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but miss samlalsingh tell me how before de furs 5 copies come out from u machine, or maybe de furs 2 numbers of dat MORNIN STAR, whilst she was bawling down de place hysterical like i instruct she in perilous situations like dat, to SHUT DOWN DAT FOCKIN MACHINE STRAIGHTWAY MR ROBOT!!! & miss samlalsingh tell me how furs ting before u know it, ALL de visitors in de archives including we famous local scholar & historian michael anthony, who happen 2 be dere in de archives yesterday 2, commence to queuing up straightway in a long long queue, all of dem fightin down each other now 2 copy out DEY copies wid u machine, & dey was all shouting dat if some fockin foreigner yankeeasswhiteman could copy he copies den DEY COULD COPY DEY COPIES 2, & before de furs 5 copies come out u didnt have no choice a-tall but let miss roses copy she copy of recipe fa guava duff out last saturday gazette, & mr hosien want 2 copy he copy of de sunday horseraces-paddocks-lineup from de standard, & michael anthony want to copy out a next article from some bigass old book he got bout french and spanish colonial architectural occupation in oldtown p o s or some shit so, and u had 2 let dem copy out dey copies 2, cause if not, u would have pon u hands a RACE RIOT FOR EQUAL & FAIR USE OF DE PHOTOCOPY MACHINE IN DE T&T NATIONAL ARCHIVES

so in trut mr robot i aint know how much of copies you manage to copy out yesterday afternoon, dat i can only suppose not much more den de furs few numbers a dat MORNIN STAR, cause u had to let all de rest 2 copy dey copies 2, & den miss samlalsingh say u had to put in more ink was so many copies dem people was copyin, and den dat xerox start to smoke from overheat-exhaustion jus like my pussy did wear out and break down las night from all de jookin, so before u know it was 5 oclock, time fa de archives to close, & u didnt scarce get tru 5 numbers a dat fockin STAR, & after longlast wid all she shoutin and bawlin miss samlalsingh could pull de plug pon u machine & shut it down, but i say it serve u fockin yankee-whiteass right

so mr robot u best listen good good to me here now what i tellin u, eh? & dont try dat one again, u hear? eh? cause laws is laws & rules is rules and NO PERSONAL PORTABLE FOCKIN PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT allow inside, & u know it good enough, even dough in trut according 2 miss samlalsingh dat machine u was totin wasnt so small a-tall a-tall, but she say it was BIG as a BARREL of BABASH BUSH-RUM wid you red-face strainin hard 2 carry it, dat me & miss samlalsingh couldnt help weself from laughin lil bit at dat, & i hope it give u a fockin HERNIA mr robot, jus so long as it dont ruin u jookin equipment, cause dat would be a shame in trut


miss ramsol

director, t&tna

ps see u at pelo 2night round 9 same as usual

Fifth Message

dear mr robot:

i only gots 1 ting to tell u, so LISTEN GOOD: u best haul u fockin ass & go home back to new york or whereverdeass is de shit place in amerika u comes from, cause u say u cant take it no more, u goin crazy, & all u wants to do is copy out a few copies to make de research fa dis book u say u writin bout dis crazyass man ETZLER and he TES, but u cant do it, u jus cant do it, u done try everyting & every scheme is scheme u could tink of & noting work, noting a-tall, 3 months now u tryin & STILL no photocopies, & u say how dis place t’dad is de turd world & we is all bushmonkeys livin here, dat we dont know noting bout noting a-tall, but i could only tell u DIS mr robot: TENEGRITY & IMPESTUOSITY is what we got aplenty here in t’dad, dat u never bounce up de likes of noting like DAT before in amerika, cause rules is rules & laws is laws & when i say NO photocopies allow in de t&t national archives i means NONE, no matter who u is & what pussy u fockin, even if it is de director MISS RAMSOL OWN, & if u cant write out u notes wid pencil & paper like everybody else, den 2 fockin bad fa u mr robot!!!

