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My beta’s Nikki Sparks, Wendy Bree Rex, and Chrissy Sharp, you three are amazing as always.  Thank you for all you do, for taking time out of your busy lives to help me.  I could never do this without you beside me.

Holly Malgieri, I cannot not say thank you enough for all you do for me.  You help keep me grounded, listen to me bitch, and tell me everything will be okay when I’m ready to quit.  You’re my fairy godmother and I would be lost without you.

I need to once again thank my editor, Tanya Keetch, The Word Maid, for all the hard work she puts in to polishing, correcting, and recorrecting.

I want to thank my awesome cover designer, Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations, she did an absolute amazing job with the cover.

L. Diane Wolfe, Spunk on a Stick, thank you for once again formatting for me. I always love working with you.

There are a lot of blogs I need to thank for all the support, pimping, and continued support, if I forget someone I am sorry it wasn’t on purpose. Iloveindiebooks, So Many Books So Little Time, Flirty and Dirty, Book Avenue, Stick Girl Book Reviews, Book Junkies Anonymous, Romantic Reading Escapes, The SUBCLUB, 2 Girls Book Blog: An Asian & White Chick Walk Into a Book Blog, Wolfel’s World of Books, Under the Covers Book Blog, The Book Whore-der's Delights, Shh Mom’s Reading.

My husband and son, thank you for supporting and encouraging me to pursue my dream of publishing.  I love you both so much.

So many authors to thank that I do not want to chance forgetting anyone, so thank you to each and every author who has helped me along the way.  I love that we support one another in our small community, and hope to be able to pass along all that’s been done for me.

About Author

Brei Betzold is a stay at home mom to one very interesting little boy.  She started reading and writing at a young age, and has always dreamed of pursuing it as a career.  She can be found most often working on her latest ideas.  In her free time she enjoys spending time with her son and husband playing rockband, cooking, or curled up on the couch watching a movie.

You can contact Brei Betzold at:




twitter: @breibetzold