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She tried to buck her hips so it was harder.  “Who’s in charge, Ashlen?”

She pouted.  “You are, Sir.”

I kissed her, nipped her bottom lip and continued to fuck her slowly.  I could feel her muscles tightening around me and I fought off my own release.  I knew she was close, but I wasn’t going to let her have the orgasm she craved yet.

After what felt like eternity, I whispered, “come,” in her ear.  She screamed and clenched around me so hard that I thought she was going to break me.  I picked up my speed and thrust into her harder, the feeling of tingling in my spine increased and I let myself go.  The power of my orgasm nearly caused me to black out, but I continued working her through her own release.  Finally, when she stopped spasming around me, I rolled over dragging her across my chest and kissing her hair.

“I really do love you, Ash.”

“I love you too, Cris,” she murmured then I felt her breath even out.  I’d let her sleep for a few minutes before I woke her up to give her water and to take care of her red ass. 

Chapter 12


I woke up straddling Cris as he was slowly pressing into me.  I had no idea how he got me into this position, but I was enjoying it too much to ask.  I moaned quietly as I felt him stretching me, and pushed back against him taking him farther.

“Mmm you’re awake, I never thought you’d wake up,” he murmured kissing my neck.

I pushed up against his chest still half-asleep and felt the rest of him slip inside me.  “Oh god,” I groaned as I sat astride him.  He felt amazing inside me.  I noticed that we were in his bed in his house.  I didn’t remember much after he fucked me into oblivion last night.  I shrugged it off and pressed more firmly against him, my clit rubbing against him.

“Feel good, Ash?”


“Then ride me.”

I took that as a challenge and began to slowly rise then slammed my body back down against his, we both groaned.  I continued rising slowly only to force him back inside of me quickly.  We were both panting when he pulled me off him, tossing me on my stomach.  He climbed behind me and jerked me up so my ass was in the air and my shoulders were against the bed.  He thrust into me hard his hips pressing against my still sore ass, and I grunted against the onslaught of sensation.

He didn’t stop to let me get used to the new position but instead went to work fucking me.  Both of us grunting, groaning, and searching for our release.  It was hard, fast, and messy the perfect way to wake up in the morning.  I felt myself flutter around him and he increased his pace until my face was buried in the mattress as I screamed his name.  He continued to pound into me, then grunted shoving himself in deep and staying there.

He finally pulled out and flopped on the bed beside me, while I straightened out my body feeling new aches and pains.  We both laid there quietly trying to get our breathing back in control.  Finally, I rolled over and went in search of my clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed.”


“Because we need to talk and I’d prefer doing that with clothes on.”

“Oh okay,” he muttered.  “You still have some pajama pants and stuff in your drawer.”

I nodded and went to pull them out of the drawer Cris had cleaned out for me months ago; it was just easier to leave clothes here.  I pulled on a pair of warm pajama pants and a tank top then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.  After I was through, I headed to the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast.  I knew I was stalling, but I was trying to process everything that had happened last night and this morning.

“You okay?” Cris asked as he padded into the kitchen in nothing but a pair of unbuttoned jeans.  It was truly unfair that he looked this damn good early in the morning.


“Hmm, yeah, I’m okay,” I said forcing myself to stop staring at his hard chest and defined abdomen.

He smirked and ran a hand down his chest, lightly scratching his stomach.  “What do you want to do today?”

“We need to talk but I thought we could do that over breakfast.”

“Need help?”

“No, thank you.”

I watched as he turned and walked out of the kitchen.  I went to work making us a simple breakfast.  While I was cooking I tried to organize my thoughts, figure out where I stood on his revelation last night.  I never thought about the lines of Dom and boyfriend crossing, but I could see now how they might.  I had some of the same concerns being his sub and being in a relationship with him.  That he would see me being his sub in the bedroom as being a sub in real life.  While I may try to avoid confrontation, I wasn’t willing to be a twenty-four/seven sub either.

“Cris,” I called, “breakfast is ready.”  Then I went about making myself a plate and second cup of coffee.  There would be no more stalling, and I had an idea of what I wanted but I wanted to hear what he had to say first.

I sat down at the table and started eating when he walked in, fixed his own plate and coffee, and sat across from me.  We both ate with  only the sound of forks scraping across plates to disturb the uncomfortable silence.

Finally I dropped my fork on my empty plate and looked at him.  “I get why you have concerns, but I think it would be best if we put our relationship ahead of all the other stuff.”

He looked up at me.  “I agree, we should talk about what’s going on in our lives without the fear of it affecting our other relationship.”

I nodded.  “Yes, and I have my own concerns about the other side of us as well.”


“You do?” I asked concerned she’d been withholding from me as well.

She bit her lip and nodded.  “I know it’s not likely to happen, but I do worry that the Dom/sub relationship we have will leak into our daily relationship.  That you’ll want or expect me to always do what you say, or what you want.  I can’t and won’t do that.”

“I wouldn’t want you to.”

“Okay,” she mumbled.

“Have I done that before?”

She shook her head.  “No, but it’s still a concern.”

I thought about that for a minute and I could see where the concern would come from.  This was going to be more difficult than I thought.  Only I knew if we laid out ground rules like we did at the beginning of our Dom/sub relationship it could work.

“We need rules, guidelines per se, so we can keep everything clear.”

“Yeah, that might work.” Then she looked at me intently. “No lying and no more withholding information.”

“No lying.”

“We need to be able to talk freely about everything without fear of it affecting the other.”

“Yeah, but how do we do that?”

She reached over and grabbed my hand.  “Cris, you won’t look weak to me for telling me things.  I want to be your friend as well as your partner.”

“Okay.” Then we went on to talk about the things I had been holding back—fears about the shop, my relationship with Devi.  We talked, both of us trying to break down the walls that had been closing us off.  We spent the morning just talking, laughing, and enjoying each other.  It was the first time we’d had this since our relationship started, and it was perfect.

After lunch we both received texts from Devi, telling us that there was a family meeting at her place in an hour, and not to be late.

“What’s that about?” I asked.

She shrugged.  “Probably getting everyone ready for the guys leaving on Monday.”