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“Mmm, nothing, Sophia. Nothing.” She was so sophisticated and mature for her age that sometimes Edward forgot how innocent she was in sexual matters.

“Come on, Edward.” She tilted her head to the side, “Explain yourself-” The intercom buzzed. “Transfer him, Sarah, please,” she said, leaving no time for her secretary to say anything. She marched to the bathroom raising her index finger and mouthing to Edward, “One minute.”

She closed the door and vented her anger on the phone, in a low voice, “Are you crazy, Alistair Connor? I told you I was clean and on birth control. What’s the hurry? Couldn’t you have called me first? John wants to see us at midday today. What is he going to think about you? About me? Dammit, Alistair Connor. Dammit.”

“I don’t know who John is or what he’s going to think about you or Alistair Connor. And I don’t care,” a deep masculine and amused voice answered her, chuckling. “How are you, Sophia?”

Not Alistair.

I just told a man I’m clean and on birth control. Oh, ground, please, swallow me.

“It is Sophia, isn’t it?” Tavish insisted, as delighted as he’d been in ages by her outburst and the amusing way she had scolded his brother.

“Who is?” she stammered, incapable of forming a coherent thought.

“Seems you’ve got the wrong MacCraig, Sophia,” he paused, waiting for her to say something.

Damn! Lieutenant-Colonel-Doctor-Lord-Arrogance. “My lord Tavish Uilleam?”

“Aye. How are you, Sophia?”

What now, Sophia? Breathe, breathe.

“Still there, Sophia?”

“I... Yes, I’m still here.”

“How are you?” Tavish’s smile was impossibly broad. He had been laughing and smiling much more since he discovered Sophia was not another Heather and was keeping Alistair at arm’s-length, on the verge of madness.

“I’m fine, thank you. And you, my lord?” she whispered, mortified. “Could you put your brother on, please? I’m sorry my secretary made the mistake of asking for you.”

“I’m fine, thanks, Sophia.” She heard when he breathed deeply. “It wasn’t your secretary’s mistake. I intercepted the call. I want to talk to you. Could you meet me for lunch?”

“Alone?” What are you intending, my lord?

“Alone,” he confirmed in a now stern tone. “Also, I’d ask you not to tell Alistair Connor about this.”

“My lord-”

“Please, Sophia, call me Tavish Uilleam. I’m sorry, I got the wrong idea, but when my father told me you were Alistair’s girlfriend I-”

“Tavish Uilleam.” She cut him. Are you trying to warn me against Alistair too? “I have no reason to go out with you, alone. I don’t have a habit of lying and I’m not going to start just yet. What do you want to talk with me?”

“Not on the phone. A tea, maybe?”

“Only if your brother joins us.”

“No, not with Alistair. And if Alice comes along?”

“What is so secret that Alistair can’t hear? I find this request extremely unusual.”

“Please, Sophia,” he insisted. “Lunch or tea. With Alice. You can set the date with her. I’m going to transfer the call to Alistair Connor.” Tavish was about to transfer the call, but his hand hovered for a second over the button and he returned to the phone. “Sophia, I’ll be waiting for your confirmation. Soon. Hold on, please.”

Which brother is more commanding? She asked her image in the mirror.

“Sophia, sweetheart, good morning. Did you sleep well? Did you have... good dreams?”

Alistair’s deep voice, full of sensual innuendo, reached deep down in Sophia’s belly, making her forget all she was supposed to say to him, as desire took control of her body and mind.

“Mmm, ah...” she moaned. And whispered, throaty, “Hi.” She heard him chuckling on the other side of the line. Goddamnit, Sophia. Mmm, ah... Hi? Is this an intelligent or even coherent phrase? She pulled herself together and reprimanded him, “Alistair Connor. I’m not used to having men command my schedule.”

Alistair chuckled again, “I do hope so, love. But, pray tell me, who’s been ordering you around?”


“Me?” His voice sounded genuinely surprised. “As if I could.”

“You tried to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Walter.”

“I didn’t try. I did it.” His voice had a dry tone. “I made an appointment for us. We talked about it.”

Sophia huffed, “Alistair, we talked about it, yes. But that was before my neck and thighs were covered with black-and-blue finger marks.”

He had no answer. A silence ensued on the line.


“I’m still here. And I’m listening. Go on,” he said in an even drier voice.

Oh, damn. Damn. “I didn’t mean-”

“Oh, no! You meant it. The thing is, Sophia, I don’t care if you are covered with pockmarks or bruises. You want to continue with our relationship, don’t you? So, we’re going to that appointment. Together. I’m sure John can handle a few black-and-blue marks.” The line at his end beeped. “Hold on for a second, please.”

Alistair didn’t wait for her answer and pressed down the button for the intercom, “Yes, MacKeenan? Quickly, please.”

“Mr. MacCraig, you asked me to confirm Dr. Walter’s appointment.”

“Aye. And?”

“Well, I just called and his secretary informed me that Dr. Walter won’t be able to see you at six, but he left a twelve-thirty appointment open for you and Mrs. Leibowitz. It’s his only available time. Today or tomorrow.”

“Confirm it for today, please. And inform Garrick I’ll be leaving at a quarter to eleven. Also, please, call Mary at Cartier. I want the matching ring for the Love bracelet I bought. And call Mr. Arkade about the Van Clef clip I had put aside last week. Send fresh white roses to Mrs. Leibowitz’s office and house. Make it a hundred... No, two hundred. A hundred each. And ask for orange blossoms to be put among the roses. Ah, and MacKeenan, please, find a doll called Corolle. See if it needs batteries and if there are accessories available. Buy them all and send them to Miss Gabriela Leibowitz. I have all the cards ready. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m finished with this call so you can come get them.”

“Sir? Does Mary know Mrs. Leibowitz’s ring size?”

“Good question. She has long and elegant fingers... Ask for one size sixteen and one size seventeen. It’s probably one of them. Did you get all that, MacKeenan?”

“Yes, sir. Consider it done.”

“Thanks.” Alistair pushed down the button for Sophia’s call. “Sophia?”

“Yes, I’m still waiting, sire.”

Alistair smiled, he could almost see her bowing mockingly. Then he frowned at her petulant tone. Fuck, here I go again. “I’m sorry, Sophia. It was MacKeenan confirming our appointment with John. At mid-”

“Alistair Connor!” Sophia was aggravated. “Weren’t you listening to what I just told you?”

“Weren’t you listening to what I just told you?” he repeated her words, turning the question on her. When is she going to start complying with my wishes?

Oh, my God! What did I do to deserve this domineering man? She rolled her eyes heavenward.


“Yes, my lord?” she taunted.

Keep mocking. “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs, at eleven fifteen sharp. Don’t be late,” he hung up, with a wry smile on his face. Get used to obeying, Sophia!

Sophia’s mouth dropped open when she realized he had just hung up on her. Oh, no, Alistair Connor. You didn’t just do that. She yanked the door open and stormed into the office, saying out loud, “You’re so screwed, soooo screwed.”