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Elizabeth could not immediately answer him. After a few moments of silent contemplation, she entwined her fingers in his and said, “Just like that, Fitzwilliam? Abandon everything and everyone whom I have ever known and loved without a care in the world as to what the consequences will surely cost us or our relations? Do you not think, my love, that we have already acted rashly enough without further adding to our current plight?”

Darcy lowered his eyes and looked away. “No. Of course not. You are correct. It was selfish of me to even suggest such a thing. But is there no other way, Elizabeth? I dread parting from you, especially if you should happen to become with child from our nights together. What if something unforeseen should happen to you because of it? What if you need me and I am unable to reach you due to the weather or some other unforeseen circumstance? I could not bear it. No, I wish for you to be with me. It is the only way I shall feel completely at ease.”

Both were silent for a time, each deep in his or her thoughts. “Is it so important to you to be married so soon?” Elizabeth asked.

Darcy nodded and brushed her lips with his own. “You are important to me.”

“And you to me.” She hesitated another moment. “Fitzwilliam, I may know of a way that might enable us to marry very soon and without the need to disclose any of our actions to my father, as well as cause any further harm or anxiety to any of our relations, but I fear it could try your patience severely.” Elizabeth bit her bottom lip.

“Elizabeth, the only thing that could possibly try my patience is to have to wait any longer for you than is absolutely necessary.”

“Very well then,” she said as a wry smile graced her mouth. “You could invite my family to Town for Christmas under the pretense of acquainting me with my future home. While we are there, we can arrange for an intimate ceremony and marry discreetly with both of our families present. I know my mother would not be opposed to such a scheme, especially since she will also see it as an opportunity to shop for wedding clothes for Jane and me. Perhaps Mr. Bingley could also join us. What do you think? Could you put up with my mother’s effusiveness for a fortnight or two?”

A radiant smile overspread Darcy’s face and he kissed her soundly. “Elizabeth, if it means that I shall have you for my wife within a few short weeks, and under my roof in the meantime, I believe I could put up with a great deal, including your mother, almost indefinitely.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Be careful what you wish for, my dear! Remember, you are marrying me, and once my mother sees your comfortable house in Town, she may never wish to leave us!”

Darcy rolled his eyes and expelled a sardonic laugh. “Heaven forbid!” he exclaimed before pulling her body close and claiming her lips in a passionate kiss that went a long way in reassuring Elizabeth he was, indeed, quite serious about bringing her entire family to London as quickly as possible.

Chapter 13

Having been confined to Lucas Lodge while the storm raged and, ultimately, waned, Mr. Collins, though he was by no means ready to be separated from his betrothed, was finally seen departing Hertfordshire for Kent two days later, no doubt eager to relate the news of Darcy’s unequal alliance to his esteemed patroness without further delay. It was with much relief that the report of his removal from the area reached Longbourn, though there were four persons at Netherfield who could not, in all good conscience, feel the restoration of their peace of mind once he had actually gone.

After ascertaining that, rather remarkably, there appeared to be no untoward gossip yet circulating in Meryton, Darcy left quickly for London to procure a special license from the archbishop and to alert his staff of the impending arrival of Elizabeth and her family. The Bennets, the Bingleys, and the Hursts were to follow at the end of the week—though it was only the former who would be staying in Grosvenor Square at Darcy House. Bingley and Miss Bingley would be staying with the Hursts, who had their own house a short distance away in Grosvenor Street.

Upon his arrival, Darcy was met with affectionate enthusiasm by his London housekeeper. Mrs. Hildebrandt was a plump, motherly sort of woman who had enjoyed the honor of doting on him since his adolescent years. “Welcome home, master!” she exclaimed as she relieved him of his greatcoat and hat. “I believe you will find everything to be in order. My, but you look a sight! Shall I have Mr. Stevens draw you a nice, hot bath, sir?”

Darcy laughed good-naturedly, pleased to see her, as well. “I thank you, yes, Mrs. Hildebrandt. A bath sounds like an excellent idea, but I am afraid I will have to do without Mr. Stevens for the time being. I rode on ahead of him this morning and do not expect to see him for another three hours, at least. Perhaps you could ring for Mr. Jackson in his stead in, say, half an hour?”

“Certainly, sir. I will tell him directly and arrange for lunch to be served in an hour, if that pleases you?”

“Yes, that is fine, but make it an hour and a half. I would like to see my sister in the meantime. Is she at home?”

Just then the delicate sound of a pianoforte being played with proficiency floated into the foyer. Darcy smiled. “Ah. I see she is. Excuse me, Mrs. Hildebrandt.”

Darcy slowed his eager pace when he reached the open door of the music room, pausing to lean against the frame, his arms crossed over his chest. A young lady with features as fair as Darcy’s were dark sat at the pianoforte, her normally reticent demeanor replaced by a passion for her music, which had only just begun to reassert itself since her ordeal the previous summer at Ramsgate.

She finished her piece, a movement by Mozart, and was met by soft applause. “Fitzwilliam!” she exclaimed as she rose and ran to him, “You are home at last! I am so happy to see you, Brother!”

Darcy enfolded her in his arms for a long embrace, placing a kiss upon her head. “And I you, dearest. Your playing was beautiful. I see you have been practicing a new piece.”

“Yes. I have been spending a great deal of time on my music, actually. It has brought me much pleasure, but not nearly so much as seeing you affords me. Please say you will be staying in London for Christmas. Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Henry are sure to have their usual dinner parties and family gatherings, and I have no wish to attend by myself.”

“By yourself? Is Richard not in London?” Darcy inquired, referring to the cousin who shared in Georgiana’s guardianship.

Georgiana gave him a look filled with sisterly love and admiration. “Oh, yes, Richard has been in Town for nearly a fortnight. Please do not tell him I said so but, though I do love him dearly, Fitzwilliam, making due with Richard in your absence is by no means the same as having you here, Brother.” Darcy smiled at her and kissed her cheek as she continued to press him for an answer. “So, will you be staying?”

“Yes. I will be remaining in London, I hope, for some months.” Georgiana’s eyes lit up with pleasure at the prospect of spending so much time with her brother. Darcy led her to one of the sofas and seated himself beside her. “I have invited some guests to join us—friends from Hertfordshire.”

A frown darkened Georgiana’s features. “Oh, no. You did not invite Caroline Bingley, did you?” Upon noticing her brother’s stunned expression, she added, “I meant, how lovely. Of course, it will be delightful to see Mr. Bingley… and his sisters.”

Darcy suppressed a smile. He had always suspected his sister’s opinion of Miss Bingley coincided with that of his own, and was now gratified to see the proof it. “Yes, it is always an unparalleled experience to be in company with Bingley’s sisters; however, they are not the guests I wished to allude to.” Darcy chuckled. “Have no fear, Georgiana. Miss Bingley will be taking up residence in her brother-in-law’s house, not here in ours, but tell me, Sister, what you would say to spending Christmas with Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her family?”