“So the guide wasn’t guided alone… as I take.”
“Exactly, he had help getting inside, the bolt was pulled up, and he could go unnoticed into the royal palace as he was alone.”
“To hide, once the group that tried to entice me entered.”
Henrietta said with painful look in her eyes.
“Yes. In only five minutes, Your Majesty.”
“Once found out, he insisted that it was a coincidence. However, he could not explain from where he had obtained the money…”
The man whose name was written there, was the one that she gave a position to herself, and assumed him to be faithful, but was bribed by the sum of…
“70,000 écu… This amount of gold is higher than the total amount of his pension.”
“It is as you say.”
Kneeling down, Agnes agreed.
“Though we were able to capture the informant who worked for the money… The number of people going over to Albion’s side has increased recently.”
“That employee…”
“I could not contact him yesterday. Perhaps, he sensed that he was found out.”
Henrietta sighed.
“Snake on one’s chest.”
“Reconquista’s nobles reach and hear beyond the national borders.”
“Might of money. A man with dreams turned into a man with lust for gold. For the money… he tried to sell me and the country.”
Agnes kept silent. Henrietta gently put her hand on her shoulder.
“You did well. Thank you.”
Agnes looked at the crest on her surcoat. Crest… lily, the sign of the Royal family.
“I dedicate myself to Your Majesty. Your Majesty gave me a family name and a position.”
“I cannot trust people that use magic anymore. Except for a few old friends…”
Henrietta said in a sad voice.
“In Tarbes, nobles are similar to military. Therefore, this is what makes you a real noble.”
“You are too kind.”
Henrietta shook her head gently.
“You… had it tough in royal court, Agnes.”
“I was born the way I was born. And no sneers matter.”
“Though you are not noble by birth, you are a noble by soul. Foolish people.”
Agnes muttered a question,
“And what will you do about that man’s case?”
“Not enough evidence. It is hard to prove a crime.”
“Then…” Agnes continued in low voice.
“I am just newly established Queen… I will leave everything to the ‘Musketeer Corps’.”
After commander Wardes' betrayal, War of Tarbes, and the recent annihilation of the Griffon Corps, the magic guard that ought to protect the royalty had crumbled. The Griffon Corps were under the command of the Manticore troops now, thus only one unit was still on duty.
To supplement the lack of guards, Henrietta established the ‘Musketeer Corps’ led by Agnes. As its name suggests, it uses the new force of musket and sword, instead of magic. Because of mage shortages, the only members are commoners… For the sake of the personal safety of Henrietta, who is a woman, the guard consists only of women.
Because it interferes negotiations with other corps when the commander is not an aristocrat, Agnes was awarded a noble title by exception. She became a ‘Chevalier’ and a fictional family name was granted.
Henrietta’s exception made the national military power increase due to numbers of joining commoners. Although nobles were naturally repulsed by this idea, Henrietta suppressed it. Though it looked like the way they allied Germania, it was actually different. Henrietta, thanks to the kidnapping that deeply damaged her confidence… was unable to trust mages anymore.
“We are the way the royal court says – born without fineness. After all, it is impossible to become a noble.”
Henrietta shook her head.
“Who said that you are not a noble? You are a commander of the corps of the imperial guard knights that I myself admitted. The commander of imperial guards is different, as your position can only be rivaled to that of a field marshal.”
Agnes deeply bowed.
“Have pride. Walk tall. ‘I am an aristocrat’ – tell that to yourself in front of the mirror. If you do so, you will gain the fineness eventually.”
“As you say.”
“You just follow our former plan and watch over the man’s actions. If we are correct, the criminals will surely expose themselves tomorrow.”
“We won’t let them go free?”
“Surely. I won’t forgive anyone who is related to that night’s incident… Countries… People… Anyone. Yes.”
Then Agnes deeply bowed and left the room.
She was eternally grateful to Henrietta. Not because of the position or family name... No, because she was given a chance for revenge.
Chapter 2
Saito was lying on the floor. Towering above him stood a roughly breathing Louise. It was the kitchen of the 'Charming Fairies' Inn. The inn just opened, but it was already noisy inside. Louise, with her arms crossed, looked down at Saito.
“Tell me, big brother.”
Louise still called him big brother. In here, Saito pretended to be Louise’s elder brother. No one believed it as everyone in the inn already knew that Louise was a noble, yet she continued calling him ‘Big Brother’ anyway. Really stubborn character.
“What, little sister?”
Saito asked in a voice feeble and strained from Louise’s harsh beating.
“What were you doing before I called you?”
“Cleaning dishes.”
“Don’t lie. You were looking away.”
“A little.”
“Not a little.”
Louise pointed inside of the inn.
“You were ogling that girl’s thighs, this girl’s breasts and that girl’s bottom…”
Then, Louise angrily pointed at Jessica.
“You were watching the valley of Jessica’s breasts too.”
“A little.”
“Hey, big brother...”
Louise stomped on Saito’s face with her feet.
“Isn’t it bad for you not to look at me? Isn’t your master gathering information from drunkards? If your cute master is endangered, you ought to protect her, right?”
“I'm sorry.”
“Sorry is not enough. You looked at me only twice; I counted. You looked at this girl and at that girl four times. You looked at Jessica’s cleavage twelve times. You looked away, ignoring your Master. I c-c-c-cannot p-p-permit that!”
“Hey, I wasn’t looking!”
Pardon me. I’m seeing Louise every day. Her sleeping face too. It is love. Aah, master is cute. However, I want you to permit looking at other girls. It is man's nature. You cannot fight it even if looking away. Therefore, it is not necessary to get angry so much… Saito misunderstood her anger.
But, he would never say such an excuse aloud. By now, Saito had learned how to deal with Louise.
“What if the moment when you look away, I am attacked by a strange man? Do you understand? Are you willing to put me in such danger?”
“No… Wouldn’t that be alright? Ugh!”
“Master is not that appealing really. A tiny body has tiny popularity.”
Saito said what he was thinking. Louise spread her hands, sighed with a ‘Fuuh,’ and started warming-up for another physical exercise.
“Really? I see. The dog can only be taught physically. Nnshotto.”
She went back to her vigorous exercise.
While Louise was warming-up, Saito quietly slipped towards the back door. He had enough punishment a little while ago. Ten minutes. He needed to run away and get some rest.