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“Turn for me,” he ordered softly.

Cyn did as he wanted, moving slowly so his eyes could prowl her body. She was fully exposed to him and he felt weak at the power she held over him. Never had he felt this way with any other woman.

“Are you pleased, m’lord?” she asked, with a seductive smile. Her voice was thick and husky.

Trevor let out a harsh breath. “Greatly, my sweet kitten.” He stood and sat on the bed. “Come lie with me.”

She crawled back on the bed and lay in the middle. Trevor turned and positioned himself between her legs. He could smell her musky desire and longed to taste her. He took a finger and traced a mark that he saw nestled near her folds. It was in the shape of a heart and he gently kissed it before moving on. His tongue lapped at her folds seeking the tip of her clit that hardened under his touch.

Cyn moaned as Trevor’s tongue explored her, dipping into her drenched core, eagerly lapping up her juices. She felt the building waves of her orgasm and gyrated harder against him.

“Yes…oh Trevor…gods above…yes!” she cried out, as she climaxed and her body shuddered.

Before Cyn could come down from the high of her release she felt Trevor moved up her body and slip into her slick, hot passage. He paused but a moment, as if something blocked his path. She didn’t see the concerned look as he broke through her maidenhood.

Cyn shifted beneath him and whimpered her need. She had expected a little pain, like she’d heard her stepsisters’ talk of, but all she felt was pure bliss. She had not realized Lena had made it easier and more pleasurable for her.

Slowly, Trevor loved Cyn with his body, taking her to the edge of orgasm several times before backing off, so her ecstasy would build higher. He showed her the heights of ecstasy until she was begging and writhing beneath him, at his complete mercy, before she finally came apart under him. Only then did he allow himself to sink into his own release.

“Trevor,” Cyn whispered, her hands running through his long hair as he lay atop of her. Her legs were still wrapped around his waist keeping him inside her. “You are truly an amazing lover.” She purred in satisfaction.

He nuzzled further into her hair, inhaling her scent. “You bring out the best of me, sweet Cynderella,” he murmured.

Cyn sighed as he once more began kissing a trail upon her neck. The pleasure she felt began to consume every inch of her. Her mind could only comprehend the feel of his hands and mouth feasting upon her body. That night she was insatiable. Her desire for Trevor was strong and she felt as if she could never get enough of him. They tried every way she’d read about to pleasure her lover, who eagerly kept up with her wildness, as well as trying a few new things that she didn’t think could ever be possible.

* * * *

Too soon Cyn turned over and found the sun start its ascent into the sky. She almost wept at the thought of having to leave Trevor. In this one night she’d falling in love and never wanted to leave, but she knew she must. Briefly the thought of her attraction being part of a spell Lena cast crossed her mind. But looking down at Trevor’s peaceful face Cyn knew that it was no spell. The emotions she felt were her own and real. She turned and softly kissed Trevor.

“I love you,” she whispered on his lips, before slowly detangling herself from his embrace.

She watched as he shifted and embraced the pillow she’d used but he continued sleeping. She stood there, letting her mind memorize the sight of his body, the scent of his flesh, and the sound of his breathing. She could still feel the heat of his hands all over her body and wondered if it would disappear when she left him. With reluctance Cyn left the room by way of the secret passage Lena had shown her behind the tapestry.

It led her back to her room, but she left behind a trail of tears.

* * * *

Trevor turned and reached out to find nothing but a cold empty space next to him. His eyes opened and he sat up.

“Cyn?” he called out, but silence was his only response.

Looking down to where she’d been, he could still see the imprint of her body revealing that it had not been just a dream. He jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

Throwing it open, he stepped out into the hall calling her name. Hearing a gasp, he turned and found a maid with the look of shock on her features as he stood in the hall without his clothing. Realizing what he’d done, he growled and stepped back into his room, slamming the door behind him without a word to the servant.

Quickly, Trevor dressed and ran down the halls looking for his sweet Cynderella. When did he start thinking of her as his he wondered, as he looked out a window to the people bustling about below. He’d asked any servant he came across if they had seen a woman by his description or name but they all shook their heads and said no. Even the ones who knew Cyn did not recognize her true name and put it together with the beautiful woman Trevor had described, for they’d always seen her in her servant clothing and her hair covered, disguising her absolutely beautiful features, the ones he had only seen.

By mid-morning Trevor was very agitated. How could a person disappear like she had and no one see her? The night had been amazing. Cynderella had made him feel things that he never knew existed. She made him do things he’d never felt comfortable doing before. He’d been telling her the truth when he’d told her that she brought the best out of him.

Walking the halls and finding no trace of her, his stomach began to knot and grow nauseous at the thought of never seeing her again. Of never holding her in his arms, or touching her soft skin. He wanted her. He needed her. He…he loved her.

Trevor avoided his mother all day despite her persistence to see him. He continued his search for Cynderella throughout the castle and the village outside the Palace walls. Instead of having dinner with his mother that evening, he waited in his room, pacing the floor in hopes that she would return to him. No one but a servant checking his health came.

As he stood by the window and looked out to the cloudy sky, Trevor began to wonder if he truly only dreamed her and the night they shared. Had his mind finally been clouded with enough of his mother’s pestering that his subconscious made up a woman he could fall in love with?

He sighed and turned to go to bed when his foot hit something on the floor.

Looking down, he saw one of the black shoes Cynderella had worn the night before. He picked it up and gently caressed its smooth texture, remembering when he’d slid them off her feet and sucked on her perfectly formed toes. He sat on the bed and turned the shoe in his hands. This was proof that he had not dreamed of his beautiful kitten. Proof that she’d been in his room, in his bed with him. He set it on the pillow she’d used to rest her head and was more determined than ever to find her.

* * * *

That same night Cyn sat alone in her room brushing out her hair. All day she’d heard the other servants whispering about how strange the newly returned Prince was acting. Never been one much interested in gossip, she’d not asked what all the bother was. She went about her duties quietly, her mind rewinding all the pleasure she’d experienced the night before with the stranger.

After completing all her chores Cyn made her way up to her room. She wanted to sleep since she’d not gotten too much the night before, but she felt restless and couldn’t lie still long enough to fall asleep. Her mind kept thinking of Trevor and how wonderful her night had been. Tears gathered in her eyes as she began to wonder if what she did was a blessing or a curse.

Before meeting Trevor, Cyn had been content with her life, resigned to the fact that she would be a servant until she died, probably never to find love or a home of her own. But now she felt so cold and empty. Like she’d touched pure happiness with Trevor, only to have it torn away; leaving a gaping hole inside of her. Maybe it was better for her not to have tasted such bliss and not know how it felt to have someone hold her and make love to her.