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“How do you expect to get his attention?”

“His attention?”

“And once you’ve got it, how do you hold onto it, Kendra?”

“Hold onto it?”

“Yeah. Think about it. You ever had a boyfriend before?”

Her eyebrows pulled down at the outer ends and her eyes filled with sadness. “Nuh-no. I haven’t.” She bowed her head.

“Lucky you met me, Kendra,” Regent said.

“How come?”

“Because I’m going to teach you what men want so you can go get this boy you like. You’ll be able to get any guy you like.”

The sadness seeped out of her eyes like invisible tears. “Will you, really?”

“Yep. And the first thing you need to know is that men are going to love your breasts.”

“They will?”

“They’ll want to look at them,” he said. “They’ll want to touch them, and put their mouths on them.”

“Really?” Butterflies fluttered in Kendra’s stomach and she felt wonderfully naughty as she smiled at Regent.

“That’s right. That’s why, for starters, I’d like to get some pictures of you without the bra, but with the shirt on. How’s that sound. Will you do that?”

“Sure,” she said. She took the shirt off and tossed it onto the bed, and reached back to unfasten the bra. She stopped and looked at him. “Um, could you… turn around?”

“Oh, sure,” he said. He turned his back to her and waited.

She turned around, too. Unable to believe she was doing it, but delighting in the adrenaline burst it gave her and the delicious sense of naughtiness that crept up inside her, she unfastened the bra in back. What if Mommy saw her now, taking off her bikini bra? She would be horrified.

Kendra tossed the bra onto the bed and put the plaid shirt back on. She started to button it, then remembered that he wanted her to leave it unbuttoned. She turned around and found that his back was still to her. “How’s this?” she said.

He turned and took in a little gasp and stood there and looked at her for a long time.


Regent stood with his mouth open, taking her in. She stood before him in the shorts, the plaid shirt hanging open in front. The inner scoops of her milky breasts were visible above her flat belly.

He wanted to tear that shirt off of her and take her on the bed right then and there. It took a great effort not to reach out and touch her, to pull her into his arms and push his mouth against hers, bury one hand in those luxurious locks of hair. He looked into her eyes – eyes that, without her even realizing it, he suspected, made promises she might not be able to keep.

She oozed sex. It glowed off her, luminescent and warm. And she didn’t even know it.

Regent knew this might take some time. He’d already gotten farther than he’d expected for the first session. But he fully expected her to freeze up at some point soon. He’d need to make her more comfortable, maybe wait till the next day, or the day after that. He needed to gain her trust, that was the key.

“Why don’t you lie back on the bed like that,” he said.

Kendra did as she was told. She got on the bed and stretched out on her back.

“Prop yourself up on your elbows,” he said.

She did. Up on her elbows, the shirt spread open a little more, but it still did not fully reveal her breasts.

It was maybe the sexiest thing he’d ever seen – Kendra lying there like that on her back, one knee cocked, the inner sides and partial undersides of her breasts visible, her skin creamy and unblemished, head back as she looked down her nose at the camera.

Regent wanted to lick those thighs, to kiss the flesh between her breasts. He wanted to feel her legs wrap around him as he slammed into her.

But that would have to wait.

He realized he had an erection, and he turned away from her. Just looking at her made him hard, made him warm and hungry for her touch. But he had to be careful with this one – she wasn’t like all the others. She was different, a challenge. But God, she was incredible. He decided to go ahead and let her see his erection – let her know what she did to him, to men.

She got on all fours facing the camera and the unbuttoned shirt fell open and her breasts dangled and swayed with the slightest movement.

“Beautiful,” he said as he took a few more pictures. “Now,” he said, cautious, smiling. “How would you feel about taking the shirt off?”

She smiled and said, “You want to see my boobies?”

“Yes, I do, Kendra – the whole world is going to want to see your boobies!”

She laughed as she stood upright on her knees. She shed the shirt and tossed it onto the floor beside the bed.

She was feeling that wine, he could tell. She was a little tipsy, just happy enough to keep her going.

Kendra knelt before him wearing only the denim cutoffs. Her breasts were generous scoops of pale flesh, capped by puffy, pale-rosy nipples.

“You said… men will… like this?” she said. She wore an expression of uncertainty – almost childlike uncertainty.

“Men will eat it up, Kendra. This is what men love, it’s what they want. They’re going to be crazy about you. I’m going to use you in the preview section, and I bet you’ll pull in plenty of members all by yourself.”

She smiled a little. “Is that… good?”

“That’s very good,” he said as he kept taking pictures. “Why don’t you touch one of your boobies, there, and – yes, perfect, just with your fingertips like that.”

Her smile grew for a moment, then began to dismantle.

“Are you wearing panties under the shorts?” he said.

“Yuh-yes. Why?”

“Let’s get some panty shots, okay? Men love to see a beautiful girl in panties.”

“They do?”

“Oh, yes.”

She stood up on the bed and slowly lowered the cutoffs. They dropped to her ankles and she stepped out of them, kicked them off the bed.

“Great!” Regent said. “Stand right there like that.” He took several pictures looking up at her, naked but for her baby-blue panties, a towering young amazon fresh out of the jungle.

Kendra lifted her hands and put them over her breasts. “I-I… I, uh… um, I… “ She stepped down off the bed and turned her back to him. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, I just, um… I just feel… embarrassed all of a sudden. I think I want to stop now. Is that okay?”

“Sure, if you want to stop now, that’s fine. But, uh… well, maybe we can do more later. Like maybe tomorrow.”

“Uh… well… yeah, maybe.”

She quickly began to put her clothes back on.

“What’s wrong, Kendra?” he said.

“I don’t know, I just… all of a sudden, I felt… naked. It’s not you, Mr. Regent, and I’m real sorry, I just… I just can’t right now.” When she was finished, she turned to him and said, “Can I see the pictures?”

“Sure. Come over tomorrow afternoon and I’ll show them to you.”

“I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if Mommy’ll be working or not.”

“Oh. Then I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“Yeah. Like Mommy says, ‘We’ll see.’” She giggled. “I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t mess anything up for you.”

“No, not at all. I want you to be comfortable with what you’re doing. You know, you’ve got money coming. A hundred dollars.”

“A hundred dollars?” she said, putting a flat palm to her chest. “Wow. A hundred. I’ve never seen that many dollars in one place before. Where will I put them? Mommy’ll want to know where they came from.”

“You want me to keep the money here for you for now?” Regent said.

“Yes, please. Keep it here for me. And one more thing – you won’t, uh, say nothin’ to my mommy, will you?”