gets to his feet and begins to wobble. Jiron is right there and gives him a shoulder to lean on as he helps him to his room.

When they get there, James plops down on his bed and before Jiron leaves, says, “Tell her to get another batch of crystals. The same amount as before and that should be all I will require for a while.”

“Alright,” he says as he moves to the bedroom door. “You get some rest and we’ll see you in the morning.” Before he gets the door closed, James is already asleep.

Chapter Five

The next morning when he wakes up, Delia and her caravan have already left. When he goes to the kitchen, he finds the remnants of the meal Ezra had sent them off with. He grabs a plate and begins helping himself to the leftovers.

Tersa comes in and sees him there and says, “She wanted to say goodbye, but didn’t know how long you’d be asleep. We offered to wake you up but she said it would be better for you to get your sleep.”

“It’s alright,” he replies. “Where’s Ezra?”

“She and Roland took the wagon to collect the chickens from the neighbors,” she explains as she begins cleaning up. “I promised her to get this place ready for lunch and to feed everyone if she doesn’t get back in time.”

“Where is everyone?” he asks.

“Most are out collecting scraps of wood from where they’re building the house and are planning on throwing together a hut of sorts out by the road. I think Jiron went into town for some reason or other.”

“Thanks,” he says. Sitting down with his plate, he eats while she continues cleaning the kitchen.

“Do you like being here?” he asks.

She pauses in her work and turns to look at him. “Yes, I do actually,” she replies. “I miss the City something awful, but here it’s nice and peaceful.” Giving him a slight grin, she adds, “Most of the time.”

“I’m glad,” he says sincerely. “I’ll endeavor to preserve the tranquility as much as I can.”

He finishes his breakfast and then takes his plate over to where she’s doing the dishes. “Thanks,” she says as she takes it from him.

“If anyone needs me, I’ll be out at the workshop,” he tells her as he heads for the back door.

“That’s where they look first anyway,” she replies just before the door closes behind him.

Grinning at her words, he heads out to the workshop. Just before he gets there, three men step out from around the side. It’s the same three men that were turned away when he was returning from town yesterday.

Oh, bother! He stops as they approach him and steels himself for the inevitable demands he knows they’re going to make. Am I going to have to build a high fence or hire more guards?

Two of the men stop five feet from him while the third approaches. “Excuse me, are you James?” the man asks. “The wizard?”

“Yeah, that’s me,” he replies. “Now just how did you get on my property?”

One of the two men brings something up to his mouth and blows.

James suddenly feels a prick on his neck and pulls out a small needle dart. He brings it up to look at and can see a drop of his blood upon it. At first confused, then realizing he’s being attacked, he calls the magic to defend himself. But his mind is beginning to cloud and he’s unable to focus enough. His equilibrium begins to falter as he tumbles to the ground.

The man closest to him says to the others, “Pick him up. We’ve got to get out of here fast.”

Just then the back door to the house opens up and Tersa steps out. “James, I just remembered…” she says before seeing the men standing there. She takes it all in, the sight of James lying on the ground and the three men standing next to him. An ear piercing scream escapes her as she darts back into the house. More screams echo as she races through the house and out the front screaming for her brother.

From the end of the lane where Jiron had paused a moment to talk to the guys working on the hut before heading on into town, he hears her scream. “Tersa!” he cries as he turns his horse back toward the house, kicking it into a gallop. The others drop their tools and race after.

The largest man picks up James and slings him over his shoulder. Turning away from the house, they begin running toward the forest. Tersa’s screams continuing behind them as she runs through the front door.

Seeing Jiron racing back down the lane, she points to the back and says, “Three men!”

He nods and races around the house. “James!” Jiron cries out as he rounds the house at a full gallop, his horse quickly closing the gap. Seeing them carrying him away toward the forest, he yells, “They’ve got James!”

Without even slowing, he rides straight for them and crashes his horse into them before jumping clear. Two of the men fall to the ground, the one carrying James continues on toward the forest. Not taking the time to dispose of the two his horse had knocked to the ground, he races after the one carrying James.

The man glances over his shoulder and sees the gap between them narrowing quickly. He abruptly comes to a halt and drops James to the ground as he turns to engage Jiron. Seeing his other two partners already on the way, he worries more about defense, keeping him busy until help arrives.

Jiron closes with him, both knives at the ready. A quick glance at James shows him to still be alive, if unconscious.

He strikes out with his left knife which the man blocks with ease and then comes back in with his right which scores along the man’s side. Pressing the attack with vigor, he lays into him with a barrage of blinding attacks honed through hundreds of battles in the fight pits back in the City of Light.

The man quickly realizes he’s not going to win this fight and starts backing up, putting as much distance between himself and Jiron. Looking over Jiron’s shoulder, he realizes his partners are just about there.

Knowing what the man is doing, Jiron continues pressing him, not allowing him the opportunity. Closing again with him quickly, Jiron launches into a series of attacks and then suddenly kicks out with his foot, shattering the man’s kneecap.

With a cry of pain, he falls to the ground at Jiron’s feet.

Looking back, he sees the men are almost upon James and he rushes back toward them. All of a sudden, he feels a sharp, poking sensation on his arm and he sees a small needle dart embedded in his skin. Pulling it out, he throws it on the ground as he continues moving to defend James.

His mind begins to grow cloudy and the world starts to spin. Before he realizes it, he’s on the ground, not three feet from where James lies. Unable to move, he watches as the men approach, one’s leading his horse.

In a world that’s spinning and warping, he watches as they quickly load James up on a horse. His horse! He hears one say, “Take care of Corim, we’ll not be able to take him with us.”