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‘Right,’ said Popov, removing his Oakleys. ‘We might as well get started. We’re looking at wheels up at three o’clock this afternoon, a flight time of just under five hours, wheels down in Cyprus at nine p.m. Mr Grechko will be staying at the villa of his friend, Georgy Malykhin. Mr Malykhin’s car will be at the airport to meet us, along with two other vehicles.’

Shepherd raised his hand. ‘This is the first I’ve heard of this,’ he said. ‘I thought Mr Grechko was staying with his ex-wife.’

Popov shook his head. ‘Mr Grechko never stays with Mrs Grechko,’ he said. ‘He will be visiting her and the children tomorrow. But tonight he stays with Mr Malykhin.’

‘He’s stayed there before?’ asked Shepherd.

‘Many times,’ said Popov. ‘There is no reason to worry, Tony. Mr Malykhin’s security arrangements are on a par with ours. His villa is secluded and has full CCTV and alarms, and he has a security team of twelve.’

‘I need CVs of all the team this morning.’

‘You shall have them,’ said Popov.

‘And the transport arrangements? We’ll be using his vehicles?’

‘He has armoured Mercs,’ said Popov. ‘Everything will be fine, we have done this many times.’

Shepherd was about to argue but he remembered his promise not to embarrass Popov in front of his team so he sat back, folded his arms and said nothing. Popov continued his security briefing and his team made copious notes.

Shepherd waited until the briefing was over and the team had left before taking his coffee over to Popov and sitting down next to him. ‘I should have mentioned the sleeping arrangements to you earlier,’ said the Russian. ‘My apologies.’

‘No problem, Dmitry,’ said Shepherd. ‘Just make sure I get the CVs. Now what about the pilot?’

‘He’s been with Mr Grechko for eight years. As his co-pilot. Both are former Russian Air Force pilots.’

‘And who else will be on board?’

‘Two stewardesses. They have been with us for three years. I personally checked both of them out when we hired them.’

‘And the plane has stayed at RAF Northolt?’

Popov nodded. ‘I sent Leo out last night to check the plane out and he will stay with it until we arrive.’

‘And it will be just the six of us flying out with him?’

‘Six will be enough. We will have Mr Malykhin’s people with us at all times in Cyprus and the driver who will be in Mr Grechko’s car is one we have used many times before.’

Shepherd nodded, impressed. It sounded as if Popov had covered all the bases. ‘Just one more thing,’ he said. ‘Can we vary the route this time? Travel a route that we haven’t used before?’

‘Of course,’ said Popov.

Shepherd went for a run at ten o’clock in the morning. He changed into his sweatshirt, tracksuit bottoms and trainers and did a couple of laps of the grounds. It felt strange running without his usual rucksack of bricks and army boots and he barely worked up a sweat. Running on the flat in running shoes was no challenge at all. He jogged towards the gates and waved at Barsky. Barsky waved back and the gate opened. He headed south down The Bishops Avenue and waited for a gap in the traffic on Hampstead Lane before jogging across to the Heath. He spent the next hour alternating between running full pelt across the grass and doing fast press-ups and sit-ups. It was a far more efficient cardiovascular workout than he would ever get in the gym, and his sweatshirt had earned its name by the time he jogged back through the gate.

He showered and changed back into his suit and tie before heading to the kitchen, where an amiable chef – a portly Italian lady – made him a chicken salad sandwich and coffee. Popov joined him just as Shepherd was tucking into the second half of his sandwich. The chef made a big fuss of Popov and insisted that he try a seafood spaghetti dish that she was planning to serve when they returned from Cyprus. She busied herself over the stove as Popov went through the CVs of the security team they would be working with in Cyprus. Most were Russian but there were two Latvians and a Ukrainian. All had worked with Malykhin for at least a year.

They were interrupted by the chef serving Popov a plate piled high with spaghetti, lobster, oysters, prawns and squid in a steaming spicy spaghetti sauce. She saw Shepherd’s eyes light up and gave him a small helping too. It was pretty much the best pasta Shepherd had ever tasted. ‘Maria used to work with Raymond Blanc until Mr Grechko doubled her salary,’ said Popov. ‘It’s the best thing he ever did.’ He patted his stomach. ‘I’ve put on five kilos since she came to work here.’

‘You have not,’ laughed the chef, flicking a tea towel at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She nodded. ‘What do you think? Mr Grechko will be having guests for lunch and they like seafood. It’s not too spicy?’

‘It’s heavenly, Maria,’ said Popov, twisting his fork around in the spaghetti. ‘To die for.’

The chef blushed with pleasure. Popov finished his briefing in between mouthfuls of seafood and pasta.

‘What about this Mr Malykhin?’ asked Shepherd. ‘Has anyone ever tried to hurt him?’

‘He’s very low profile and has always backed the right horses in the Kremlin,’ said Popov. ‘He’s clever, is Mr Malykhin. He never badmouths Putin. Never badmouths anyone, in fact. And he’s in Moscow as much as he is in Cyprus. What causes resentment is when they relocate to London or New York as if they are too good for Mother Russia.’

‘Is that what Mr Grechko has done?’ asked Shepherd, lowering his voice so that Maria wouldn’t hear him. ‘Caused resentment?’

Popov shrugged but didn’t answer.

‘Dmitry, I’m here to help,’ said Shepherd. ‘I can only do that if I have all the facts.’

‘It’s not for me to say,’ said the Russian.

‘You’re not talking out of school, it’s information I need to do my job properly,’ said Shepherd. ‘Someone tried to kill your boss. We need to know if the attack was political, personal, or connected to his business.’


‘It’s not unknown for wives to see killing as an alternative to divorce,’ said Shepherd.

Popov looked shocked, but then a smile spread slowly across his face. ‘Mrs Grechko? You think Mrs Grechko would want Mr Grechko dead?’ He shook his head. ‘He is the father of her children and he is very generous to her.’

‘What about the new Mrs Grechko? Does she have a pre-nup?’

Popov’s smile widened. ‘Mr Grechko loves her. She gets whatever she wants. Believe me, she would gain nothing if he were to die.’

‘So you think it’s political?’

‘I’m not a detective, Tony. I’m a bodyguard. I prevent crimes, I don’t solve them.’

Shepherd nodded. ‘Fair point.’

The Russian leaned over towards Shepherd. ‘But there’s an expression I heard. Tall poppies. Have you heard that?’

‘Sure. It’s the tall poppies that get cut down,’

‘Well, Mr Grechko is a tall poppy, that’s all I’ll say.’ He shoved the last forkful of pasta into his mouth. ‘One of the tallest.’

They left the house at just after one o’clock. There were three vehicles; Grechko was in his Bentley with Shepherd and Popov, with Dudko and Volkov in a Range Rover in front and Sokolov and Podolski bringing up the rear in a BMW.

RAF Northolt was just six miles north of Heathrow Airport, but whereas Heathrow was one of the world’s busiest airports, Northolt was a lot more selective. It had a single runway which was used only by the RAF and by wealthy individuals who were able to pay the exorbitant landing and handling fees.

Security was as tight as would be expected at a military airport. Their vehicles and IDs were carefully checked at the gate before they were allowed in. They drove over to a hangar where Leo Tarasov was waiting beside a gleaming Gulfstream G550, which Shepherd figured had cost somewhere between sixty and seventy million dollars. It was a sleek, white hawk with two massive Rolls-Royce turbofan engines by the tail and it looked brand new. The captain, who seemed to be barely out of his twenties, was standing at the top of the stairs wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with black and gold epaulettes and he saluted Grechko before disappearing into the cockpit. Two very pretty stewardesses gave Grechko beaming smiles and led him into the plane.