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The events of the day resulted in him not caring where he was as long as he could do whatever it took to prevent future attacks, and help whoever was left alive in the areas already hit. It was vital to get some kind of a rescue operation underway. FEMA really had to delivery this time. Two American cities were on fire, large numbers of people dead or injured, and a potentially catastrophic blow had been dealt to the American Military’s supply chain. In connection to that, the potential of massive economic damage was almost beyond imagination, which would cause even more families to suffer thanks to loss of careers, homes, memories, in the very near future. Holy shit, something had to be done.

First thing first. They had to find out who was behind all of this in the first damn place. If that basic question could be answered, then the more important question of potential additional attacks might be possible to answer. That would prevent other people from suffering the same fate. Then, perhaps, they could focus on rescue and recovery.

He, his Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security, the Director of Central Intelligence, his personal doctor, and a few other staff members populated the conference table. How all of these people made it to the unplanned flight he did not know, but he was glad to have them in the room. For a fleeting moment he wondered about these people’s families, and those of the people who had rushed him and his wife and children to the plane in this emergency. It turned out they may even be the right people to solve some of the problems caused by this madness. He wasn’t sure how many more people were on the plane, but he was glad this group was here at this moment.

“Thank you, Doctor,” he said. The doctor had just finished reviewing the types of injuries to expect, but he wasn’t sure what the radiation injuries would be like. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we must speak to the nation, information has to flow, and not just from me. I want a nationwide emergency alert system announcement immediately. I know there has been one already, but we need to send out an update saying we have had no more bombs detonated inside the Continental United States and given the timed coordination of the two that did go off we assume that no others are imminent, but people need to stay alert. We will send out alerts every thirty minutes, with or without additional information, until we are absolutely certain these attacks are over. Sometimes not knowing can cause people’s imagination to run crazy. Let’s be sure to keep information flowing.

“I also think that my face should be on television within the hour. Right now, I want to hear recommendations about what information we should or should not put in the public eye during that address. For instance, there will be rumors that this attack is connected to the assassination of the former Vice President. Should we squelch that yet? Do we even know enough to stop those rumors? General, let’s start with you.”

“Mr. President, I would not get involved in rumor control. It just makes us look defensive, and lowers the weight of anything else you say afterwards. First and foremost, just tell people what we know. Just facts, no speculation. Lay the cards we have out on the table, and let’s not worry about any secrets right now, as we don’t really know any. The news media is already doing the speculating for us, and any more will just add to the existing fear and could lead to more panic.

“Second, tell them that medical care units of all kinds, including military, will be coming into those areas. Stress that the military portion of this aid is medical, or other highly trained units designed for disaster assistance and not troops armed and ready for combat. Stress these facts heavily, and that the military troops are not there as a policing, or defensive force of any kind. It will have to be stressed several times that those troops are there only for medical and disaster assistance. Mister President, this fact cannot be stressed enough. No matter how many times you say it, there could be panic when the American people see troops in their streets. We need to limit those chances as much as possible.”

“Also, stress these troops are not there to prevent any kind of looting or crime that may occur. They are strictly there to help with the physical cleanup and medical needs. We don’t want the local population thinking an invasion has, or is about to occur. The military can in no way be seen as operating against our own population. That would cause all kinds of public sentiment problems that you just do not want.

“Keep your overall message simple. Tell people not to panic. Tell them to keep in mind that panic will cause a situation that only makes things worse.

“Longer term, the Army Corps of Engineers will have to get in there but perhaps we should leave that for later release. Putting out too much information at once will only confuse people. Better to put it out in small digestible bite sized bits.

The General thought for just a moment before continuing, “Today is a day when you should be as brief as possible. Reassure the public. Show them that their government still stands and is working the situation. This is the kind of that governments exist to do. Let them know that in the long term, we will survive. That is what I would do, Mr. President.”

“Thank you General. Les?” he turned to his Chief of Staff.

“Mr. President, I think the General is one hundred percent correct, I would say exactly what he outlined,” virtually everyone around the table nodded in silent agreement to Lester’s affirmation of the General’s statement.

He thought that some of the people looking back at him were either in a state of shock, or perhaps denial about the events of the day as no pictures had come out of the aftermath of the attack yet. People tended to believe only what they could see. The President didn’t permit himself that luxury.

Most of the people at the table were political appointees, and still held the hope that they could keep their jobs under him as he reshaped the Executive Branch. At this point everyone seemed happy to let the General stick out his neck and merely nod in silent agreement while keeping their heads down and their mouth firmly shut. There was one exception, and it was not a voice that the President wanted to hear.

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom London, a fifty something year old man in a rumpled polo shirt and khaki pants always felt as though he had to add something to every conversation. It didn’t matter if it was of value, or just words, he seemed to be in love with the sound of his own voice, and assumed everyone else would be as well, “Mr. President, I think it is important to add that we have no idea which one, if any of the known nuclear powers are behind these attacks. Specifically you should stress that no citizen should respond, or take his or her anger out on anyone. We don’t want Americans turning on Americans. Be sure to add that there should be no targeting any ethnic or religious group.”

The President let out a very audible sigh before speaking. His frustration came through loud and clear, “Mr. Secretary, on a normal day I am only mildly tolerant of all the modern day ‘political correctness’ that slows down our national dialog, and in some cases ceases forward progress on a host of issues. The American people have long since proven their color, and religious blindness. Criminals, should there be any, will be dealt with by the proper authorities. We need not remind people of what they already know. Today I will not tolerate anyone pushing an agenda, and I will do nothing that causes people to be anything other than unified.”

He continued, feeling a bit better after venting his frustration, “We have been attacked and I want all Americans, regardless of skin color, or religious affiliation, to come together without thought or question. I will not go on television and make any statement that will categorize or hyphenate Americans. All that does is separate and divide us as a nation. Today, we are all one. Let’s get this straight people, today we are not African Americans, Irish Americans, or any other nationality Americans. Today, we are Americans. Any questions?”