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Sam inclined his head respectfully, aware that he was now in Michael’s domain and as such, had to play by his rules. It was a pity he couldn’t see Gabriel but surely one Archangel was the same as any other?

He winced as the pain suddenly returned. Or maybe he’d just been distracted by his reunion with Aimi and Hikari? It washed over him much more strongly than before. It seemed that Heaven was still punishing him. “I will be happy to leave. Just allow me what I came for. Aimi.”

Michael’s expression didn’t change but the mist, as if sensing the tension, began to whirl more excitedly about the two of them. “You do not make demands here, Demon. This is our realm. Not yours. Aimi belongs here with us.”

Sam shook his head, trying not to reveal the pain and discomfort he was in. “I regretfully disagree, Michael. Aimi and I belong together. Surely it’s in your power to grant me this one wish after all I’ve given up for you?”

Michael laughed. “After all you’ve given up?” he echoed scornfully. “What? You expect a reward? Where is your sense of self-sacrifice? Only the worthy receive such rewards. Do you really count yourself amongst them?”

Sam couldn’t believe this. How could an angel — no, not just an angel, an archangel — be so unreasonable? He wasn’t asking for much. Hadn’t he suffered enough already? Didn’t he deserve just a little bit of comfort; to have the woman he loved by his side?

“I’ve helped where I could. Done what I was able to do. I hoped it would be enough,” said Sam, humbly, desperate to control his temper.

“The Demon in you is coming to the fore,” said Michael. “Who else would demand that the person they loved be subjected to the Hell that awaits them on Earth? To tear them from this place of peace and love?”

“Aimi wants to come with me,” said Sam through gritted teeth. “It’s her choice.”

“No,” said Michael, shaking his head. “It’s not her choice. It’s mine.”

“What about free will?” demanded Sam. “What about people being able to make their own choices?”

Michael stamped his foot. The seemingly insubstantial footing shook with the blow. “Do not presume to lecture me, Demon. Not here, in this place. You have no right.”

“I have every right. For the woman I love. I would do anything for her. Look into my heart and mind. You know this is the truth,” said Sam, angrily. He was shouting now but he didn’t care.

“Control yourself, son of Satan,” warned Michael. “What you say and do now will be tallied up at the end of days.”

“I don’t care,” said Sam carelessly. He took an angry step towards the archangel. “Give me my Aimi back.”

“I will say this for the last time, Samael. No. You may not have her.”

Sam threw back his head and roared. It was an animal bellow of rage and desperation. He felt sick. Sick from the continual pain that his presence here brought. But sick also with the knowledge that Aimi was lost to him. Without thinking, his hands plucked forth his swords, a move fraught with anguish and despair. He felt compelled to do it, almost like he had no choice.

As his swords cleared their scabbards an impact slammed into him, so powerful that it struck him completely senseless, knocking his cherished blades from his grasp. A force washed over him cracking his bones.


He felt himself tumbling for the second time in as many hours. Tumbling, but nothing made sense. He didn’t know what was up and what was down. He was dazed, losing a battle with consciousness.

He hurtled towards the ground, limp, frail and senseless. He struck the road with enough force to create a sizable crater and lay completely motionless, his body curled into a fetal position, broken and shattered. Next to him were his swords. Both were broken, in much the same state as he was.

He lay there for some time. Hours later, his body was discovered by the ragged survivors of New York. They gathered in numbers, creeping out from their places of concealment, clustering around his still form.

A whispered conversation took place in the gathering darkness and eventually, a wretched group of men descended into the crater. One gathered up the shattered pieces of his swords while the others lifted Sam up onto their shoulders.

Slowly, gently — almost reverently — they carried him off into the gloom.