Shogg smiled. That was a day to remember, eh, Triss? The first slaves ever to escape from Riftgard. The otter’s eyes looked away from Triss, over her shoulder. Welfo, liddle maid, wot are ye doinere? Did ye come all the way from Peace Island t’see me?’Tis kind of ye, mate.
Shogg’s eyes closed and his head lolled loosely to one side. Sagax gently prised the otter’s paws from Triss’s cheeks.
Triss stared in disbelief at the badger. Shogg ... you’re not...
The young badger picked Shogg carefully up. He held him like a babe, blinking back huge tears. I’ll let him rest in the shade of that oak.
When the others get back, we’ll take him to Redwall. Triss, I’m sorry.
The squirrelmaid just sat there and wept. Sagax came back from his task and placed a paw about her shoulders. His heart has gone out across the seas to visit your friend on that beautiful isle you told us of.
Triss wiped her eyes with the back of a paw. I’ve known Shogg ever since I can recallÑwe were slaves together. First I lost my father, then Drufo, and now Shogg, the best friend I ever had, is gone. Stay away from me, Sagax, I’m bad luck to know!
The powerful badger heaved her upright and brought his face close to hers. I’m not leaving you anywhere, Trisscar. When you return to Riftgard and free the slaves, I’ll be at your side. You can take my word as a warrior on that!
Mokug and Log a Log returned first. With them they had an unhappy Grubbage.
The hamster and the Guosim Chieftain were desolated by the news of Shogg’s death, but Log a Log was not a beast to sit around grieving for long. He took charge immediately.
Mokug, tie our prisoner to a tree. Then stand by pore young Shogg’til our friends get backÑtogether ye can take our mate’ome to the Abbey.
Come on, Triss me dar-lin’, an’ you, too, Sagax. We got business t’finish wid that white polecat aner cronies. Weepin’ won’t git the job done.
If’n our matey Shogg was alive,’e’d be’ard on the paws o’ those scum right now. Wot d’ye say?
With her eyes blazing hotly through the tears, Triss tightened her grip around Martin the Warrior’s sword. You’re right, friend. What are we wasting time for?
Sagax shouldered his formidable battle-axe. I’m with you!
Throwing caution to the winds, they lit a torch of pine and brushwood and marched boldly into Brockhall. Through the carnage of the battle they strode, ready for anything.
As Log a Log passed the trio of slain serpents, he commented harshly, Yore killin’ seasons are done. Moss-flower’s air will smell sweeter without ye!
As Sagax mounted the steps to the greenstone exit, a shrew voice challenged him gruffly: Who goes there? Show yoreself!
The four Guosim guards they had left behind were in a sorry state. One lay dead, two were unconscious and the remaining shrew was wounded, though not badly. He pointed west into the woodlands.
Three of ‘em, Chief, the white ‘un an’ two rats. They pretended they was surrenderin’ an’ tricked us. Let me go with ye.
Log a Log applied a hasty bandage of dockleaves and grass to his clanbeast’s injured side and made him comfortable. You stay ‘ere an’
do wot ye can for yore mates. You’d only slow us down. Don’t fret, well get ‘em for ye!
Riggan halted on the bank of a small, shady lake and sat down gratefully.
This’ll do, we’ll rest ‘til nightfall. Then if’n you still want t’go back for that pawring, things should be quieter at that Brock’all place, marm. That’s if’n ye want t’go, of course.
Kurda was polishing the crown with some dried moss. She breathed on it and rubbed busily, admiring the way the light caught the heavy gold circlet with its two large jetstones. The Pure Ferret paused and glared regally at her slavecatcher. Dere is no question, I must return to dat place und find mine pawring. Vorto, go und get somet’ink for your queen to eat. I am hungry!
Saluting with his spear, the Ratguard Captain obeyed. Riggan, the more forward of the two, commented drily, So ye ain’t a princess no more, marmÑ’tis Queen now, eh?
Kurda drew her sabre. Sliding the crown over its blade, she held them both out to Riggan. I am Queen by right und conquest. If you vant to be Queen, all you haff to do is lift der crown from dis sabre blade.
Riggan chuckled nervously, knowing what would happen the second she reached out to touch the crown. Wot gave ye the idea I want t’be Queen, marm? My duty is to serve you an’ yore father, Agarnu. Er, wot about
Kurda’s eyes narrowed, and she giggled like a naughty infant. Dat von-legged fool? I giff him der same offer I make to you, mine friend.
Yarr, I vill be Queen of all Rift-gard!
Vorto came stealing furtively back to the lake bank.
Kurda gave him a questioning look. Vere is der food I send you for?
The Ratguard Captain placed a paw to his lips. Not so loud, yore ‘ighness, I just seen somethin’. D’yer remember that big rabbit at Redwall Abbey, the one who snared our guards in a net an’ whacked ‘em? I saw ‘im by chance out in the woodlands, but ‘e didn’t see me, ane’s comin’ this way!
Kurda’s face was the picture of smug self-satisfaction. I remember dat von. Hide now, ve vill ambush ‘im!
Scarum was lost. Between stopping to eat, napping, and composing heroic ballads about himself, the young hare had wandered willy-nilly through Mossflower and missed all trace of his friends. But he was not unduly bothered; anything was better than skivvying at Redwall on a restricted diet. He rambled on, holding a lively conversation with himself.
Lost? Oh come off it, old sport, a chap of my perfect qualities is never lost, wot! I’ll wager anythin’ that pretty soon I’ll hear Sagax shoutin’
it’s time for lunch. Huh, that stripeheaded baritone pal o’ mine has a voice like a bloomin’ bushel o’ bullfrogs, lets the whole world know when he’s hungry. Not like me, of course, the tiniest whisper is all I jolly well give when it’s time for the old nosebag. Not one to yell about scoff, never was!
He caught sight of the pond with a loud whoop. What ho! Fresh clean cool water, just the thing for a growin’ hare. Hope there’s some o’
those flippin’ tasty little watershrimp whizzin’ about in there, wot wot?
Scarum crouched in the shallows, making the most outrageous guzzling noises as he sucked up lakewater. He belched and wiggled both footpaws.
Capital stuff, water! Fills the old turn, drives away the drought, an’
cools off one’s weary paws. Not as tasty as strawberry fizz, but it’ll do at a pinch, eh wot!
Glancing down at the shaded surface, he saw the reflections of Kurda, Vorto and Riggan standing behind him. Catching sight of a flashing sabre blade, Scarum went into quick action. Grabbing his window pole, he did a straightforward roll into the lake. Twisting about, he came up almost waist deep, facing them with his weapon at the ready.
Bounders, what did your mothers tell you about sneakin’ up on a body, eh? Jolly bad form, if y’ask me!
Kurda grinned out through clenched teeth. Gedd ‘im out, Vorto!
The Ratguard waded in, thrusting with his spear. Scarum countered with his metal hooked window pole, landing Vorto a thwack on one ear which set his head ringing.
Kurda shoved Riggan forward. Don’t shtand dere! ‘Elp Vorto!
Scarum knew he was in trouble. The only advantage he had was the water at his back. Vorto and Riggan moved apart, getting on either side and outflanking their quarry. The young hare swung his pole left and right, beating off the menace of the spears, which were shorter than his weapon.