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“Not if they were drugged.”

She jerked her face out of his hold but the man behind her kept her immobile in the chair from the shoulders down. “They’d have smelled me on them when they woke up if I touched them wrong. I’m not stupid.”

She tried to calm down but it really pushed her buttons, being accused of the hideous things they’d implied. “Do you know what I could do to you right now if I were a New Species and you were this close to me?” She clenched her teeth and took a calming breath. “I could bite into your mouth and tear your lips off or butt you with my forehead and break bones. I was this close to them all the time when I had to take samples. None of them hurt me because they realized I would never hurt them. I gave them my trust and they gave me theirs in return. They knew I cared.”

A vicious snarl echoed around the room, making it impossible for her to tell from which direction it came. She figured it out fast, though, when Jordan was shoved out of the way and 710 took his place. His dark-mahogany irises were clearly visible in the harsh overhead light when he crouched, staring at her. Anger lines around his mouth clued her in to his bad mood.

“You admit you worked to gain our trust to use against us?”

“Let me handle this.” Jordan gripped 710’s shoulder. “I’ll deal with her.”

710 bared his canines and growled. “Back off. She’s mine.”

Jordan released him, taking a step to the side. “Okay.”

Jeanie frowned. “I never used anything against you.”

“Why gain our trust? Why make us feel as if you cared?”

“I wanted you to know I was in your corner. I couldn’t exactly say I was there trying to get you free. There were cameras everywhere and if I ever whispered that fact to you, what if you let it slip to the guards in anger or told another New Species to give them hope? I couldn’t risk it. Our lives were at stake.”

“We need to find out what was on that mainframe,” Jordan stated. “Focus on that.”

“Shut up, Jordan,” 710 snapped. “Don’t interfere.” He leaned in closer. “Do you want to spill my blood now?” His gaze dipped to her lips and he revealed his sharp canines again. “Do you need a reminder of who has the worse bite?”

It wounded Jeanie’s feelings, seeing 710’s bitterness. “You would win.” She didn’t think he’d use his teeth on her though. He could have while he was chained at Drackwood if the urge had ever surfaced. “I don’t want your blood, 710. I never did.”

“What was the purpose of gaining our trust?”

“I told you.”

“What did Polanitis hope to gain? What kind of information were you trying to get from us? What was the angle?”

“There was none. I just wanted you to have hope and not give up in that hell. I wanted that for all of you. I was fighting for you whether you knew it or not.”

“Are there backup files of the ones you destroyed?”

“I don’t know.” She slumped in her seat, disheartened by his lack of confidence in her word. “That was way above my paygrade. I only fried the computer to keep the New Species alive until the SWAT team arrived.” She peered into his beautiful eyes. “I’m telling you the truth. I was working with Agent Terry Brice. You need to call him and clear this up. I was working with the NSO this entire time.”

The team member still holding her wrists snorted. “Lady, stop now while you’re ahead. You’re digging a bigger hole to get buried in.”

She didn’t bother to glance at him, instead keeping her focus on 710. He rose to his feet and backed away. “Take over, Jordan. I don’t want to lose my temper and I’m about to.”

Jeanie wanted to wake from the nightmare but it wasn’t a bad dream. 710 thought the worst of her and it didn’t matter that it would be cleared up in time. Agent Brice would hear about her arrest and show up to set things right. It still hurt. The task force team member crouched down in front of her again.

“Help us link Mercile Industries to Cornas Research or you’ll be sent to Fuller. The jerks who run it will make you wish you’d cooperated with us. They aren’t much nicer to prisoners there than your coworkers treated New Species. You’ll be locked inside a six-by-five cell with bars for walls. You’ll never see daylight again or know a moment of privacy. They don’t even have windows there.”

Hot tears threatened but she refused to cry. “What is Fuller?”

“It’s a prison for criminals who commit crimes against New Species. It will make regular prison seem like a vacation in the Bahamas. You’ll never get out of there until you’re in a body bag on the way to the funeral home of your family’s choice. No court dates, no parole, and no visits from anyone.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his cold eyes. “No phone calls. No contact with the outside world. No television, radio, or internet. You’ll spend the rest of your damn life suffering as New Species suffered. Play ball with me by giving up all the information I want or you’re on the next transport there.”

“Call Agent Terry Brice. Please? He’ll tell you who I am and this will be cleared up. His number is—”

He cupped her side again, his thumb pressing against her wound enough to make her cry out. “There is no damn Agent Brice. Stop fucking with me.”

“Enough,” 710 snarled.

“Stop, Jordan,” Trey Roberts commanded.

“There is,” she blurted, leaning closer to Jordan, angry and in pain. “He’s visited me many times and I’m tired of this bullshit. Find him. Just call his cell. I know the number by heart. I was too afraid to write it down in case my apartment was searched again.”


“They do that to employees. They search our homes, our cars and even check our phone records to see who we contact. I’m pretty sure they even bug our homes and phone lines so they can hear every word we say. I found a few in my apartment once, at least I think they were bugs. I didn’t dare touch them. I was always very careful or I’d never have survived this long. They would have killed me if they even suspected I worked with the NSO.”

Trey Roberts stepped into the light. “She looks so sincere and outraged.” He turned his head, stared at 710. “She’s either telling the truth or she’s the best liar I’ve ever seen. I’ve met CIA operatives with less talent for staying in character when they are deep undercover.”

“This is so stupid,” she protested. “Just find Agent Terry Brice already.”

Trey took a few steps closer and sighed. “There is no Terry Brice. Jordan is having a hard time believing your story because it doesn’t make sense. The SWAT team didn’t hit that building. We did. The NSO doesn’t need a judge to get a search warrant. We think New Species are being held somewhere, even suspect they might be there, and we can gather at least four teams within an hour to tear any place apart.”

Her mind blanked for a second, trying to make sense of what he said. It didn’t.

“We have three helicopters at our disposal at all times and can get them in the air within an hour with our teams fully prepared to converge on a location. We’ve done it and I have to admit I’m always a little impressed with our quick response time. We don’t have to follow the letter of the law. New Species are exempt from that red tape when it comes to recovering other ones.” He held up a hand and fisted it, straightening one finger.

“Your first mistake was saying you contacted the tip line. If you had, we’d have torn Drackwood apart a brick at a time to search every inch of it for New Species.” Another finger went up. “Your second mistake was saying the name of this supposed agent because I train with each and every member of the task force who are involved with Species. There is no such person. You can’t even claim he’s from another agency because we’re it when it comes to the NSO. Shit doesn’t go down without our approval and knowledge. It’s a presidential order for any outside agency to report to my boss immediately and pass all information that involves New Species directly to him. No such call was made to Tim or number one would have happened. We’d have ripped Drackwood apart just the way we did Cornas. We got the tip about it and were there within four hours.”