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Illan doesn’t look convinced. They sit there a couple more minutes observing them when from behind them, they hear a twig snap as Miko approaches.

James glances to the clearing, fearful they may have heard. With relief, he doesn’t see any indication that they heard.

“Well?” Miko asks as he joins them.

“Are you sure they were coming after James?” Illan asks him.

“Yes, I am,” he replies. “Why?”

James gestures to the clearing and says, “Just look at them.” When Miko looks, he continues, “They’re not acting as if they plan to attack. I also haven’t felt anything that would lead me to believe one of them is a mage.”

“Did they actually mention James by name?” asks Illan.

Miko thinks back and then shakes his head, “No, not by name. But they said they were going to kill someone to the north. Who else could it be?”

“I don’t think they plan anything here,” James says, glancing to Illan.

“I tend to agree,” Illan says, giving Miko an annoyed look. “But to be on the safe side, we should leave someone here to keep an eye on them just in case.”

Suddenly from the campsite, the woman calls out and one of the mercenaries gets up and goes over to a wagon. He reaches in and picks up a small wooden chest and begins carrying it over to her.

All talking ceases as James and the other two watch what’s going on.

The guard’s foot suddenly snags on an exposed root, causing him to lose his balance and the chest flies out of his hands. The woman gasps as the chest hits the ground, the lid flying open. A dozen small tubes spill out, three of which land in the fire.

“No!” she cries as she dives away from the fire.

James gets to his feet, his eyes riveted on the tubes in the fires. Suddenly, one of them explodes in a green flash sending embers flying in all directions. Another one goes off and they watch as a trail of sparks rises into the sky and then explodes in a brilliant yellow ball.

“Magic!” he hears someone behind him exclaim.

The trees near the edge of the camp begin to catch fire from the embers thrown by the first explosion. When the third tube explodes, it sends a yellowish-orange spray of sparks toward one of their wagons. Its canvas cover begins smoking as many pinpoint fires spring to life.

The woman scrambles back to the spilled tubes and hastily replaces them in the chest while her guards rush to remove the now burning canvas from the wagon.

Without even thinking, James runs toward the edge of the clearing and begins stomping upon the growing flames, trying to put them out before they spread. Illan and the others join him as they use feet, shirts, and water bottles to slow the fire.

The guards succeed in getting the canvas off the wagon just as it bursts into flames. Throwing it to the side, it lands in the middle of the clearing where it’s quickly consumed.

Smoke fills the clearing from the fires that are beginning to be brought under control. The woman closes the lid on the chest after the remaining tubes have been placed inside and that’s when she notices James’ group at the edge of the clearing stomping on the remnants of the fire.

She calls out and her guards, some with swords drawn, place themselves between her and James.

“James,” Miko says next to him, bringing his attention to the clearing and the gathered guards.

A quick glance shows the remaining flames are being dealt with effectively by the others. Stepping out from the half burnt bushes he takes three steps within the clearing and stops. “Hello,” he says.

“What are you doing here?” she asks from behind her guards. The guards who haven’t drawn their swords all have their hands on the pommels in the event James’ group proves hostile.

“Just happened by and heard the explosions,” he tells her.

“Indeed,” she says. Her eyes flicker to the others as they come to join him having put the rest of the fires out. She looks to be about ready to say something when she turns her head toward the sound of a fast approaching horse.

James is surprised to see Jiron riding hard to the clearing. “They’re not here to attack!!” he cries out as he enters the clearing. Coming to a stop between them, he says, “They’re on their way to a wedding!” He suddenly pauses and takes in the scene; burnt canvas, smoldering brush around the edge of the clearing, and a wagon which looks to have been charred slightly.

The eyes of the woman grow cold when she hears that. “Attack?” she exclaims. “Is this why you are here? You think us assassins?” Her eyes bore into James and a growling can be heard coming from her guards.

“At first, yes,” he admits. “We’d heard rumors that you were from the Empire and grew concerned. When we came here and observed you, we realized the rumors were false and were about to leave when your fire exploded.”

She stares at him a moment as she contemplates his words, then she turns her attention to Jiron and asks, “How is it you know we are going to a wedding?”

Jiron looks somewhat sheepish under her glare and replies, “I ran into Ceryn and he told me.”

“Are you friends of Ceryn’s?” she asks.

“Yes,” replies James.

Her expression softens slightly, then looks back to James, “Why did you think us here to attack you?”

“We were at the fall of the City of Light where a friend of ours had been taken captive,” he explains. “We freed him, but killed some slavers doing it. Hearing those from the Empire were here, we feared your presence might indicate a reprisal.”

Nodding her head, she says, “I see.” A few brief words in their language to the guards and they relax. All but two return to where they were, the remaining two staying nearby.

“That was quite an explosion,” he comments. “By the way, my name is James and these men are my guards.” He gives her a slight bow.

“I am Allana,” she says. “These were meant for my wedding. I’m glad they all weren’t destroyed.”

“What are they?” Miko asks, indicating the chest at her feet.

“They are a gift from my uncle,” she tells him. “They are used in celebrations by the Illuminator’s Guild. Though I am not one of them, my uncle is a high ranking member and allowed me these for my wedding. Since it is going to be here in Cardri, there’s little chance of word getting out.”

“I’m sorry we intruded upon you,” James tells her. “We shall go now, and best wishes to you and your groom.” He indicates for Illan to get the others moving.

“Thank you,” she says.

Leaving the clearing behind, they make their way back to where their horses are waiting. “The Illuminator’s Guild must have powerful magic,” comments Miko.

“Not really,” replies James. “What those tubes were would’ve been called ‘fireworks’ back where I come from.”

“Fireworks?” asks Jiron.

“That’s right,” he explains. “It’s just something relatively harmless that people use to make bright lights and noise.”

“Oh,” says Miko. “Do you think we could get some?”

Turning to Illan, James asks, “Ever heard of anything like that before around here?”

Shaking his head he says, “No, not around here. Though I have heard talk of something like that before, but I didn’t really believe it.”

After reaching their horses and are riding back to The Ranch, James considers the ramifications of what he just learned. The Chinese used fireworks for a thousand years before the military aspects of gunpowder were realized. Should the same thing happen here, it would turn this world upside down.

Deciding not to open that particular Pandora’s Box, he keeps all this speculating to himself. An idea is one of the most powerful instruments ever devised. For once an idea gets out, there’s no going back.

By the time they get back to The Ranch, everyone is beginning to give Miko a hard time. James listens to it for awhile before putting a stop to it. “Leave him alone, guys. He made a mistake, but for the right reasons.”

Miko gives him a look of gratitude as the others quit pestering him. Once they’re back at The Ranch, James says to Illan, “We’re leaving in the morning. See that everyone is ready to go.”