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“I just want the truth.”

He considered that solemnly and gave a curt nod. “All right. I changed your schedule.”

Some of the tightness loosened around her chest. “Why?”

“Because I wanted to take you somewhere and it was supposed to be a surprise.”

Her gaze went to the dress. “Why not just tell me that? I could have booked the time off—”

He shook his head. “That defeats the purpose of a surprise.”

She knew she could have given him a hundred different ways he could have gone about the situation, but another question came to mind.

“How? How did you get it changed?”

He opened his mouth. Closed it. A sort of grudging acceptance tightening his mouth.

“I asked Harold to do it.”

“And he just did it?”

Killian nodded. “Basically, yes.”

A more disturbing thought occurred to her. “Tell me you didn’t get me the promotion,” she whispered.

“I didn’t get you the promotion,” he mimicked without missing a beat.


“I promise.”

Inclined to believe him, having no reason not to, she relented. Her gaze went to the dress, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“What was the surprise?” she asked.

“A party,” he said with a deep exhale. “But we might have missed that train.”

She followed his gaze to the alarm clock next to the bed. It was already creeping to nearly three.

“It’s over?” she asked.

“If it’s not, it will be soon,” he answered.

Guilt tugged at her chest. “I’m sorry.”

Killian shrugged. “It won’t be the first or the last.”

It was said flippantly, like it didn’t bother him either way, but she could see it in his eyes before he turned away. He had really wanted to take her, had gone through the trouble of getting her a dress and making sure she had the time off. He had even come to her, to her hotel so they could spend some time together before they left.

“Killian…” She went to him. Her hands lifted to his face and she arched on her toes to meet his mouth. She kissed him softly. “I love the dress.”

Dark pools lingered over her face, moved over her mouth before settling on her eyes. “You’ll have to try it on for me.”

She started to, but stopped. She turned back to him with her lip caught between her teeth.

“How about I make it up to you instead?”

A dark eyebrow quirked in clear interest. “I’m listening.”

Grinning, she picked up the dress, folded it neatly, and lay it down amongst the tissue once more. She replaced the lid and faced him once more.

“That’ll be my surprise.”

His eyes glinted. “I do like your surprises.”

Chuckling, she went back to him and circled his shoulders with her arms. “Good. Now kiss me.”

Firm hands settled on her sides and drew her more securely against his naked chest. “Such a demanding witch.”

His mouth dropped to hers.

Juliette left Killian face down across the hotel mattress, naked and fast asleep as she pulled his dress shirt and boxers on. It was mortifying, and nothing fit, but having to roll the waistband of the boxers a few times was better than sneaking out of the hotel naked. She picked up his phone off the nightstand, found Frank’s number and sent a quick text to bring Killian fresh clothes … when he had the chance. Please and thank you. She hit send, set the phone down and gathered her shoes and the box with the dress before sneaking out of the room.

After being a maid for the last four years, the extravagance of the suite no longer impressed her as she tiptoed across the sitting area towards the door. Everything was ivory and gold and gleamed to a stubborn sheen and felt as impersonal as it could possibly get.

Glancing back over her shoulder once, Juliette wrenched open the front door and skirted out quickly.

“Miss Romero?”

Juliette yelped in fright at the deep, rumbling voice that seemed impossibly loud in the deafening silence. The box and her shoes flew from her grasp as she whirled around. They hit the ground with a noisy clatter as both hands jumped to her chest.

Frank regarded her coolly.

“Jesus!” she hissed. “You scared the crap out of me, Frank.”

He had the decency to tip his chin down a notch. “My apologies, ma’am. I received your message.”

Still struggling to force her heart out of her throat and back into her chest, Juliette turned and gathered her things back up. She stood once more and faced the man.

“I had an accident with my clothes,” she explained, not sure why, but being embarrassed enough not to be able to stop herself. “So I’m borrowing Killian’s. He’s sleeping right now, but I’m sure he’ll want clothes for when he leaves.”

He inclined his head. “I will see to it.” He motioned her towards the elevators. “Please allow me to walk you to the car.”

Juliette hesitated. “Is it safe to leave Killian alone? I mean, I’m sure it is. The hotel has cameras, but I’m okay to walk down alone. Thank you.”

Frank studied her a long moment. “Mr. McClary would insist,” he said at last.

Juliette glanced at the closed door and thought of Killian in bed, alone and vulnerable.

“Maybe you could walk me to the elevators and have John and Tyson meet me at the bottom?” she suggested. “I don’t want him left alone,” she whispered and immediately felt foolish.

The guy was in a hotel. What could possibly happen? But if Frank thought she was being overdramatic and ridiculous, he never said as much. He raised his left wrist to his mouth and spoke calmly and clearly into the device, all the while watching her.

“Rendezvous to the elevators,” he said.

If someone responded, Juliette didn’t hear it. But Frank nodded his head and motioned her to start walking.

At the elevators, he pushed the button and then waited with her while the cart rolled up. When it arrived and the door opened, John greeted her. He bowed his head once.

Juliette turned to Frank. “Thank you.”

“Goodnight, ma’am.”

Casting a glance down the hallway in the direction of Killian’s room, she stepped into the cart and watched the door roll shut.

Tyson was waiting below for them. The pair flagged either side of her as they made a quick beeline for the front doors. Juliette paused long enough to slip her feet into her shoes before following the two to the SUV parked outside.

The van was still across the street from her house when they rolled into her driveway next to Phil’s BMW. Juliette glanced at it as she hopped out. John closed the door behind her and started guiding her to the front door, but she dug her heels in.


“Yes ma’am?”

Juliette peered at the van again and then the BMW where Phil was rolling down the driver’s side window to talk to Tyson. It had never dawned on her, but standing there, seeing the cars and how they never seemed to move unless she or Vi were headed somewhere, she couldn’t help wondering if the men ever left or did they stay there and wait? All that time, she’d been under the impression that they left really late and arrived really early. Now, she wasn’t so sure.

“Where do you guys sleep?” she asked.

“Ma’am?” John looked genuinely perplexed.

She faced him. “Do you guys go home? Or do you go to Killian’s?

“No ma’am.”

Juliette started. “Are you telling me that you guys live in my driveway? I mean, what about the bathroom and meals and … sleep? How do you sleep?”

John shifted uncomfortably. “We sleep in shifts, ma’am.”

Juliette frowned. “In the car?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“That … that is horrible!” she gasped. “I have a spare room inside and a sofa and I can get some air mattresses—”

John’s face softened for the first time since she’d met him. “That’s real kind of you, ma’am, but it’s our job.”