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“Welcome to the Cooked Hog” she greets him, a warm smile upon her face. “My name’s Celia. Is there anything I can get for you?”

“I’d like some of whatever it is that smells so good,” he tells her. “And a mug of ale, too.”

“What you’re smelling is our specialty, roast pig,” she tells him. “It’s only half a silver and comes with some vegetables as well as a half loaf of bread.”

“Perfect,” he says as he hands over the coins.

Taking the money, she says, “Back in a moment.”

He sits back and looks out over the other patrons as he waits for his meal. Sitting around the table next to him are five men, mercenaries by the looks of them. Scattered throughout the common room are others, perhaps ten in all. Most likely they’re guards from some caravan who’s stopped here in Osgrin for the night.

Celia comes out of the kitchen a minute later bringing over his meal. She sets a large plate with sizzling slices of roast pork before him, their juices running all over the plate. Arrayed around the edges of the plate are several of the favorite local tubers everyone seems to like. On the table next to it, she places half loaf of bread and his mug of ale. “Is there anything else you’d be requiring?” she asks.

Taking out his knife and grabbing the fork which had been supplied, he cuts off a large slice. Shaking his head, he stuffs the pork in his mouth as she turns and walks away. The juice runs down his chin and he wipes it off with his arm. Taking the bread, he discovers it’s still warm as he tears off a chunk and dips it in the juice on the plate before eating it. He never did that before until he saw James do it one time. Ever since, he’s rarely eaten just plain bread.

From the table of mercenaries next to him, he hears something that makes his blood run cold. One of them just spoke in the Empire’s language before the mercenary sitting next to him stops him.

“Not here,” the other man whispers. “Use only their tongue!”

“Right,” the first man says.

Miko glances over to them while trying to appear that he isn’t. Now that he’s paying closer attention to them, he can easily tell they’re from the south. The slight darkening of the skin and their facial characteristics all say they’re from the Empire. They’re not as prominent in these men as in others he had been around when he was in the Empire and would most likely not be noticed with just a cursory look. But after what he had been through, he’s not likely ever to mistake them again.

James. They must be here after James. He continues eating, more slowly this time and tries to listen to their conversations. Most of what they’re saying is barely audible and he can only make out fragments of what they’re saying.

“…just to the north of here…”

“…will kill him. That’s what…”

“…soon. Maybe tomorrow, not sure…”

“…get it done and return home where…”

They’re here to kill James! He wolfs down the rest of his meal quickly and takes the bread with him to eat on the road. Getting up from the table, he tries not to make eye contact with the men as he moves past them toward the door.

A hand grabs his arm and he almost pulls out his sword before he realizes it’s Celia. She looks expectantly at him as she asks, “Wouldn’t you like to stay around a little longer?”

“What?” he asks her, confused.

“I get off in an hour,” she explains, giving him a look that stirs his blood. “We could go somewhere if you like.”

“Sorry,” he says as he removes her hand from his arm. “But I really have to be going.” Turning back to the door, he leaves a very disappointed Celia behind as he exits the Cooked Hog. Untying his horse, he quickly mounts and gallops out of Osgrin. He’s got to return to The Ranch and warn James!

Three and a half hours later, the lane leading to The Ranch appears before him. In the moonlight he’s able to make out the recently erected guard shack next to where the lane begins. As he approaches, a shadow detaches itself from within the guard shack and suddenly, a lantern’s shutter is opened, bathing him in light.

“Miko!” he hears Uther’s voice exclaim as the lantern’s light turns away from him. “Didn’t think you would be returning till morning.”

“We’ve got trouble,” he tells him and then gives him a brief rundown of what he overheard back in Osgrin. “You’d better keep extra alert.”

“I will, and thanks,” he tells him.

Kicking his horse, he races down the lane to the house. Not bothering to tie his horse, he jumps down and rushes inside and slams open James’ bedroom door.

Startled awake, James wakes to find Miko framed in his doorway. Figuring him to be mad about having him ride for hours, he begins to say, “Miko, glad you made it back. “Sorry about…”

Interrupting him, Miko says, “James, there’re men from the Empire in Osgrin!”

Sitting up, all thoughts of having forgotten about Miko earlier vanish. “What?” he exclaims. “When?”

Roland comes to the door behind Miko and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Miko says there’re men from the Empire down in Osgrin,” he explains to him.

“Are you sure?” Roland asks.

“Absolutely,” he replies. “After the time I’ve spent around them, I can recognize their speech.”

About this time, Illan and the others show up with their weapons. “Uther just came and told us we’re about to be attacked,” he says.

“Everyone quiet!” James shouts. All talking ceases as they turn their attention to James. “Now,” he says to Miko, “tell us what happened?”

Miko runs through the whole story, trying not to leave out even the most insignificant detail. When he’s done, he glances from one face to another and then settles on James. “What are we going to do?” he asks.

“Illan?” James asks, looking at the veteran soldier.

“Since we know the are coming, we can be prepared,” he says. “That’s half the battle.” To Jorry he says, “Wake up the new recruits and send them out into the forest, tell them what’s going on and to keep their eyes open. After that, join Uther out by the road. One by the shack, and the other a little ways away so if they come down the road, they won’t see both of you.”

“Right!” he says as he bolts down the hallway to the front door.

Turning to Miko, he asks, “You say there were ten of them?”

“There were five at the table next to me,” he tells him. “I saw another five scattered throughout the inn.”

“So ten,” he says. “With the element of surprise gone, we should be able to take them on with no trouble.” To Jiron he says, “Take a horse into town, if you don’t find them on the road then head on into Osgrin and see if you can locate them. They probably haven’t left Osgrin yet and with any luck, they’ll stay the night there and not head out till morning.”

“They were at the Cooked Hog,” Miko tells him. “They may be staying the night there.”

“Thanks,” he says as he hurries out to the stable to get his horse.

“What should the rest of us do?” asks Roland.

“Nothing much else to do until we know where they are,” he says. “Go back to bed.”

“But how can I sleep knowing we could be attacked at any minute?”

Giving him an exasperated look, Illan turns to James and says, “You stay here, get some sleep if you can. You too Miko, you’re dead on your feet now. You’ll be no use in a fight if you’re too tired.”

“What about you?” James asks.

“I’ll be outside, keeping an eye on everything,” he tells him. “Don’t worry about a thing, we’ll know if something’s about to happen before it does.”

“If you say so,” Miko says as he goes to try to get some sleep.

Illan hurries to get his armor on and then goes outside where James can hear him barking out orders to those patrolling the woods. Returning to his bed, he lies there thinking about the upcoming attack. At least they know what’s going on first this time. Maybe it wasn’t just chance that had him forgetting about Miko? Perhaps another had taken a hand in it? His mind finally calms down enough so he can fall back asleep.