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The maid led Trevor up to Cyn’s room then knocked on the door.

“Enter,” Cyn called out, thinking it was one of her friends checking on her.

Trevor heard the voice and knew that it was her. Her voice was like a song that

filled his heart. He saw the young girl reach for the handle and stopped her.

“Thank you.” He gave her a smile and her fear eased. “Do not allow anyone to bother us, unless they risk the wrath of myself upon them.” He could clearly see that she was now worried for her friend. “It is alright. No harm will come to her,” he assured the young maid.

She curtsied and made her way down the hall to make sure no one disturbed the Prince, as he requested.

Trevor took a deep breath then entered the small servant room. His first sight was of her lying on a cot, wearing her servant’s clothing and her hair tied back. Her coloring was pale despite the bright sunlight and her eyes red, but still she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

* * * *

Cyn gasped at the sight of Trevor standing above her. “Trevor? What…how?” She couldn’t seem to get her mouth to finish the questions that ran through her mind.

He sat on the cot next to her. Reaching a hand out, he gently touched her face.

The feel of her soft skin sent shivers of want through his body.

“My sweet Cynderella. I have been looking for you since that night. Why have you not come forward, love?”

Tears gathered in her eyes as she looked at the man she loved. “I was afraid,” she admitted.

“Afraid of what, kitten?” His thumb worked circles on her cheek.

“Afraid that you wouldn’t want me once you found out what I am.” Trevor cupped her face in both his palms and looked into her sad eyes. “Kitten, you have made me feel things that I’d never felt before. Because of you, I’m ready to settle down and do what is expected of me. You have shown me that love does exist out there, that it doesn’t matter who I am or who you are. I love you. I see my whole world in a new light, one that can only be right if you are in it.”

Tears fell from Cyn’s eyes at his sweet words but were they true? He dropped his hands and she looked away. How could he still want her, knowing she was just a simple servant? She had nothing, not even a name.

As if reading her mind, he smiled. “I want you, Cynderella. I love you and will marry no other. I care not what you’ve done before me. You will be my wife, my Queen, and the mother of my children.” His expression became worried. “Please tell me what ails you? I will get the best physician here to cure you.” Cyn gave a small laugh and shook her head as tears continued to rush from her eyes in happiness. His voice saying her true name was like a symphony ringing in her ears, playing music just for her. It was the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. “No physician is needed, m’lord. It was a broken heart that ailed me because I was so scared that I could not be who you thought I was.”

“The Cynderella that shared my bed that night was the real Cynderella. I knew it from the beginning. She is a part of you and helped make me fall in love with you.

Come, we will announce to the Kingdom that I am to marry tonight.”

“What?” Cyn gulped as he stood and reached for her hand. “But look at me. I’m in no shape or have the appropriate clothing for it. I can’t possibly…” Trevor pulled her up and stopped her protests with a kiss filled with passion, making her forget everything but the feel of his body pressing against hers. He made love to her mouth using his tongue, making her moan as her desire for him rose high.

He ripped at her gray servant dress uncaringly, knowing that she’d never wear it again.

Right there, on the small hard cot, Trevor worshiped her body and tangled his hands in her thick hair. Telling Cyn, over and over, that he belonged to her and how he would please her for the rest of her life.

Cyn felt her heart swell with love at Trevor’s words and knew that they were true. She knew that she’d been given the gift of true love and sighed, silently thanking Lena for it as Trevor’s lips surrounded her clit, making her scream with pleasure. She didn’t see the twinkle of light that floated outside her window.

* * * *

Trevor kept Cyn by his side after they made love for several hours. Trevor realized why no one recognized the woman he had described, or her name. The clothing she wore hid her womanly curves, while the kerchief over her hair had allowed few to see her thick golden tresses. She no longer went by Cyderella, merely Cyn. But it no longer mattered by what name she was called, she would always be his fierce kitten.

Later, after being introduced to Trevor’s mother, Cyn reluctantly told them her story and who she really was, not sure they would really believe her. It felt odd saying her real name out loud for the first time in many years. With the Queen’s blessing, Cyn and Trevor were married that night without the huge announcement and elaborate celebration. The Queen was happy to see her son so cheerful and in love. Now, she just needed some grandchildren to keep her busy, but that would be spoken about another day.

* * * *

The morning after Trevor’s marriage to Cyn, the Queen summoned Marques Anna of Hadenshire. Anna felt greatly honored for such an invitation. She walked majestically into the throne room, back straight and head held high. She bowed before the Royal family and only when she rose did she notice the young woman sitting next to the Crowned Prince. Anna blinked several time to clear her vision but nothing changed. Sitting there, in royal clothing, was her stepdaughter, Cynderella.

“I believe you’ve met my wife, Cynderella Jamison DuBois,” Trevor said, scowling at the woman before them. He watched, pleased as she stuttered, her mouth moving like a fish, but no intelligent words came out.

Trevor and the Queen questioned Anna about Cyn and her life. They didn’t doubt Cyn’s story, but they wanted to see how Anna would react and hear what excuse she gave for treating the girl in such a way. They were known for their fairness about the Kingdom and were not to change their morals. They would handle this as they did the rest of their people.

Anna looked between the two before narrowing her sight on Cyn, who no longer backed down or cringed with her stern look. She’d always been a thorn in her side and now there was no way she could lie to her Queen and live, so she admitted to everything she’d done. As her punishment, Anna was stripped of all property and title; her marriage was annulled and she was sent to be a servant in one of the family’s farms for the rest of her life.

Afterward, Trevor and Cyn had many lustily, love filled nights and days that resulted in many grandchildren for the Queen to keep busy with.

What’s in a Name?

Tristan felt his body being carried, or rather dragged, as he woke. Before his brain could rally a fight, he was dropped, none too gently, on a stone floor and heavy manacles were locked on his wrists. Large, dark shadows blocked the sight of his surroundings after the hood was removed from his head. Tristan blinked several times before his vision cleared and saw that his captors had moved toward a thick wooden door.

He stood and started after the bulky guards leaving the room but chains stopped him from moving more than a foot from the wall they were connected to.

“Where am I?” Tristan yelled. “You can’t do this. What do you want?” He received no answer.

Tristan yanked and tugged on the chains binding his wrists but they were fastened securely to the dirty, stone wall. Cursing, he looking around. The room was small and void of furniture. There was only the door the men left out of and another across from him, both closed, and both out of his reach. Tristan realized that he was in a cell, deep in the Palace dungeon, the thugs wearing royal guard clothing. He had heard stories about this place and how very few people ever left once they were brought here.