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“I know it’s crazy but I just remembered it because when I said I had run that day at lunchtime, he had laughed as he had had lunch with a Mr. Rahn,” added Frankie to put a bit more context around why she had remembered the weather being different.

Reid’s second eye left her screen and stared at Frankie, giving her her full attention.

“He had lunch with a Mr. Rahn?”

Frankie nodded.

Reid stood up. “Charlie?” she called across to another female FBI Agent a few desks away.


“What was the name of the bank that the prince made the transfer to, earlier this morning?”

Charlie rifled through some notes. “Rahn & Boderman, but it was just from one internal private account to another.”

“Thanks,” said Reid, her excitement building. They were onto something.

“$250 million dollars,” added Charlie.

Reid nodded. That part she had remembered.

“Frankie, sorry to interrupt, but I’ve got a guy from NOAA holding for you, he said it’s urgent,” said an agent who had come to find her.

Frankie thanked him and took the call on Reid’s phone. After listening to the NOAA operator, she thanked him for his quick work.

“There were heavy hailstorms on that day in Southwest Germany and Northeast Switzerland,” said Frankie, updating Reid on the latest intel.

Reid pulled up a map on her computer and found what she expected.

“Northeast Switzerland, Zurich. The location of the Rahn & Boderman private bank.”

Reid called Dan Gimenez over. An internet search and a call to Interpol resulted in the home phone number of a Mr. Paul Rahn, one of the main partners of the Rahn & Boderman Bank. After numerous inquiries into whom he was talking to, would do nothing more than confirm that the prince was an account holder. As for the money transfer, he was far more interested in how the US authorities were aware of the transaction. Getting nowhere, Dan informed Rahn that the US government would do everything within its power to ruin his bank should he fail to cooperate. Rahn hung up.

“Shit,” said Reid.

“He’ll call back,” said Dan assuredly.

“I don’t think so.”

Dan pulled up a web page and pointed to the entry for Rahn & Boderman. “That’s why he’ll call back. Unlimited Liability.”

Reid looked confused.

“Very few Swiss banks still operate on that model. Basically, the partners have full responsibility for any losses the bank incurs. Just look up Wegelin Bank, they were the oldest private bank in Switzerland,” said Dan. “I emphasize were.”

Before Reid or Frankie had a chance to look it up, Paul Rahn called back.

“I have a meeting scheduled tomorrow morning with the recipient account holder.”

“Do you have a name?” asked Dan.

“In a safe in my office. All I have is the account number in my diary.”

“Can you get me the name?”

“Of course, when we open the bank in the morning,” he replied, ending the call again.

“Thanks, Dan, you’re a star,” said Reid. She grabbed Frankie’s arm. “Let’s go,” she said, taking her notes and heading up to Turner’s office.

Frankie popped her head into Carson’s office on the way. “Come on, you’ll want to hear this!”

Once in Turner’s office, Turner and Carson both listened as Frankie and Reid updated them on the latest discovery.

Carson checked his watch when the two finished. “Twelve hours until the bank opens its doors.”

“Plenty of time to get there,” replied Turner. “I’ll get the jet prepped.”

Carson shook his head. “Mine’s bigger than yours, we can take a team with us.” He walked onto the gangway and shouted down to the floor below. “Flynn, my office! Oh and I suppose you’d better bring Barry,” he added, noting Barry’s interest peak.

“Ladies, can you hold the fort?” asked Turner.

Reid nodded.

“Frankie, you’re coming,” said Carson, walking back into the office, answering for Frankie before she could respond.

Chapter 29

Monday 7th July

After a circuitous route checking for any tails, Nick retrieved his second planted vehicle just a mile from Farsi’s stronghold. The small Peugeot had seen better days but the simplicity of its engine ensured it started instantly on reconnection of its battery. Not a soul on the planet knew of his new mode of transport or where he was headed. He checked the mirror and didn’t recognize the face looking back at him. So far, everything had run perfectly to plan. He tuned the radio to Beur FM, an Arab radio station, and headed south.

His meeting with the banker was penciled in for 8:30 a.m., which gave him plenty of time to avoid the main routes and once again take the less obvious ones. It was a long drive but he’d rested well through the day and would have plenty of time to sleep after his meeting.

* * *

The C-32 landed at 6:30 a.m. local time in Zurich. The military version of the Boeing 757 was designed for VIP travellers and so delivered a fresh and energized team ready for the task ahead. One of Barry’s SOG teams met them at the airport with transport for the thirty operatives Flynn had brought with them. Another SOG team was already in position, preparing the ground around the bank and scoping out positions for the rest of the team.

A car awaited the rest of the team. Their role was to meet with Rahn at his home and explain what was required of him. If possible, Nick would be taken down before reaching the bank. However, should the opportunity for a clean takedown not be available, they would take him during his meeting with Rahn.

Their arrival at Rahn’s home had been less than welcoming. Their visiting him at his private residence at any hour was outrageous and at 7:00 a.m. even more so. He had insisted that they leave and would meet them at his office at 8:25 when he normally arrived for work. Turner and Frankie had complied with his request and turned to retrace their steps to the waiting car. Carson, however, had not.

Five minutes later, he called them back to a far more receptive Rahn, who invited them in.

“What did you say to him?” Frankie whispered to Carson.

“I just told him he wouldn’t be the first banker I had arranged to disappear in Lake Zurich.” He smiled wickedly. Frankie had a horrible feeling that there was far more truth to that statement than should have been the case. It certainly had transformed Paul Rahn and begged the question of how many Swiss bankers had vanished over the years for Carson to be taken at his word.

Turner explained to Rahn what they expected. However, a call from Barry and Flynn soon changed all of that. The street was empty. A team would be spotted far too easily. The takedown would have to be in the bank. Rahn’s face fell further. A look from Carson ensured his compliance.

“When do you normally leave for the bank?” asked Turner.

“7:57,” replied Rahn, “which gets me into the office between 8:23 and 8:25 a.m. Leaving at 8:00 adds an extra ten minutes to the journey.” “The most important thing is that you keep to the routine,” said Turner.

“How many entrances and exits?” asked Frankie.

“One main entrance and one fire exit,” said Rahn. “And one exit from the vaults below. But there are a number of security doors that only open outwards. It also links to a building behind which was the original bank building.”

“Can we get in that way?”

Rahn made a call and wrote down the address.

“Call Flynn and give him the address,” said Carson to Turner. “Mr. Rahn, we’ll meet you inside the bank and don’t worry, we’ll make sure you and your staff come to no harm.”