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“Sophia,” he sat beside her. “I-”

“Excuse me, Mrs. Leibowitz,” Zareb interrupted Felipe. “Mr. Davidoff is in the adjoining room. He-.”

“Edward is here?” Sophia’s eyes rounded.

“Sophia!” Edward barreled through the door.

Yes. Definitely Edward is here. Sophia was aggravated. “How did you find me?”

“Hello to you too, love!” Edward bent and kissed Sophia’s cheeks and took a seat on the other reclining chair. He tsked twice and shook his blond head. “You look terrible.”

“What is everyone’s problem?” Sophia complained to the two men. “You keep pointing out my flaws.”

“Well,” Edward flashed her a naughty smile. “That’s the problem with beautiful perfectionist women. They have to live up to the high standards they set.”

Sophia smiled then. “How did you find me, you demanding, domineering CEO?”

“Oh, that? Easy, love.” Edward pointed to Sophia’s iPhone. “Your mobile. You used it to call your grandmother when you arrived yesterday. I had Mendes on the watch out for a clue. I took the first flight to Buenos Aires and the first connection here. Heavens, Sophia! Next time you flee, choose somewhere closer.”

Sophia’s laughter tinkled in the frigid Argentine air. “You’re impossible, Edward. Tell me the real reason you came to the end of the world.”

“I’m in love with you and I have to snatch you before MacCraig does.” Edward struggled to keep his face serious, but lost when Sophia laughed again.

His smile vanished from his face when he remembered his talk with Dr. Kent about Sophia’s ideas toward the criminals’ families. “Seriously, Sophia. We have to talk.”

What the fuck? Alistair was paralyzed by what he saw from the living room of Sophia’s suite. On the veranda, Edward was sitting next to Sophia. He had his arms around her protectively and he talked softly to her. His hand was caressing her hair and her head was resting on his shoulder. They make a stunning pair, even more amazing than Sophia and Ethan.

Edward’s white blond hair contrasted with Sophia’s raven black tresses; his strong features, a full mouth that oozed sensuality and the determination in his blue eyes where the perfect counterpoints to Sophia’s softness and innocence.

Jealousy kicked in. As if Ashford chasing her weren’t enough, I have competition from Davidoff too. And God knows who else.

“Sophia,” he spoke in his deep, low tone.

They raised their heads to look at him and he was struck by the look on their faces.

Sophia seemed even more haggard than before, if that were possible. Edward’s face was murderous and something else he couldn’t fathom.

Alistair felt a weird vulnerability wedge its way into his heart. He looked unsure at Felipe who was standing at his side with Gabriela in his arms.

Felipe just raised his brows and jutted his chin in Sophia’s direction.

Fuck, Alistair Connor. This is no time to hesitate.

“MacCraig.” Edward narrowed his eyes at Alistair.

Alistair narrowed his back at him. “You didn’t waste time finding her.”

“You were quicker than I was, I hear,” he retorted and then checked himself. Edward knew he shouldn’t pick a fight with Alistair. The man was Sophia’s love. Even if she didn’t want to acknowledge it. “I have her best interests at heart.”

“Ah... Indeed.” The tone of sarcasm was not lost on them, but Alistair realized too late he should have stayed silent as Sophia shook her head at his remark.

She scooted closer to Edward and put her right hand on his knee, squeezing it in such an intimate way that Alistair’s jealousy shot to its peak.

Edward bent his head and whispered to Sophia, “Forget this talk of being a criminal. You love him. Admit it.”

Unaware that Edward was pleading his case, Alistair forgot all about his vulnerability as determination to win Sophia overrun it. He straightened his spine, his hands clenched at his side, and his eyes darkened to a frightening expression. He stepped forward onto the veranda.

But still, there was no shortage of confidence in Edward as he stood up and walked toward Alistair. Pausing by his side, he murmured, “It’s your last chance. Hurt her again and you’re a dead man.”

He left the room with Felipe and Gabriela, shutting the door softly.

Christ! How have I never noticed this fierceness in Davidoff before?

Sophia looked drained. “I asked you not to come,” she said in a whisper, her eyes set on the mountains as if she were afraid of looking at him. “Why are you here?”

Because I can’t live without you. He sat by her side and took her hands in his. “Why were you crying?”

Because I can’t live without you. “I think I asked first,” she replied.

Time to use your persuasion skills, Alistair Connor. A grin slashed Alistair’s poker face. In spite of the fear inside him, just being near her made his heart soar. “Well, a little bird told me where you were. I cannot abide you leaving me. You, Sophia, you are my heart.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Why are you crying?” Please, Sophia, give me a clue. I need to know where to start.

She shook her head and tried to smile. Her lips just curled in a grimace. She shrugged, “PMS, possibly.”

He laughed. “Don’t lie.”

His laughter brought a small smile to her face, but she lowered her head and her hair curtained her face.

Mo chridhe,” he murmured and squeezed her hand softly, “talk to me. I need to... Ah... Help me, Sophia! I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

Her lips parted in astonishment. The unflappable Alistair Connor MacCraig was at a loss, asking for her help.

“Exactly what I wrote in the letter,” she whispered and then added, “you haven’t let Heather go.”

“Sophia...” He looked at the angel he had tried to corrupt and felt worse than ever. What was I thinking?

“Alistair Connor... It’s not your fault,” she murmured. Well, not completely.

So, this is my last ace. He looked deep into her hazel eyes and confessed. “I know, Sophia. I know what you did.”

She looked down to hide her fear.

He was exquisitely gentle as he smoothed her hair and curled a lock behind her ear. “I don’t care if you asked for their fingers or if you ordered their deaths. I know it was wrong, but I have to say I admire your attitude. What happened to you is much more than a sane person can bear. And you are right here. Whole.” His lips curled in a ghost of a smile. “Not entirely sane, since you are still saying no to my proposal.”

That drew a small smile from her.

He dropped his forehead to hers and whispered, “A competent lawyer and entrepreneur. A gentle and charitable person. A beautiful woman. A loving mother. A wonderful companion. The woman I want to spend the rest of my days with.” Alistair felt as her resolve started to wane and his arms caged her tenderly and possessively.

Yours are magic words. How I wish it were that easy.

“I wouldn’t give a fuck even if you had asked for their heads,” he repeated. “Don’t let them destroy what we have. Don’t let them taint what you feel for me. I couldn’t stand that, for us to be so close to having it all, only to lose it because of them. You would only be letting them win. They have taken one man from you. Are you going to deliver me to their ghosts?”

She swallowed, feeling her rapid pulse beating under his index finger. Just the idea that someone could know the truth about her, not judge her and still love her left Sophia overwhelmed with relief and happiness. “You don’t really mean that.”