Harry laughed. "You ever done that before?"
Zelda nodded. "Yes, I know how to do it. You don't have to worry about that!"
They agreed. They told each other she was the craziest slut they had ever known. But she could see the idea of pissing in her mouth excited them. They agreed that afterward she would be free of them.
She did Tony first. She knelt before him, took his limp cock in her mouth and in a moment he started pissing. During those weeks of bondage, she had learned how to swallow fast while she had just the tip of the cock in her mouth. Tony emptied himself in a steady stream and not a drop of his piss was spilled. "Jesus fucking Christ!" he said.
Harry giggled. "Come on, it's my turn."
Harry's fat cock-head was soon in Zelda's mouth. He pissed like a horse. She gulped ad swallowed, her throat burning now. But she got it all and his bladder was finally empty.
They kept their end of the bargain. They kept their clothes on and left her. She lay there in the empty warehouse, waiting until she heard the patrol car drive away. The only thing she could think about was that they might have killed her. The idea of that had been in the back of her head all the time. Two cops could kill her as easily as anything and get away with it. They knew how.
Ten minutes later she left the warehouse and started walking. She had only a vague idea where she was. This pert of town was unfamiliar to her. The district was commercial and the streets were deserted. All she could do was keep walking.
She walked block after block for about a mile. Then, at the end of an empty stretch of land, she came across a small church. She stopped and looked at it. Why not? she thought. If anyone could help her, it would be in there.
The door was unlocked. She walked inside and found the little church empty. Then suddenly a door at the side opened and a man appeared. He had a round face and a white collar around his throat. The preacher.
"Yes?" he said.
Zelda poured everything out, sobbing out a story of slavery and rape. She opened her raincoat to show him she was naked. The preacher stared at her with astonished eyes. Then his eyes turned empty.
"Cover yourself," he said. "Cover yourself and come with me."
She followed him through the side door and into a vestry. Then through another door and into a small kitchen. He opened a drawer.
"What's your name?" the preacher said.
She looked at him. "Zelda Reed."
He nodded. "That's a good name. It means obedience. Now give me your hands."
In a daze, she extended her hands. The preacher smiled at her, held her hands with his, and then suddenly something clicked and Zelda was horrified to see her wrists in handcuffs.
"We've been waiting for you," the preacher said. "And now at last the good Lord has brought you to us."
Holding her shackled wrists, he slammed his knee into Zelda's stomach.
"Praise the Lord!" the woman said.
Thee were about two dozen people in the small church, half men and half women. They sat in the pews, their eyes fixed on the dais whet Zelda sat in a chair.
Zelda was bound to the chair. She was naked. She was gagged. Her legs were spread and everyone in the congregation could see the bush of her cunt between her thighs.
The preacher was in the small pulpit. He began talking. Zelda was in a daze and she only half listened. She heard him say she had been given to the congregation by the Lord. She had been given as a gift in reward for their virtue.
Zelda was mortified by the way they looked at her. All those people. Their eyes on her tits and exposed pussy. She felt helpless. Like a cornered animal bound and displayed for public inspection.
Now the preacher was talking about sin. He recounted the dreadful punishments that awaited the sinner. He said Zelda had been sent to them as an example. He said Zelda was a sinner now repenting in her bondage. Zelda trembled as she listened. She wondered what they would do with her. Nothing seemed to have gone right since her escape from the Bronson house. First the two cops and now this.
She tried closing her legs, but it was no use. They had her securely tied. She felt all those eyes on her. She had never been exposed to so many people at one time before. Then she remembered all the horrible things she had experienced and she told herself this wasn't so terrible. In a way it was even exciting. Her cunt was certainly the center of everyone's attention. She had an urge to giggle. You're going crazy, she thought. But the excitement was there. She could feel it in her pussy. She suspected her pussy was wet and maybe they could see it. The thought of that turned her on even further. Finally the sermon was finished. A bowl moved from hand to hand in the audience, one person after another tossing money into it. They were a mix of people, some young and some old. Zelda realized she was hungry. She hadn't eaten anything in a long time.
Then the preacher said something to the congregation. Two men stepped forward. They came to Zelda, lifted her and the chair together, and carried her away into the adjoining vestry.
Bound and gagged, she sat there in the vestry while the preacher and the two men talked to each other. Then suddenly the preacher came to Zelda and pulled the gag out of her mouth.
Zelda wanted to shout. She warned to demand her release. To beg them to release her. But her jaws were stiff and no sound came out. The preacher held her jaw open while one of the men came forward with a muzzle of some kind. In a moment they had the muzzle in place. The contraption kept Zelda's jaws wide open. She had trouble swallowing. She was terrified.
"All right, Zelda," the preacher said. "You can be the first."
The man called Zeb positioned himself in front of Zelda. Her eyes wide, she watched him unzip his fly and bring his cock out. He fingered his soft cock and began to stroke it. His prick gradually stiffened in his hand and he moved forward to get his cock-knob resting on Zelda's tongue. A moment later he grunted and shot off in her mouth. Four jets of hot spunk splashed over the back of her tongue and started leaking down her throat. Because her jaws were clamped open, she had to work her throat muscles in order to swallow. It was either that or choke on his jism.
Before she had it all down, the second man was in front of her. Once again she had a prickhead on her tongue, the man's fingers stroking his cock-shaft. This one chuckled as he came. He wagged his cock-head around inside her mouth, rolling it over her tongue as the jism spurted out of his piss-hole.
"It's a whore's mouth!" he said. "I bet she's had a thousand cocks in it!"
After that ten more men filed into the vestry one after the other to jerk off in Zelda's mouth. Her tongue and palate and teeth were covered with spunk. She had the smell of it in her nose and the feel of it sliding down her throat.
One of the men who dumped his load in her mouth looked familiar. Like someone from Zelda's past life. Had she ever had a past life? She couldn't tell any more. These days she could hardly remember it. She quickly forgot about the man. The hem sliding down her throat required all her attention.
Finally the men were gone and only the preacher remained. He smiled at her. His fingers worked at the muzzle and in a moment her jaws were free.
"You did well," he said. "They will all pray for you."
Zelda worked her jaws to get the stiffness out. "Please let me go!" she said. "You can't keep me here. It's kidnapping, you know. But if you let me go now, I promise not to tell anyone!"
The preacher chuckled. He reached down, hefted one of her tits in his hand and pulled at her nipple. "You're a Jezebel!"
Then he opened his fly and brought his cock out. He ran his cock-head back and forth over her lips.
"Please let me go," she said.