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“Sorry about that,” Eric apologized. I hadn’t even realized Eric had been having trouble sleeping. I’d taken for granted the fact that he was awake every night when the dreams woke me. I thought it was because he was hovering, but the truth was he had his own demons to face.

“Don’t apologize,” Bryce insisted. “I do understand why both of you are having trouble sleeping, but it’s not healthy for either of you. I also know you’re both too proud to admit you need to talk to someone. So, the alternative is for the three of us to consider working together to ensure a good night’s sleep.”

“You make it sound like taking a sleeping pill.” Eric chuckled. “Seriously, how can you talk about this like it’s the most normal thing in the world?”

“Because it’s your view of what’s normal that has you thinking it’s not normal,” Bryce argued. “You’re giving in to what society says is healthy without thinking about what feels good. And in a twisted way, the three of us are perfect for that because you’ll eventually go back to Seattle, Drew will be here, and I’ll be splitting my time between here and Portland.”

“Whoa, I thought you were talking about a little bit of no-strings fun.”

“I am, but who says those non-strings have to be cut when you guys go back to work?” Bryce responded. “And maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll give this a shot and nothing will come of it. But if we’re still having fun, I see no reason to try to make this into something more serious than it needs to be.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Eric agreed. “But there’s just one other problem.”

“What’s that?” Bryce asked. I was curious as well, but seeing as I was still eavesdropping, I couldn’t exactly ask for myself.

“What if the two of you work and Drew and I work, but you and I don’t.” God, I hated Eric for being the sensible one. I would much rather none of us think about what could complicate some great sex.

“Hmm…” Bryce was quiet for a long moment. “You could be right. I think we’d better tell Drew to quit listening in from the top of the steps and see what he thinks about this, then maybe we can see if that’s actually going to be an issue.”

It was a good thing I’d slid down the wall so I was sitting on the top step, otherwise I would have likely tumbled into the basement.

I sure as hell felt like a little kid as I willed my feet to take each step into the basement. I’d been caught and that was never a good feeling. I expected at least one of them to be upset with me, but instead, they were sitting next to one another on the couch, mirroring each other’s posture with one leg bent on the cushion and the other hanging over the edge. Eric’s arm rested over the top of Bryce’s and I could see his thumb gently rubbing Bryce’s biceps. Yeah, I didn’t think there’d be any issue with the chemistry between those two.

Bryce slid back to the other end of the couch and I watched as his eyes glanced down, wordlessly suggesting that I take a seat between them. This wasn’t a side of Bryce I’d seen before, but I liked it. No, I fucking loved that he was willing to take control of the situation, because someone needed to.

“So, how much of that did you hear?” Bryce asked as I tried to get comfortable while sitting between the two of them. I’d always thought of fantasies as something you dreamed about but would forever remain unattainable, yet I was close enough to mine coming true that I could almost feel Bryce rimming me as Eric fucked my mouth. My mouth went dry and I reached for Eric’s whiskey to wet my palette.

“I heard plenty,” I said, not wanting them to know I’d listened to almost every word from when Bryce told Eric it’d been a good night with a few exceptions. I’d heard him make assumptions about me being some naïve farm kid, which totally pissed me off except it did serve the cause. I honestly hadn’t thought about the reality of having a threesome, not even as a one-time thing. Until my mind got all fucked up over Bryce and Eric, I never thought I’d want more than one person in my bed. I sure as fuck didn’t think it’d ever be possible to have more than that with multiple partners.

And perhaps I was a bit sheltered. My parents were high school sweethearts who’d known one another since they were in Sunday school together. They fell in love, got married, and started a family. While some of that wouldn’t have been possible for me until very recently, I’d always wanted to find a love like the one they had. Since I’d had time to think about it recently, I was fairly certain that was part of why I’d been so drawn to Cam. Yes, I cared deeply for him and likely always would, but seeing him with Jason taught me that what I felt for him wasn’t the type of love that builds the foundation of a relationship. That’s not to say I loved either of the men sitting with me, but I knew myself well enough to know that, if things went on longer than a few nights, I’d start to get attached. Maybe not to both of them, but to one or the other. And that was the biggest risk of all.

“So you’re aware of what I proposed to Eric?” Bryce pressed when I didn’t offer any details. I was incapable of any response beyond nodding. I wanted to pinch myself to see if this was truly happening. “And what do you think about it? Because you have to understand, this isn’t something I’m suggesting because I want to have my cake and eat it too. I want this for you.”

“It sounds hot, but I’m not sure why you think it’s necessary.” My youth and inexperience was showing.

Bryce moved closer to me on the couch, close enough that his leg pressed against my thigh and he started running his fingers through my hair. It probably looked like shit since I’d needed a cut before the playoffs had started and hadn’t given a shit since the night we got kicked out of the race for the pennant.

“Because I want you to be happy,” Bryce whispered. He’d leaned in so close I could feel his breath ghosting over my skin. “You’re thinking too hard, trying to force yourself to settle for something when you aren’t even sure what it is you want. This is a way for you to explore that without any guilt, and we all get to have some amazing sex. And you know how hot it’s going to be to have Eric pounding your ass while I fill that gorgeous mouth.”

I may have whimpered, although I’d never admit it. Eric chuckled and before I could ask him what was so funny, I felt a strong hand land over the tent in my pants.

“I think he knows exactly how good that’d be,” Eric told Bryce. My hips lifted off the cushion, pressing into Eric’s palm, needing more. His fingers drifted between my legs and he gently squeezed my balls. He leaned in so I could feel both of them breathing against my neck. “How would you feel if I told you I had to jerk off in the shower after hearing you moan for Bryce tonight?”

My head fell back as I felt a hand sliding beneath my T-shirt. Bryce began teasing my nipples as Eric continued stroking my dick through my pants. I wanted more. Needed to feel the warmth of his hand curling around my cock, maybe his mouth sucking me to the back of his throat.

“Tell him what you think about that,” Bryce urged. I wasn’t sure I could. The words jumbled in my head, lost in a sea of ”Oh God” and ”Please do that again.” “Come on, baby, you know you want to. And I want you to. I want to know exactly what you’re thinking.”

I wanted to scream that I wasn’t thinking anything. The only thing I thought was that I didn’t want them to stop. Maybe it made me a greedy little bitch, but I wanted them to make me soar. I wanted Bryce to follow through on his suggestion of making it impossible for me to do anything other than pass out. And I knew they could. They would if this went on much longer.

“I… oh fuck… holy fucking shit…” Yep, there really were no words, and that seemed to amuse Eric.

As one hand slid past the waistband of my pants, Eric gripped my chin firmly and turned my head toward him. He sealed his mouth over mine, shoving his tongue deep into my mouth as he kept sliding his hand up and down my shaft. When he pulled away, he looked straight into my eyes and I knew he was searching for any hint that I didn’t want this. He wouldn’t find that because I was nearly frantic with need.