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“Don’t look at me like that,” he complained, his tone light.

She glanced down at his chest. “I’m not looking at you in any particular way.”

“Yes, you are. You know I won’t hurt you, right?”

“You could try, but you’d fail,” she answered matter-of-factly.

“I wouldn’t even try.”

He tugged her and suddenly she was on her back. Tarrel settled on top of her. Neela tried to scramble, but he pinned her in place.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m always on top,” she insisted. Although she was beginning to see the merits of change.

He pressed her firmly into the thin gel mattress. His hard body against her softer one, the exchange of breath when her belly hollowed and his filled as they naturally took turns gave her goose bumps. Her spine felt tight and eager, warming to what she knew would be a dull red color. She felt imbued with energy. Her limbs felt oddly weighted, yet she seemed to be awakening to other things. Like the texture of his hairy legs on her bare ones, his flat man nipples on her breasts and the ticklish trail of hair had originally drawn her gaze down the center of his abdomen to his well-endowed cock.

He seemed to be sensing the changes in her. “Not this time. This time I’m in control.”

She frowned. Something niggled at the back of her mind. She refused to call it fear, but every ounce of her consciousness warred with itself to stay where she was and allow the sensations he promised, while another part of her insisted that if she gave in, he’d have too much of her, and she’d lose herself.

“You look unsure,” he noted.

“I am,” she admitted.

“I know there’s a great reason why Elarans make ideal officials, military personnel and clergy, but this whole I won’t feel what I don’t want to feel makes for a sucky lover.”

She gasped and pushed at his chest. “Don’t fucking insult me, asshole.”

“I wouldn’t. It’s a fact that your people are very good at hiding what you feel. I think you’re so good at it, that you hide it from yourselves. This inhibitor has given you the opportunity to experience life from another perspective, and I aim to make sure that you have all the experiences you need.”

He leaned down. His face grew blurry, and she widened her eyes as though that would help her focus on his face. His words not only pissed her off, they made her breathless. His lids drooped slightly, and his mouth feathered across hers. The sensitive skin tingled. She’d always liked kissing. Kissing Tarrel seemed like a better idea than usual.

Fullness swelled against her belly. Having been so distracted by everything else new to her, she paid attention to that part of him and how it touched her. Something tickled her pussy. Since she could feel his filling shaft, she knew the softer touch lower against her sex had to be his balls.

She didn’t know why the understanding of that made her want to press upward, but she did anyway, reaching low to grab his ass.

“Besides,” he continued pulling back and winking at her. “I think that of all the Elarans I know-and I grew up on Elara-you are particularly adept at hiding how you feel from yourself. So good, that you automatically block yourself from feeling anything lasting that might challenge your idea of personal strength.”

“Personal strength is important to me. It should be to every woman,” she argued.

“I agree. The misconception,” he said, breaking off to tease her with another soft kiss, “is believing you can’t own everything you feel or want and become an even stronger woman in the process.”

“How human of you,” she snarked, trying to find her distance. It was nowhere.

He grinned widely. “Exactly.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.” Anxiety welled up in her chest at equal paces with her growing infatuation of his body lining hers.

“It isn’t a compliment yet. Gimme a couple of days and maybe we can fix that,” he murmured huskily.

He shifted his weight, bearing a knee down between her thighs so that she opened them. Tarrel pressed between her legs. She tried to swallow the low moan that escaped her, but he heard it. She expected teasing, an I told you so. What she got was a heated look so hungry that her heart sped.

“Now, if we’re done talking, I’m interested in getting to know you a little better.”

“You’ve known me for years,” she replied distractedly.

“Not the way I’ve wanted to.”

Tarrel reached back and took her wrists from his ass to over her head. She struggled minimally, and decided the new position felt good against her nipples. The way he was looking at her didn’t hurt either.

He hovered over her. Neela arched to reach him.

“Nuh uh. You lay back and enjoy. I’ve got this one,” he rasped softly.

She lowered her head to the mattress, trying not to miss anything. Tarrel’s lips captured hers, gently resting and pulling away only to return. He felt full, soft and she relaxed into it. She wanted as much of this as he was willing to give her.

Tarrel parted, the tip of his tongue flicking the center of her upper lip. Curious, she opened too. He kissed differently than she’d been kissed before. He seemed to taste her. He allowed himself to get caught up in the small moment and because he took his time, she found herself opening more and more.

His palms slid against hers. Neela spread her fingers, linking their hands together. Her pussy tightened, the tiny bud between her legs strained for attention with a pitiful throb. The more he plied her, the more she ached there. Neela wrapped her legs around his waist, and she felt him smile.

The change in her position opened her body to full contact with his cock hard-pressed to her clit. She rocked up. Tarrel shuddered and broke the kiss.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he asked.

“I need-more.”

“Good. Then we’re on the same page.”

He let go of her hands to push up from the mattress. He bent to nuzzle her neck and murmured his approval wordlessly before pressing his mouth there too. She’d told him she needed more, but need didn’t begin to describe how she felt. It was insistence or a craving from beneath her skin to satisfy the crazy itch he’d begun.

Tarrel cupped her breasts, passing his thumbs over the tightly drawn nipples. A cry left her, and she arched instinctively. Closing her eyes, there was nothing but what he did to her and the pinpoint focus of stimulation.

Hot, wet sucking closed over one tip. Neela sobbed as the ache pulled in time with his lips until her clit stung. Unable to stop herself, she thrust against his cock.

Tarrel came off her breast, exactly the opposite of what she wanted. “Slow down, sweetheart. We have days to get this right.”

She grabbed his head, hoping the desperation in her eyes was adequately conveyed. “Now. You must fuck me now.”

“I’d love to. Except I have a goal in mind, and fucking comes later.”

“But I need,” she sobbed, searching for the right word and deciding need was the best she had.

“Let it build. Makes the arrival so much sweeter.”

“I don’t want to,” she insisted.

“I’m driving this train, beautiful.” He dipped, taking the other crinkled peak deep and hard.

Neela shook with pleasure. Still clasping his head, she now held it to her breast, the sting between her legs and the intense pleasure of him suckling her equal parts necessary and torturous.

He inched his hand downward between their bodies as he tried to move to the side. Reluctantly, she released her leg hold on him.

Tarrel stroked her pubis back and forth with the tips of his fingers as he continued pay blessed attention to her breasts. She felt the graze of his teeth on her nipple.