& in trut mr robot i could tell u someting else: i got a good mind to tell my brothers how u do, cause if raj and lil buddah only FIND OUT, would be proper hell to pay, i could assure u bout dat, how u did try & subjuice me only to gain access to dat machine, & how u succeed sure enough but ONLY in de subjuicing part, & not de machine part a-tall a-tall, & soon enough 2 of we was jookin down de place like no tomorrow, & i could only admit shameful how much i was lovin it 2, but den mr robot U FIND OUT sure enough how SWEET is coolie-t’dad-pussy in trut, & nex ting U CANT GET ENOUGH NEITHER, same as me, & u say 1 ting fa sure dey aint got NOTING like DAT in amerika!!! dat coolie-t’dad-pussy, & soon as we start to jookin down de place like dat u forget every scheme u was schemin to try to get u hands pon dat xerox machine, & all u wants is jook jook jook & nex jook again every night 2 of we screamin down de place like wild tigercats, & nex ting like u forget everyting else, book-writin & TES & ETZLER & all de rest, & only jook is jook u want to be jookin so sweet every night & me 2 mother of jesus!!! but now u say u done had enough, u oversaturate & cant take it no more, & if u cant copy out u copies u give up and goin back home 2 amerika, & i say in trut i dont give a fock mr robot, only ting i would miss de jookin, & i got a good mind 2 tell my brothers lil buddah and raj how u do


miss ramsol

director, t&tna

ps u say u dont want to see me never again (less u could make u copies), but if u change u mind u could meet me at pelo round 9 same as usual

pss & i would make sure 2 be wearin dem dentalfloss panties u love 2

Sixth Message

dear mr robot:

i so sorry!!! soon as raj and lil buddah tell me what happen i did feelin so bad, i rush fas as i could down to de hospital & still wearin my panties fa u from las night 2, but de nurse say u done get a discharge & leave de mergency room & only a little rattle wid no broken bones but only dem 2 blue-eye and buss-up nose, cause i was sittin dere in pelo waitin fa u so long & den i start to gettin vex 2, vex & sad both, so i call my brothers pon de cell & tell dem come carry me home, & nex ting my brothers lil buddah and raj come in pelo & dey see me sittin pon de bar & lookin so forlorn mos in tears, & dey asks me straightway what happen wid u lil sis? & nex ting u know i tell dem everyting, de whole long story come spillin out, bout how u did subjuice me jus to try & copy out u copies but still i stick by de rules no matter what, cause laws is laws & still i wouldnt give u de copies but take proper advantage of all dat sweet jookin sure enough, cause i aint no fool mr robot, but now u say u vex & cant take it no more & want to go back home in amerika, fock-&-run

raj say OH-HO!!! he say FOCK-&-RUN?! fockin yankeeass-whiteman want to FOCK-MY-LIL-SIS-&-RUN?! & right den lil buddah chime in behind he sayin sis, i didnt jus hear you say FOCK-&-RUN?! please dont tell me my ears didnt jus perceive u sayin FOCK-&-RUN?! not FOCK-&-RUN?! & nex ting u know lil buddah & raj bolt from inside pelo out de door & no way i could hol dem back neither, cause dey was in a rampage on de search fa u now in de hilton or wherever dey could find u mr robot, & i did know dat would only mean plenty plenty trouble 2, so onliest ting i could do is knockback de rest of my rumcocktail & hurry hail a maxitaxi & go home fas as i could to wait fa dem, & soon as my brothers reach home i ask dem U FIND MR ROBOT?! & raj say give he 2 blue-eye, & lil buddah say buss mr robot nose, & i say what u do dat fa? how u could buss poor mr robot nose and give he 2 blue-eye? & lil buddah say sis, u dont say FOCK-&-RUN & ask WHAT FA? not FOCK-&-RUN, so i ask well where mr robot is now? & raj say mus be de hospital