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Moore, A., McQuay, H., Bandolier’s Little Book of Making Sense of the Medical Evidence, OUP, 2006.
Chapter 2: The Truth About Acupuncture
Kaptchuk, T. J., The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Ernst, E., White, A., Acupuncture: A Scientific Appraisaclass="underline" A Scientific Approach, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Evans, D., Placebo: Mind Over Matter in Modern Medicine, OUP, 2004.
Linde, K., et al., ‘Acupuncture for Patients with Migraine: A Randomised Controlled Trial’, JAMA 2005; 293:2118–25.
White, A., Rampes, H., Campbell, J. L., ‘Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessation’, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2006.
Ernst, E., ‘Acupuncture — a critical analysis’, J Intern Med 2006; 259:125–37.
Chapter 3: The Truth About Homeopathy
Shelton, J. W., Homeopathy: How It Really Works, Prometheus, 2003.
Hempel, S., The Medical Detective: John Snow, Cholera and the Mystery of the Broad Street Pump, Granta, 2007.
Ernst, E., ‘Evaluation of homeopathy in Nazi Germany’, Br Homeopath J 1995; 84:229.
Maddox, J., Randi, J., Stewart, W. W., ‘High-dilution experiments a delusion’, Nature 1988; 334: 287–91.
Linde, K., ‘Impact of Study Quality on Outcome in Placebo-Controlled Trials of Homeopathy’, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1999; 52:631–636.
Shang, A., et al., ‘Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of homoeopathy and allopathy’, Lancet 2005; 366:726–32.
Ernst, E., ‘A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy’ Br J Clin Pharmacol 2002; 54:577–82.
Chapter 4: The Truth About Chiropractic Therapy
Salsburg, D., The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century, Owl, 2002.
Ernst, E., Canter, P. H., ‘A systematic review of systematic reviews of spinal manipulation’, J R Soc Med 2006; 99:192–6.
Benedetti, P., MacPhail, W., Spin Doctors: The Chiropractic Industry Under Examination, Dundern, 2002.
Schmidt, K., Ernst, E., ‘MMR vaccination advice over the Internet’, Vaccine 2003; 21:1044–7.
Jonas, W. B., Ernst, E., ‘Evaluating the safety of complementary and alternative products and practices’, published in Jonas, W., Levin, J. (eds), Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Chapter 5: The Truth About Herbal Medicine
Hurley, Dan, Natural Causes: Lies and Politics in America’s Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry, Broadway, 2006.
Fugh-Berman, A., The 5-minute herbal and dietary supplement consult, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
Herr, S. M., Ernst, E., Young, V. S. L., Herb-drug interaction handbook, Church Street Books, 2002.
Ulbricht, C. E., Basch, E. M. (eds), Natural Standard Herb & Supplement Reference: Evidence-Based Clinical Reviews, Elsevier Mosby, 2005.
Whyte, J., Bad Thoughts: A Guide to Clear Thinking, Corvo, 2003.
Chapter 6: Does the Truth Matter?
Goldacre, B., Bad Science, Fourth Estate, 2008.
Ernst, E., Pittler, M. H., ‘Celebrity-based medicine’, MJA 2006; 185:680–81.
Colquhoun, D., ‘Science degrees without the science’, Nature 2007; 446:373–4.
Weeks, L., Verhoef, M., Scott, C., ‘Presenting the alternative: cancer and complementary and alternative medicine in the Canadian print media’, Support Care Cancer 2007; 15:931–8.
Ernst, E., Pittler, M. H., Wider, B., Boddy, K., The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach (2nd edition), Mosby, 2006.
Ernst, E., Pittler, M. H., Wider, B., Boddy, K., Complementary Therapies for Pain Management: An Evidence-Based Approach, Mosby, 2007.
Jonas, W. (ed.), Mosby’s Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Mosby, 2005.
Hendler, S. S., Rorvik, D. (eds), PDR for Nutritional Supplements, Blackwell, 2001.
Useful Websites
The James Lind Library: www.jameslindlibrary, org
The Cochrane Collaboration:
Bandolier (evidence-based healthcare website):
Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies (FACT) website:
NIH, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM):
Exeter University, Complementary Medicine Department:
Simon Singh’s homepage:
Trick or Treatment? homepage:
The conclusions presented in this book are based on decades of research conducted by thousands of medical researchers around the world. Without their efforts, it would be impossible to separate the effective from the bogus, and the safe from the hazardous.
We would like to offer particular thanks to the entire staff of the Department of Complementary Medicine, part of the Peninsula Medical School at the University of Exeter. They have supported this project from the outset and have always been generous with their advice and encouragement.
Despite the importance of the subject, there were times when it was unclear that this book would ever be published. We are indebted to our editors at Transworld and Norton, who had faith in our ambitions when others thought that alternative medicine was not a subject worthy of investigation. Sally Gaminara and Angela von der Lippe have been helpful and kind during a very intense eighteen months. Of course, we are also grateful to our literary agent Patrick Walsh, who is both a brilliant colleague and an excellent friend.
Last, and probably not least, our wives have both been remarkably wonderful, patient and lovely during the birth of this book. Anita and Danielle have shared our joys and our anxieties, our hopes and our fears. Thank you.
Picture Credits
James Lind © Wellcome Library, London
Florence Nightingale’s polar chart © Wellcome Library, London
Model showing acupuncture needle entry points © Wellcome Library, London
Patient receiving acupuncture © Tek Image/Science Photo Library
Archie Cochrane © Cardiff University Library, Cochrane Archive, Llandough Hospital
Samuel Hahnemann © Science Photo Library
Oliver Wendell Holmes © Wellcome Library, London