― Leaf Heteromorphic leaf form, generally 1-pinnate, alternate, distinct petiole, petiole base possess membranous margin containing sheath, oblong-triangular leaf shape, 35–400 to 13–200 mm size, primary segments 3–7, oblong to triangular, margin- serrated or lobed.
― Flower/Fruits Either simple or complex compound umbels present, 20–150 mm diameter, 3–22 rays. P. sativa subsp. sylvestris, P. sativa subsp. urens and P. sativa subsp. sativa bracteoles absent. No or minute sepal teeth, yellow to greenish-yellow, glabrous petal (pinkish in P. zozimoides), actinomorphic corolla of small size 1.2–2.5 mm, dorsally compressed fruit.
Genetic Makeup 2n = 22
References Menemen and Jury, 2001; Wikipedia.org
Plant Raphanus sativus
Origin Origin in the Middle East or West Asian regions, possibly from R. raphanistrum, although other suggestions indicate Asiatic origins with a center of major diversity in China; ancient cultivation in the Mediterranean, maximum diversity from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea to China and still more to Japan.
Morphological features/ Identification marks
― Roots/tubers Thickened fleshy root, primary root and the hypocotyls are edible, variable size and shape, 2.5–90 cm length, oblate to long tapering shape, white or different shades of scarlet with some red cultivars having white tip color.
― Stem Biennial plant, the stems grow to 60–200 cm (20–80 ′′) tall.
― Leaf Alternate, sparingly hispid-glabrous leaves,radical rosette lower leaves, 3–5.5 mm petiole, lyrate. Pinnatifid, oblong-ovate, oblong leaf blades.
― Flower/Fruits Typical terminal erect, long, many and colored (1.5 cm in diameter, fragrant, small, white, rose or lilac) flowered raceme, 2.5 cm long pedicel, 4 sepals erect in nature; 4 petals, clawed, spathulate, 1–2 cm long, 6 stamens, tetradynamous and style 3–4 mm long, 3 mm in diameter with ovoid-globose seed.
Genetic Makeup The basic genome (x = 9) of radish chromosome complements therefore, appears to comprise some homologous and non homologous chromosomes. 2n = 2x = 18.
References Warwick, 2011; Kalia, 2008
Plant Brassica spp (Turnip)
Origin Two main centers of origin, viz., Mediterranean area primary center for European types and Eastern Afghanistan with adjoining area of Pakistan considered to be another primary center with Asia Minor Transcaucasus and Iran as secondary centers.
Morphological features/ Identification marks
― Roots/tubers Fusiform to tuberous, stout taproot; underground portion of hypocotyls, the color and shape of which vary, depending upon cultivar.
― Stem A distinct taproot and secondary roots arise from the lower part of the swollen hypocotyls. Variable in shape, from flat through globose to ellipsoid and cylindrical, blunt or sharply pointed, flesh white, pink or yellow, apex white, green, red, pink or bronze.
― Leaf Variable, petioled basal leaves, lyrate-pinnati-partite, dentate, crenate or sinuate with large terminal lobe and up to 5 pairs of small lateral lobes.
― Flower/Fruits Loosely corymbiform raceme, open flowers, 1–3 cm long Pedicel, yellow green sepals and 6–11 mm long, clawed, yellow colored petals, siliquae fruit.
Genetic Makeup 2n = 2 x = 20
References Kalia, 2008
Plant Beta vulgaris (Beets)
Origin Mediterranean area
Morphological features/ Identification marks
― Roots/tubers The root is stout, sometimes conspicuously swollen forming a beet together with the hypocotyl, and sometimes forming a branched taproot (as in ssp. maritima).
― Stem Glabrous or slightly, hairy annual, biennial or perennial of very varied habit, from 30–120 cm (or even 200 cm) in height. Stems are decumbent, ascending or erect, and more or less branched.
― Leaf Leaves are varied in size, shape and color, often dark green or reddish and shiny, frequently forming a radicle rosette. Inflorescences are usually large and more or less branched.
― Flower/Fruits The flowers are hermaphrodite arranged in small cymes.
Genetic Makeup All Beta species are based on x = 9 chromosomes and species within Section Beta are presumed to be diploid (2x = 2n = 18 chromosomes)
References Castro et al., 2013; Kalia, 2008
Plant Anredera cordifolia
Origin Native from Paraguay to southern Brazil and northern Argentina, South American species
Morphological features/ Identification marks
― Roots/tubers Tubers occur at base of stems or clusters on leaf axils of old stems, thick rhizomes.
― Stem Perennial herb, long leafy stems, stems usually 3–6 m long.
― Leaf Succulent mucillagenous leaves. Leaves ovate or sometimes lanceolate, 1–11 cm long, 0.8–8 cm wide, producing small axillary tubercles at base.
― Flower/Fruits Large and thickened dense infloroscenses large flowers 4.5–6mm diameter, long pedicels. Subsps. gracillis has small flowers, indehiscent globose capsule fruit. Racemes simple or 2–4 branched, 4–30 cm long, pedicels 1.5–2 mm long, each flower subtended by a minute persistent bract; receptacle cup-shaped by 2 persistent hyaline bracteoles, the upper 2 greenish-white, broadly elliptic to sub-orbicular, 1–2 mm long; corolla white, the lobes ovate-oblong to elliptic, 1–3 mm long; stamens white, style white, 3-cleft nearly to base.
Genetic Makeup 2 ploidy levels, subsps. cordifolia 2n = 36 and subsps. gracillis 2n = 24.
References Starr et al., 2003; Wikipedia.org
Plant Plectranthus esculentus also known as Coleus dazo and Coleus esculentus)
Origin Endemic African species. Two centers of dispersal, one in South Africa (Malawi or Zambia) and in the Central Africa Republic with central Africa area being considered as primary center.
Morphological features/ Identification marks
― Roots/tubers A cluster of edible tubers at the base of the stem that are used as a potato substitute. Edible, thickened subterranean organs at the base of the stem. Thickened, long, cylindrical root tubers or rhizomes formed at the base of the stem. Yellow-light brown pigmentation, white epidermis, finger shape or oblong, moderate-very pubescent.
― Stem Seasonal, perennial, herbaceous plant, Biannual herb, erect, rectangular stem, moderate-very pubescent, green-dark.
― Leaf Dark green, elliptical, oblong, oval-shaped, moderately pubescent, unicostate reticulate or parallel.
― Flower/Fruits Bright yellow flowers, flowers are two-lipped and are on the short and crowded branches.