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Edward startled and looked up from the papers on his lap, “Who? Me?”

“Oh.” She halted mid-stride. She had forgotten Edward was waiting for her. “Oh, no, Edward. Of course, not you.” She looked at the blond man in front of her but saw a dark-haired green-eyed face instead. A slow dark grin appeared on her face.

“What did I do to deserve that awful smile?” He cocked his head and observed as she walked lithely to her leather chair without answering. “Sophia, you’re growing horns and a pointed tail. I’m almost afraid. What just happened?”

“Horns and a pointed tail?” she asked, absentminded.

“Yeah, you’re just missing goat hooves and the trident. You have that devilish look that scares the hell out of me. What’s happening?” he insisted.

“Nothing.” She bared her teeth at him in a rictus. “Yet.” She singled out her iPhone from her Cartier bag and put it on vibrator mode and rested it against her iMac where she could easily see the screen.

Then she touched the intercom, deliberately slowly. “Sarah, dear,” Sophia’s voice was sugar-coated, “I’ll only receive Gabriela’s calls from now on. Please, don’t transfer any others. And inform reception that if Mr. MacCraig comes here in person, he should be held downstairs for at least five minutes - no, make it ten - before being allowed to come up.” She turned her chair, facing her computer and selected her personal email account.

To: Handsome (alistairconnor@maccraig.co.uk)

Subject: Dr. Walter’s appointment

From: Sophia Santo (sophia@santo.co.uk)

To the Marquis of I’m-so-powerful-and-I-give-the-orders-amen!

Dear Sire,

I’m not going.

Have a good day.

Your humble servant,


She bit her lip for a second before clicking on the ‘send’ button. She dusted off her hands and blinked innocently at Edward, “Where were we?”

His blue eyes were twinkling and he chortled, “Poor, poor MacCraig.”

She just smiled back at him and turned to the contract on her computer and started discussing it.

10.25 a.m.

The intercom buzzed and Sophia answered it, “Yes, Sarah?”

“Mr. MacCraig sent... Ah... Some flowers for you, Mrs. L.. Shall I bring them in?”

“Sure, Sarah. I’ll open the door for you,” Sophia touched the remote on her iPhone and unlocked her door.

Edward smiled at Sophia, “How many e-mails and WhatsApp messages till now?”

“Just one e-mail and no messages,” she shrugged, disappointed. He was supposed to go nuts. What’s happening?

“Aren’t you curious, Sophia? Come on. Open it.”

“I’m not curious. No.” Liar.

“Liar,” he shot at her.

She flicked her eyes to her iMac and back to Edward, who smiled smugly at her. Control yourself, Sophia. Turning back to look at the contract, she asked, “Shall we continue?”

“What’s taking Sarah so long?” Sophia murmured. “She knows I don’t like to leave my door unlocked.”

“Calm down, love. No need for panic,” Edward soothed, looking concerned at her. “You’re in a secure building with 24/7 surveillance and Steven and Zareb are just out-” He looked away from her face at the opening door, where short, thin Sarah was opening the door to a stern Steven and a smiling Zareb. Both men were carrying the biggest crystal vase with long stemmed white roses mixed with orange blossoms and eucalyptus Sophia had ever seen. Edward thinned his lips in a futile attempt to stop his laughter, but had to let go as he looked at Sophia’s astonished face.

“Has he bought all the white roses in London?” she asked Edward who just shrugged.

Her iPhone chose that moment to vibrate and her home number appeared on the screen.


“Mama, Mama!” Gabriela’s excited shouts reached Edward as Sophia kept the phone away from her ear, blinking.

“Yes, my angel?”

“Co-ro-lle! Co-ro-lle!” Gabriela sang. “Just like he promised. She’s so lovely, Mama. And he sent a card for me and a hundred million flowers, Mama. But I didn’t understand all the words. His handwriting is a little bit confusing, but it’s beautiful just like him.”

Sophia looked at Edward, amused.

He just laughed, “Poor, poor Sophia. Now, what?”

“Mama, Mama, can I take Corolle out of the box?”

Sophia shook her head, stunned. “Yes, my love, you can. Why don’t you call Alistair and thank him for your doll?”

“I will. Can I ask him to have dinner with us tonight? Can I, Mama?”

Sophia sighed as she followed Sarah’s movements around the room arranging the huge vase, “Yes, angel, you can.”

“And can I chose the food with Aisha? And can we have chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert? Can we use the dining room?” The little girl’s happiness was contagious.

“Yes, my dear. Just ask Lucy to call me afterwards, okay?”

“Thank you, Mama, thank you. Are you going to arrive earlier to play with Corolle and me?”

“I can’t. But I’ll be there at five. And we can read Alistair’s card together.”

“Okay, Mama. I love you.”

“I love you, too, my angel.” Sophia hung up and, unbidden, her lips slit open in a delighted smile.

“You’re sooo doomed, Sophia,” Edward chuckled. “I forgot who commands you. A tiny, blonde girl of almost four. And he knows it, too.”

She made a face at him and he shook a cream and dark-green card at her.

“This is for Mrs. Leibowitz. Shall we read it?”

“Aren’t we curious today, Mr. CEO?”

Edward just smiled, taking his time teasing Sophia.

London, March 15th, 2010.

My dear Sophia,

I’ve never been so happy and you’re the reason for it. You have brought light back into my life.

I want to give you as much joy as you have given me these past months. And I’ll endeavor to accomplish this. I promise.

I was wrong when I said you were a sight to behold. You are much more. You are one of those special people who grace the Earth once in a while and having the pleasure of knowing you is incomparable. I don’t want to behold you, I want to hold you in my arms. Forever.

I can’t wait to see you again. To love you again.


Alistair Connor.

“Sophia, you lucky girl. This is practically a proposal. ‘I want to hold you in my arms. Forever.’ So romantic.” He shook his head, smiling, “You should call-”

“No,” she interrupted him.

“No? Have you gone crazy?”

“I’m just setting boundaries. He’s too... sure of himself. He likes to give orders and if he thinks I’m going to do whatever he wants, he’s wrong. It’ll teach him to treat me like a partner, not like an employee. Let him suffer a bit.” She smiled at him, “In the end, as everything in life, a relationship is about power. I will only cede, if he does too.” She wiggled her brows at him. “As things are, Edward, I have to give you some lessons. I’m unbeatable against these kinds of men.”

“Yeah, it seems so,” he mused, bobbing his head and looking around at the flowers. “So many roses. I’ve never seen anything like it. And more at your house. Impressive.”

Her iPhone vibrated with a message from Alistair. She ignored the itch to grab the mobile and see what he had just texted her.

“So, what do you think of the contract?”