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Juliette blinked. “A year? Why—?”

“Because that night wasn’t enough. Because I can’t stop wanting you and that is a problem. A year will ensure that I have successfully fucked you out of my system.”

Her heart escalated in rhythm. “And if it doesn’t?”

“It has to.” His dark gaze jumped from her eyes to her mouth, which parted obediently. Yet their traitorous actions were nothing compared to the familiar tingle that vaulted recklessly up her body, tightening and pinching places aching for him. “Read it. Sign it. Bring it to me. If you don’t bring it yourself in one week, then I will consider that your rejection.”

It was moments like that where Juliette wished she had a friend. Another person she could trust enough to confess her worries and pains. As it were, all decisions were left on her exhausted shoulders.

The contract lay in her lap as she watched the flow of people strolling the hotel grounds. The afternoon sun was a brilliant, yellow ball of joy glistening against a flawless blue sky. Rays shimmered off the surface of the lake where children pitched in rocks and scrambled back and forth over the stone bridge. Couples wandered the trails, exploring the lush landscape the brochure promised while Juliette sat out of sight on a shady bench, deliberating what was sure to be yet another epic twist in her life.

The rational thing was to accept Killian’s offer. One year with him was practically a carnival ride compared to a lifetime with Arlo. But the idea of belonging to another person, of signing her entire life over to someone she didn’t know for a whole year scared the shit out of her. Even if it meant getting out of the hell she was in, who was to say Killian wouldn’t turn out to be even worse?

While no part of her believed that for even a moment, she debated her decision. Part of her wished she had Killian’s number so she could talk some of the contract over with him. Not that there was a single unclarified line in the whole thing.

Since offering her an escape almost three days before, all Juliette had done was read and reread every paragraph. She skimmed and circled and dissected every word and still she was no closer to solidifying her resolve. Even as she sat there and watched children play, she was not ready.

Gingerly, she pried open the top of the envelope and drew out the wad of papers from inside. There were a lot, practically a small book and each page had an extensive amount of writing that seemed to surpass a mere sleeping arrangement for a year. But she tucked her legs under her and read over his conditions.

This agreement is between Killian McClary (hereafter called The Primary) and

___________________________________________________ ,

(hereafter called The Secondary.) For a one year agreement: Hereafter referred to as The Agreement.

Anal, was the first thing that came to her mind. Every condition was explained to an inch of its life, leaving no mistake in the reader’s mind that there was no exception to those rules, nor should there be an excuse to not follow them to the letter. There were only fifteen, but well over thirty pages.


The Secondary:

1. The Agreement will begin from the time the two parties (The Primary and The Secondary) have signed the contract and both have agreed on the conditions.

2. By signing The Agreement, The Secondary has agreed that she will make herself readily available to The Primary at any and all hours of the day or night within the one year cycle with the exception of her respite.

3. The Secondary will not have relations with outside parties at any time during the year stated in The Agreement. Failure to abide will results in severe consequences as well as termination of The Agreement.

4. The Secondary acknowledges the fact that this arrangement is in no way a relationship and thus has no rights, holdings or say in business ventures overseen by The Primary. She has no legal or financial jurisdiction over any companies, holdings, bonds or institutions other than that to which is agreed upon.

5. By agreeing to The Agreement, The Secondary has accepted that she will, to the best of her abilities, maintain a certain level of appearance, hygiene, and decorum. Regular physicals and maintenance must be made and provided to The Primary upon request.

6. The Secondary acknowledges that she will be given one week a month in respite where she is free to spend her time as she so chooses. The week is chosen by The Secondary at the start of each month and disclosed to The Primary in writing.

7. The Secondary has accepted and acknowledged that at no point in the year stated in the Agreement will she knowingly manipulate The Agreement into a relationship, which also includes spending the night, monopolizing The Primary’s time outside the agreed upon slots stated and, or extending The Agreement after the initial year period. The Secondary has acknowledged that at the end of the year stated in The Agreement, she will remove all articles of herself, her possessions and belongings of all places resided by The Primary. No further contact shall be made henceforth that isn’t initiated by The Primary.

8. The Secondary has agreed that at no time during the year stated in The Agreement will she allow herself to produce children. Precautions must be taken at all times through the year stated in The Agreement. Failure to do so will result in termination of The Agreement and penalties will be applied. Evidence must be given of contraception once a month without exceptions.


The Primary:

9. The Primary has agreed that by signing The Agreement, he has taken upon himself the responsibility of The Secondary’s wellbeing financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. At no given time can this be altered or negotiated.

10. The Primary is responsible for regular health examinations which will be given to The Secondary upon request.

11. The Primary will cease all relations outside The Agreement for the year stated.

12. Should The Primary and/or The Secondary wish to terminate The Agreement at any point or time, a thirty day written notice must be submitted to the other party and notarized by a witness present.

13. The Primary will abide by all boundaries in or out of all agreed slots stated in The Agreement. The Primary will cease all acts immediately upon The Secondary’s request without question. The Primary will not force, coerce, or harm The Secondary at any time or point in the year stated in The Agreement.

14. The Primary will respect and acknowledge The Secondary’s respite once a month and never question her time away from The Primary.


15. Both parties acknowledge that The Agreement is temporary and will terminate promptly one year to the day. Both parties acknowledge that they are in the right state of mind while signing The Agreement. They acknowledge that they were not coerced or under the influence of alcohol or narcotics while signing The Agreement.





Juliette reread the thing from the start, trying to find even a hint of something strange, but it was all so fair and precise. There was no reason at all why she couldn’t easily follow the rules, why she couldn’t make it work. If it meant being away from Arlo and not having to work as much … why not?

Nevertheless, she slipped the papers into the envelope and rose to her feet, her break over.

He’s crazy, Juliette told herself a few hours later as she tore the sheets off a queen sized mattress and tossed them in pile next to the door. Of course she wasn’t going to accept. Who the hell would? A year with a guy she barely knew and only as his fuck toy. Where the hell was the dignity in that? Did he really think she would just jump at the chance to be his mistress?