Then a human hologram appeared (and it really was a man, not an elf) with a golden wreath on his head. In contrast to the eternally young adolescent elves, Caesar was already aged and thin with an aquiline nose and a piercing gaze.
Apparently he heard, pronounced by the boy-president and severely twisted his eyebrows roared:
- What are you talking about plebeians ...
Donald Trump was offended:
"What a plebeian I am!" I'm a patrician in the tenth tribe!
Julius Caesar unexpectedly matched, replying:
- Here you will overcome the enemy, then you can call yourself a patrician!
Donald chuckled and rubbed his barefoot, boyish leg with a trickle of blood, barked:
"Are you weak with me?"
Julius Caesar angrily replied:
"And you have not grown to me before!"
Donald, giggling into a fist, remarked:
- Not everyone thinks so!
Julius suddenly softened:
- Our radiant elves say that he was an earthly ruler ... There we will fight!
Trump pouted, like a turkey, and said:
- Let it be so!
The rostrums rustled ... The sporadic horde gurgled. But Julius Caesar said sternly:
"But you still deserve to fight me!" First you fight the monster!
Donald frowned and muttered:
- Are you really not a monster?
Caesar was laughing at these words, and he ordered:
"And since you're still too young, I'll ask the Goddess to make you a little more."
Trump did not have time to reply. He really grew up, turning from a boy of eleven to twelve into a beautiful young man.
Donald Trump felt a tide of wild power and clenched his strong fists with full knuckles. Here he will be ready to fight ...
The monster flew out suddenly. The former American president did not even have time to consider it. It was something like a giant toad. Two masses: large and small collided together. There followed a semblance of an explosion.
The body of one of them, the blood spattered body, shuddered feebly ...
In my head - a cannonade, you seemed to be covered by an explosive wave that split the flesh into molecules that continue to tear, burning like miniature atomic bombs flares. A force of will, a desperate attempt to assemble - and here the crimson veil seems to settle slowly, but does not cease to spin before your eyes. Mist as if with tentacles clinging to the surrounding space ... It hurts, the flour in every cell of the torn body.
- Seven eight...
The voice of the impassive computer is heard, muffled, like through a dense veil.
- Nine ten...
It is necessary to rise quickly, to rise sharply, otherwise there will be an end. But the body is paralyzed. Through the thick red-smoky haze vaguely visible enemy. This is a huge three-legged monster - a paraloroid. He had already raised his thick and long crest, preparing with enormous force to tear down the blade of the living guillotine.
Two huge claws on each side predatorily opened, the third limb long, the prickly whisking tail of the scorpion, being behind, impatiently scratched the cover of the arena. A yellow, smelly saliva, sizzling and smoking in the air, dripped from the opposite, bumpy, green muzzle warts. A hideous freak hung over a muscular, bloodied human body.
- Eleven twelve...
Now the words become painfully deafening, like hammer blows through the eardrums. The computer considers a little slower than the standard terrestrial measures of time. Thirteen is already a knockout.
The decision was born in a fraction of a second. Suddenly, sharply straightening his right leg, and using his left as a spring, in a furious rage, sprawling like a leopard, Donald Trump jumped up and inflicted the strongest loquacus directly over the nerve center of an alien monster - a silica-magnesium hybrid of crab and toad. The blow was strong, sharp and precise, and also coincided with the oncoming movement of the beast. Monster sub-space (an intermediate habitat, capable of traveling between the stars replenishing with the energy of electromagnetic waves, but in inhabited worlds predator, not disdaining the devouring of organics of all kinds) slightly ass, but did not fall. This kind of paraloids has several nerve centers, which greatly distinguishes them from other creatures. The blow to the largest of them caused only partial paralysis.
The enemy of the monster, despite the broad shoulders and bumpy musculature, was very young, almost a boy. The features of the ruddy face are thin, but expressive. If they are not distorted by pain and fury, they seem naive and tender. When he appeared in the arena, a roar of disappointment was heard in the stands, just like a peaceful and harmless boy, the man-gladiator Donald Trump looked like. Although now, this is no longer a boy, but an enraged animal, his eyes erupt such frenzied hatred that it seemed to incinerate as good as an ultra-laser. From the impact, the guy nearly broke his leg, but continued to move with the speed of the cat, though he limped a little.
The pain can not break the cheetah, it only mobilizes, all the hidden reserves of the young organism, introducing in the likeness of trance!
In the head of a boy and a former president, thousands of drums seem to be beating, veins and tendons flow, indomitable energy. A series of powerful accented blows to the mastodon body followed. In response, the monster waved a sharp half-centner in weight claws. Usually these animals have the reaction of jugglers, but an accurate blow to the nerve node slowed it down.
The young fighter, having made a somersault, left the terrible crest and was behind the monster. After inserting his knee and passing his hand from the claw, the young man struck her with an elbow, putting all his weight, and made a sharp turn of the body. There was a crunch of a broken limb. Caught at the wrong angle, the claw broke, spurted a small fountain, stinking, toad-colored blood.
Although the touch of the liquid erupting from the creature lasted only a moment, the young gladiator felt a severe burn, pale purple blisters instantly swelled on his chest and right arm. I had to bounce and break the distance. The beast ejaculated a painful howl - a mixture of the lion's roar, the croaking of a frog and the hiss of a viper. In a frenzied rage, a monster rushed forward - a young man, covered with a mixture of blood and sweat, making a cascade of somersaults, flew to the armored grid. With a running start, putting all his weight, the monster struck the crest, trying to pierce the opponent's chest.