Baked Products
Starch exerts its contribution in baked products through its important properties, such as gelatinization, water absorption and retrogradation (Cui, 2005’ Taggart, 2004). Starch gelatinization is very important in building the structure and texture of baked products. The ability of starch to bind water could reduce the stickiness of dough, improve handling and increase cake volume. This property could also increase moistness and soften the texture of baked products (Taggart, 2004). Mais (2008) prepared bread and biscuits by utilizing sweet potato flour and starch. Biscuits and bread containing sweet potato flour and starch are low in amylose and are digested slowly, whereas wheat control biscuits were able to gelatinize starch and exerted a greater effect upon digestibility. Gravies, Soups and Sauces
Application of starches in these food products depends on the production process, which is usually influenced by pH of products and heat during processing (Taggart, 2004). Compared to neutral products, a higher-degree of cross-linking starch is required for high acid products (pH < 4.5). Fetoh and Salwa (2010) studied the physicochemical properties of starch extracted from different sources (tiger nut, sweet potato and taro) and their application in puddings and white sauces. The highest value of swelling power was observed in the case of sweet potato starch at 95 °C followed by tiger nut starch at 85 °C and taro starch at 95 °C of gelatinization.
11.1.15 Future Aspects
The sweet potato could be considered as an excellent novel source of natural health-promoting compounds, such as beta-carotene and anthocyanins, for the functional food market. Also, the high concentration of anthocyanin and beta-carotene in sweet potato, combined with the high stability of the color extract make it a promising and healthier alternative to synthetic coloring agents in food systems. Starch and flour processing from sweet potato can create new economic and employment activities for farmers and rural households. Sweet potato starch is particularly valued as a food starch in the form of thickener and stabilizer and is used in the manufacture of sweeteners, sizing of paper and textile. Efforts are needed to add value to the sweet potato on a commercial scale in the producing countries for the higher returns to farmers.
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