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“This is Pedro. We met in Spain.”

Killian raised an eyebrow. “Is there a reason you brought Pedro from Spain or have you upped your business from things to people?”

The color on Maraveet’s face darkened. “He and I might have gotten married.”

“Married?” Killian’s mouth opened and closed a few times before the rest of his exclamation poured out. “How? When?”

“Well, it’s a bit of a story.” Maraveet grimaced. “But basically, he was trying to arrest me and I seduced him.”

“I wasn’t trying,” the man muttered with a dry little frown that was contradicted by the laughter in his eyes. “I did arrest you.”

His rich, Hispanic purr was almost as delicious as Killian’s Irish one. It rumbled flawlessly over the kitchen, tangling with the spicy scent of cooked meat.

“You’re a cop?” Juliette blurted. “You married a cop?”

“I don’t think what we did with those handcuffs can be construed as arresting,” Maraveet said to her husband before turning her attention to Juliette. “Not anymore. I’ve converted him to the dark side…” she broke off when Pedro raised an eyebrow. “We might have converted each other. No more arresting for him, no more … borrowing for me.”

Killian glanced from one to the other, his expression bright with hope. “Does this mean…?”

Maraveet shrugged with a teasing grin. “I might have hung up my hat. Kind of had to…” With a bite of her lip, she touched her flat belly and Juliette squealed.


Giggling, Maraveet nodded. “Only just found out last month. Pedro and I decided it was time to get a house and a fence and maybe a dog, but a big one with lots of teeth.”

“I think I need a drink.” Killian blew out a breath.

“You’re not leaving, are you?” Juliette asked. “Supper’s already on the table and I want to hear more about how you guys got together.” She turned her attention away from the pair to the baffled maid huddled just inside the doorway between the kitchen and the hallway. “Aniela, can you please set room for two more?”

Bobbing her head, Aniela peeled herself away from the doorframe and hurried to do as she was asked.

Maraveet glanced at Pedro. “We can stay a little bit, yes?”

Tawny eyes settled on her face with the absolute devotions of a man head over heels in love. “If you like.”

Beaming, Maraveet took his hand, but looked to Juliette. “We’ll stay.”

Dinner was filled with talks of Maraveet’s adventures, of Pedro’s chase to capture the thief stealing art pieces all over Spain and him finally capturing her, only to fall captive himself. It was filled with laughter and all the things that Juliette had always wanted filling her home, love, friendship, and happiness. But also the promise of a tomorrow. She only wished Vi had been there. The table just wasn’t complete without her.

Maraveet and Pedro stayed the night. Killian showed them to the guestroom as Juliette put Callum to bed. The boy had said very little since the incident. While he was normally a reasonably quiet child, she knew he would have had a million questions. They had told him of his Aunt Maraveet, had told him she was far away and it had taken them a week to answer all his questions. For him to be so sullen meant something was wrong and Juliette knew exactly what it was and it broke her heart that he had to go through it at all.

“Hey, want a story?” she asked as she drew the sheets around his tiny chest.

He shook his head.

Juliette sighed and perched on the mattress next to him. “Want to talk about what’s making you sad?”

Dark eyes lifted and it always amazed her how much they reminded her of Killian’s; they both had such open, expressive eyes.

“I didn’t like the bookshelf,” he whispered. “I don’t want to go in there again.”

With her pregnancy hormones, it was a task not to burst into tears at the solemn declaration. She stalled having to answer by brushing strands of hair off his brow.

“Mommy and Daddy will always protect you,” was all she could promise. “We will never let anything hurt you or your sister.”

“Will she have to go in the bookshelf?”

“Not if we can help it.” Killian stepped into the room, his hands tucked casually into his pockets.

“I don’t want her going in there.” His small mouth pursed in determination. “She won’t like it and I won’t let her.”

Juliette rose off the bed, her emotions overwhelming her as tears started a steady trickle down her cheeks. She quickly kissed Callum on the forehead, whispered she loved him before hurrying from the room.

She was standing by the terrace in the room she shared with Killian when he joined her. He shut the door and crossed over to stand behind her. His arms slipped around her middle and he drew her back against his chest.

“I hated that,” she croaked.

“I know. Me too.”

Her back shuddered with a quiet sob. “I never … ever wanted to do that.”

His arms tightened. “It won’t happen again. Maraveet didn’t think. I’ll talk to her. We’re safe, Juliette. I promise you. You and our babies, I won’t let anything happen to any of you.”

Swallowing, she wiped her eyes and turned to face him. “I’ll be okay. I’m just shaken. Plus the hormones, I’m a mess.”

He took her face between his palms. “You’re a beautiful mess.” He smiled when she chuckled.

“How is he?”

Gentle hands brushed hairs off her damp cheeks. “He’ll be okay. I promised him a hike along the beach tomorrow. We’re going to look for mermaids.”

“That sounds nice.” She sighed. “I’m glad he’s okay.”

Nodding, he tugged her closer to him. “It’s our anniversary this weekend. Any regrets so far?”

“Only one.” She tangled her arms around his neck and peered up at him with a teasing grin. “Those five months—”

“Jesus, woman! Are you never going to let me live that down?”

Juliette shook her head. “Never. It’s five months I didn’t have you and it was your fault.”

With a frustrated growl, he kissed her hard. His hands tangled in her hair as he gripped her viciously close and plundered her mouth until she was a burning ball of fire on the verge of imploding. Then, just as effortlessly, the kiss softened. It slowed to a gentle sweetness that melted her into weightless vapors.

“Then I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, lamb,” he vowed quietly against her swollen mouth. “Just give me forever with you.”

Dizzy, Juliette raised her eyes to his. “If you insist.”

His mouth broke into a dazzling smile. “I do.”


About Airicka Phoenix

Self-proclaimed romance addict, Airicka Phoenix lives in a world where unicorns, fairies and mermaids run amok through her home on a daily basis. When she's not chasing after pixies and rounding up imps, also known as her four children, she can be found conjuring imaginary friends to play with. Airicka is the prolific author of over eighteen novels for those who crave strong, female leads, sexy alpha heroes and out of control desires. She's a multi genre author who writes young adult, new adult and adult contemporary and paranormal romance.

For more about Airicka and the realm she rules with an iron fist--and tons of chocolate--visit her at:


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