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“What?” He’d not been sure that she’d said anything.

“There is a way we could be together.” Her head was down, refusing to meet his eyes.

He placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head gently so he could see her face. Sadness clouded her eyes.

“Tell me.”

“You must guess my true name.”

“That’s it?” Tristan almost chuckled. It may not be the easiest task but surely he could find a way to figure out her name.

“You only have three chances. If you can say my name, we can be together the way we want.”

“Ok, so what if I can’t guess correctly after my three chances?” He wasn’t sure if he really wanted to know the answer but he had to know what he was getting into before he started spouting off names.

“We lose each other forever.” Her eyes lowered and watched her fingers, still touching his hand. “You don’t have to do this Tristan. As I’ve said before, you are my responsibility and I will always care for you. We could stay like this. Here. Until…” But she didn’t finish the sentence. They both knew the ending, despite the knowledge that he will age slower being in the enchanted setting.

Tristan gathered her into his arms and kissed her head. “I know. I’ll think about it. But one way or another, I’ll find a way for us to be together,” he vowed.

Tristan’s sleep was restless that night. Sometime before the early dawn, he slipped into a dream. He kneeled before an older man, his dark hair streaked with silver. This strange man wore clothing made of silky shining material but dark in color.

The man’s posture was regal and tall, and radiated authority and confidence.

“You have found your true love Tristan, and she has found you. Do not doubt it.

Merely look deep inside your heart to find the answers you seek. Your destiny is her eternity.”

The man faded to be replaced by the image of his beautiful Vixen, feeding a baby at her breast. He watched an image of himself go to her and kiss her lips, then the child’s head. A bright light slowly entered his dream, blinding him from the image.

Blinking, Tristan found himself alone in his bed, the morning sun shining bright into his room, beginning a new day.

All day Tristan roamed the cottage and garden restlessly. He was anxious for his vixen’s return. He wanted to tell her about his dream and see if she knew what it meant.

He knew that he had to have her, to find a way to be with her.

When the sun finally started to set she appeared before him unclothed. His worries and restlessness evaporated, leaving only a longing to bury himself between her legs, to lose himself in her body. He picked her up and carried her to their bed.

They made love with an intensity that drowned out their previous nights of passion. Their need to touch was urgent, as was their want of joining.

She cried out his name as her body trembled and released herself to its pleasure.

Tristan felt his body shudder as her body clamped down hard on him. In the instant of his orgasm, he growled the name that had risen from the deep depths of his soul.


She gasped as his seed filled her womb creating life with their love.

Forcing the pleasure induced haze from his mind Tristan lifted his head and looked at his Vixen. She had tears running down her cheeks and her lips trembled as she tried to control her sobs.

“What is it? Did I hurt you?” He was immediately concerned, never seeing her in this state.

Her hands cupped his face. “How did you know?” she asked softly.

Tristan remembered vaguely saying a name. One that was now bursting all over his mind. “Mikayla. Is that your name?” he asked in awe. How could he have known it?

The name was unusual; he never would have guessed it.

She nodded. “Yes. You…you said my true name but…how did you know? How could…?”

Tristan shook his head. “I’m not sure but it’s like I’ve always known, it was just buried.

Mikayla smiled and kissed Tristan. “I love you.”

“I love you,” he groaned, as her kiss made him hard again.

They made love several times that night, Tristan making sure he said her name over and over before they finally fell into an exhausted sleep. When he woke the next morning, she was lying asleep in his arms. His breath stopped at seeing her beauty in the morning sun, stealing his heart all over again. She roused enough to make love to Tristan once more before she took them to see her King.

Her King was not only her ruler but also her father. He was also the man that had appeared in Tristan’s dream. Tristan opened his mouth to ask the King about the dream when the slightest shake of the older man’s head stopped him. Tristan nodded and bowed before the man, like he had in his dream.

Mikayla’s father granted Tristan immortality, stating that he and Mikayla should live as long as their love for one another did. They were married that same day and 52