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“Can I have him now?”

His cock swelled, a fate that should have been impossible considering the raw shade it was already in and the amount of clear liquid that was coating the top and trickling down the shaft.

Fucking woman! Killian thought as he dragged her to him by the hips. She was going to be the death of him. He knew it even as he forcibly twisted her over onto her stomach. Her feet hit the floor and he kicked them apart as wide as they would go. The worn elastic of her panties snapped easily beneath his violent yank. He knew there would be marks on her hips from the assault, but that was the last thing on his mind when he cupped her, turning her cry of surprise into a mewl of pleasure with just a flick of his fingers.


Liquid heat rushed over his fingers, burning skin and drawing him to the pool at her opening. The tight ring gave easily, greedily sucking him into the slick channel of her body. Her ass thrust back into his palm, her back arching like a cat begging to be stroked. Her incoherent sobbing fanned in a white fog across the desk and he knew he wouldn’t last. What hot blooded male would when his woman was dripping all over his floor and mewling like a vixen in heat?


Abandoning her welcoming heat, Killian stalked to the other side of his desk. The drawer rattled with the anticipation vibrating through him. His entire body was fraught with a dark, endless need that gripped him like ropes of fire driving him to claim what was his. The craving came from somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach, a dormant evil prowling to claw free. For years he had fought back the beast, had kept it in check and away from innocent life and for years it had obeyed without complaint. It had sat subdued and hungry in the dark corner of his soul.

Until now. Until Juliette. Damn if he knew what it was about her, but every fiber, nerve, muscle, bone, and monster in him wanted her. Wanted to claim and own her. It was a dangerous path, one he knew he would never recover from if he let himself stray. But it was more than that. It was the fear of hurting her that had him tightening the chains.

“Killian?” Juliette lifted her head, her face shadowed by tendrils of tangled hair. “What’s wrong?”

Rather than tell her the truth or tell her to run fast and run far, he grabbed the silver foil from his wallet and slammed the drawer shut. She didn’t ask again as he made his way back around behind her. He tore the packet open with his teeth while yanking his trousers down the rest of the way with his free hand.

He plunged inside her with a single, powerful thrust. The momentum drove her up onto her toes. It rattled the monitor on his desk dangerously. There was no warning, no restraint but the bruising clamps of his fingers on her hips, holding her prisoner to his needs. Her sharp sob destroyed him. It rang through the room in a sweet symphony that sang to his very core. The tangle of pain and pleasure clawed down his spine, propelling him deeper. His heart screamed between his ears, a deafening sound of triumph. His cock throbbed as it settled in the velvet case of her body.

Panting, he held himself a moment, giving her time to adjust, needing her to brace before he lost himself again.

“Don’t stop!”

The plea was followed by the frantic wiggle of her ass, by the push back of her hips, and the greedy ripple of her muscles around his cock. Any restraint he could have possibly hoped for snapped. Every ounce of his control vanished as he pumped inside her, thrusting deeper and harder each time until she was screaming and coming in a wild flail.

He fisted her hair. The damp tendrils formed a beautiful knot around his hand as he jerked her head back. His free hand snaked around her middle and found the pulsing bundle between slick lips.

“Again!” he hissed.

She did with a guttural sound that tore from her chest. Killian released her hair and her head fell forward as though her neck could no longer support its weight. A fine sheen of sweat had formed along the jagged line of her spine. It seemed to shimmer with every ragged heave of her back. Killian smirked to himself as bucked his hips three more times and came.

Thick, white cream gleamed along his cock when he withdrew from her. He was tempted to make her clean it off him and even started to reach for her when his phone buzzed across the smooth surface of his desk with a noisy clatter. Juliette stirred and forced herself up onto her feet. She glanced at the phone before turning to him, still braced against the desk as though her legs hadn’t returned to their full function. Her lips parted in a smile, a smug, satisfied sort of smile that tightened a knot in the pit of his stomach.

The sight of her pinkened cheeks, her swollen mouth and her lack of clothes did odd things to his insides. It filled him with an arrogance he hadn’t bothered with in the past. His lovers always left gratified, but it was different with Juliette. With her, there was a sort of pride swelling up in his chest at the knowledge that he had pleased her.

“I guess that’s our cue that our time is up,” she said. “You should probably get back to work, huh?”

He wanted to tell her he worked when he wanted to and whoever was calling could wait, but he knew that if he touched her again, he’d drag her into the bedroom and neither of them would leave for a very long time. The need for her hadn’t been quenched. If anything, nearly destroying his desk had been more of a snack than an actual meal. Already he could feel himself hardening for another round.

“Marco will take you home,” he said instead. “He’ll stay with you for the day and bring you back here tonight.”

She blinked. “Tonight?”

Common sense abandoning him, he closed the space separating him from her and trapped her between him and the desk. The heels of his hands dug into the edges of the table on either side of her hips as he leaned in close enough to skim her lips with his.

“I want to see your new clothes,” he whispered against her mouth. “And we’re not done.”

To prove it, he ground his rock hard shaft into the soft flesh of her belly, smearing her juices across the skin of both their stomachs. Her weak gasp burned against his chin. Her pupils diluted. She lifted her hands and anchored her fingers into his shoulders.

“Can we—?”

“Tonight,” he cut in before she could steal anymore of his control.

Her bottom lip puckered, but she grudgingly obeyed. “Can I borrow some clothes then? You ripped all of mine.”

A grin worked up around his mouth no matter how hard he fought to hold it at bay. He drew back. His fingers drifted to the buttons on his dress shirt. The material came undone easily and he shrugged out of it.

“I don’t think you’d fit in my trousers,” he told her. “But this should be long enough to cover most of you.”

Fighting back her own grin, Juliette accepted the top and eased into it, her eyes never leaving his. She did up the buttons and held out her arms.

“How do I look?”


It covered all the things that needed covering. The sleeves fell well over her hands and the hem stopped just at her knees, but nothing about it deterred the imagination. Maybe it was because he knew she wore nothing but a bra underneath, but he could picture every curve as though the material was transparent. Also, there was something mystifyingly enticing about her in his clothes that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. All he knew was that she looked sexy as all fuck and the penis he had yet to tuck away took great pleasure in noticing.

“I take it that you like it,” she teased, eyeing his shiny, new erection.

He glowered at her and stuffed himself back inside his pants. “Go.”

Catching her bottom lip between her teeth to contain the laughter he could see shining in her eyes, Juliette skirted around him and quickly gathered her clothes. She pressed them to her chest as she turned back to him.