Hahnemann, Samuel, 94—6, 195
experiments with Cinchona, 95, 141
invention and practice of homeopathy, 95-6, 97, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105-6, 107, 114, 116, 117
Materia Medica Pura, 96
opposition to his ideas, 109-11
Organon der rationellen Heilkunde, 96
Hamilton, Alexander, 36, 37, 279
clinical trial of effects of bloodletting, 20-2, 111
Hawthorne effect, in research projects, 65
Haygarth, John, 59, 62, 64
work on placebo effect, 56-8
headaches acupuncture treatment for, 79, 82
herbal medicine, 97, 98
authors' advice, 212-13
Ayurvedic tradition, 300
contamination of medicines, 209-10
efficacy: of St John's wort, 198-200, 286; of other bestselling herbal medicines, 201-4; of individualized herbal medicines, 204-5
homeopathy distinct from, 97
origins and history, 193-5
overlap and contrast with conventional pharmacology, 195-7
risks associated, 205-219; with St John's wort, 206-7, 216-17; with aristolochia, 208-9; with ephedra, 209-10; with other best-selling herbal medicines, 212, 214-15
self-administration, 218
threat to endangered species, 211
traditional Chinese medicine, 328
'heroic medicine', 108-9
Hill, Sir Austin Bradford, 31-5, 36, 37
research on smoking and lung cancer, 32-5
Hippocrates, 1, 5, 156-7, 205, 287
HIV/AIDS: claims of alternative treatments for, 251-2, 272-3; criticism of conventional treatment, 259
Hofbauer, Joseph: given laetrile, case study, 217
Holford, Patrick, 259
holistic approach to medicine, 223
Holmes, Oliver Wendelclass="underline" condemnation of homeopathy, 110, 120
homeopathy authors' conclusions about, 139-43
branches of, 103—4
Cochrane Collaboration reviews, 139, 242
conditions claimed effectively treated, 100, 107
dangers of, 184-5, 186-9
diagnostic techniques and prescriptions, 100-4
efficacy: anecdotal evidence of, 127-9; meta-analyses of clinical trials, 130-1, 133-9, 140; comparison with conventional drugs, 136-7
in America, 93, 106-7, 113-14, 116
in Europe, 93, 106, 113, 114-16
in India, 93, 116-17, 279
nature and preparation of remedies, 97-101
negative attitude to immunization, 184-5
origins and history, 93-6, 105-11, 113-17
placebo effect in, 128-30, 134-7, 141-2
principles of, 95-6
dilution and potentization, 95-6, 97-100, 118
doctrine of signatures, 104
'like cures like', 95, 101, 104
vital force, 104-5
provings, 96, 276
prospective WHO report on, 278-9
scientific trials of, 104, 118-27
in Germany under Third Reich, 114-16
scientific view of, 105, 110-11, 117-18
Society of Homeopaths (UK),
shortcomings of, 272-3
use to treat animals, 128-9, 130, 253
Huangdi Neijing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine), 43
Huneke, Ferdinand and Walter, 319
hypnotherapy, 313
immunization discouraged by some alternative therapists, 184-6, 298, 318
importance of, 186
see also vaccination
individualization of treatment, 85
in aromatherapy, 299
in Ayurvedic tradition, 204, 300
in herbal medicine, 204
in homeopathy, 100-1, 138
in orthomolecular medicine, 320
in traditional Chinese medicine, 204, 328
iridology, 294
kinesiology, 294; applied kinesiology, 164
Kirlian photography, 294
knee osteoarthritis acupuncture treatment for, 82, 280-1
leech therapy for, 314
Lancet, 133, 137, 172, 193, 207, 278
leeches, use of, 8, 9, 23
in modem treatments, 25-6
leech therapy, 314
Lind, James, 24, 36, 37, 51, 75, 149, 279
work on scurvy, 16-19, 224
Linde, Klaus: meta-analysis of clinical trials of homeopathic treatments, 130-1, 133-5, 140
Louis, Pierre, 22-3, 36, 111, 279-80
MacLean, Alexander, 23
Maddox.John, 120-1, 124
magnet therapy, 219-20, 226, 315
Mao Tse-tung: revives traditional Chinese medicine, 46-7
Marshall, Barry, and Robin Warren: work on peptic ulcers, 225
massage therapies, 287, 305, 316, 323, 326
Mathiason, Laurie: chiropractic patient, case study, 175-6, 180
mavericks in general mistaken, 37, 225
responsible for medical breakthroughs, 16, 22-3, 36-7, 224-5
Medawar, Sir Peter, 87
media presentation of alternative medicine, 49, 137, 140, 188, 200, 260-7
exposure for alternative health gums, 256-9
Medical Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (UK) and labelling of homeopathic remedies, 276-7
Yellow Card scheme, 178
meditation, 287, 317
meridians, in acupuncture, 43-4, 52-3, 83, 86; in Shiatsu, 326
Mesmer, Franz, 63-4, 313
meta-analysis description of technique, 130-3
of clinical trials of homeopathic treatments: by Linde, 130-1, 133-5, 140; by Shang, 135-9, 140
of clinical trials of St John's wort, 200
Millecam, Sylvia: rejection of conventional cancer treatment, case study, 239-40, 270
Minogue, Kylie: dismissal of alternative therapies, 251
miracle healers, on daytime television, 261-2
mistletoe as anthroposophic remedy, 298
moxibustion, 83
Namikoshi, Tokujiro: founder of Shiatsu, 326
Nature: and Benveniste's research on homeopathy, 118-25
naturopathy, 318
nausea acupuncture treatment for, 79, 81, 83, 84-5
neck pain acupuncture treatment for, 67, 79
chiropractic therapy for, 155-6
neural therapy, 319
Niehans, Pauclass="underline" fresh cell therapy, 302
Nightingale, Florence, 26-31, 36, 37
use of statistics, 28-31
Novocain, used in neural therapy, 319
Null, Gary, 259
orthomolecular medicine, 320
osteopathy, 179-80, 321
Otzi the Iceman, 41-2, 193
oxygen therapy, 322
pain relief acupuncture for, 47-9, 54, 67-9, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84-5
endorphins and, 54
gate control theory of pain, 54
placebo effect in, 58-60
Palmer, Bartlett Joshua: leader of chiropractic movement, 161-2, 164, 170-1, 175
Palmer, Daniel David founds and develops chiropractic, 157-62
opposition to his ideas, 161; from mixer chiropractors, 165-66; Chiropractor's Adjuster, 158
Pare, Ambroise, 9
Pavlov, Ivan, 60
Perkins, Elisha: invention of 'tractors', 55-6
pilates, 296
placebo effect, 55-62, 234-5
arguments for and against exploitation of, 244-50
factors that enhance effect, 57, 62, 235, 270 identified by Hay garth, 56-8
i n acupuncture, 67-9, 81, 87-8
i n conventional medicine, 57-9, 235, 247-9, 268-9
in homeopathy, 128-30, 134-7, 141-2
in spiritual healing, 327
in therapeutic touch, 222
mechanisms involved, 60-2
negative consequences of, 59-60, 142
placebo-controlled trials, 63-9