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A supernova broke out in the orbit of a planet so similar to earth... Gravity waves and a hyperplasmic tsunami hit the surface of a populated sublunar planet.

This is when lava pours out from above, from which huge skyscrapers for many hundreds of floors instantly melt, turning into photons. They give out thin squeaks, many millions of instantly burned natives of the planet Tuk. They even had time to be afraid of it, and the pain signal doesn't have time to reach the brain. It's just that the carnivore instantly went off in a firework display. Sfero Catastrophes also flew there, along with the terminator girl.

Donald trump, though not a Saint himself, still couldn't resist reading a moraclass="underline"

- Well, aren't you ashamed? You destroyed an entire planet on a whim!

In response, the pair responded in unison, so much so that the quasi-crystal vacuum cracked, spreading out into many fragments:

"Only the planet! - And a deafening laugh in response. - Look at how we create big universes and play there!

The demiurge girl, along with the Catastrophist boy-deity and the Devil, instantly moved: they showed Donald Trump a new universe that they just managed to concoct.

From the side of the goddess Emmanuel, like cakes from the oven, only in billions and trillions of stars of various types popped out, with only one feature: different types of cars and trucks with the wings of living creatures and butterflies with cheesecake wheels.