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By the time Darcy and Elizabeth returned to the rest of their party, Wickham and Denny had since taken their leave. Elizabeth went to Jane and requested they all return home without delay. Jane readily agreed. Bingley, who proclaimed he was not entirely prepared to part with the ladies so soon, begged leave to accompany them back to Longbourn—a proposal that was met with happy acceptance from Jane. Feeling the danger of spending more time than he ought in the disconcerting company of Elizabeth Bennet for one morning, Darcy declined to join them, saying he had some pressing correspondence he had long put off but now found required his immediate attention.

*   *   *

That evening, in the privacy of their room, Elizabeth disclosed to Jane the particulars of her conversation with Darcy. Never wanting to think ill of anyone, Jane insisted Wickham could not possibly be so very bad as Darcy’s account of him made him seem.

“But, Lizzy, are you certain, absolutely certain, he has such designs at this time? Perhaps he has come to regret his past actions and is anxious to reestablish his character in the eyes of the world. He seems to possess such an expression of goodness in his addresses.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, Jane. I would well wish to think as you do, but I cannot help but believe it unlikely. Though Mr. Darcy’s countenance bespoke the most vehement dislike of Mr. Wickham, you did not notice the way Mr. Wickham looked at Mr. Darcy. His expression was one of such derision and insolence. No, I cannot so easily acquit him of the crimes Mr. Darcy has laid at his door. I feel most inclined to believe he is not a man to be trusted.”

“By this account, then, Lizzy, he appears to feel as passionately for Mr. Darcy as Mr. Darcy does for him. Something very bad, perhaps even worse than what Mr. Darcy has related to you with regard to their association, must surely have occurred to promote such strong feelings of aversion.”

“I confess I am of your opinion on this matter. Mr. Darcy was most disturbed, Jane. Even as he was speaking privately to me of Mr. Wickham, he remained visibly so. It is most out of character for him to reveal such emotions on any matter, and given this, I cannot help but wonder whether he may yet be keeping something further to himself.”

Jane was thoughtful for a long moment before saying quietly, “Lizzy, I do believe Mr. Darcy must be in love with you.”

Elizabeth stared at her and laughed. “Jane! Whatever makes you think such a thing? Surely Mr. Darcy feels nothing for me. You remember his comment at the assembly, do you not?”

“Indeed, it was very wrong of him to say such a thing at all, never mind in company, but, Lizzy, does it not strike you as incredible that a man of Mr. Darcy’s notoriety—such a proud, private man of much significance in the world—would speak with you so willingly and openly about his dealings with such a man as Mr. Wickham? I can hardly credit it. No, it could only be a compliment to you, my dearest sister.”

“Really, Jane, this is too absurd!” She laughed again. “You know just as well as I do, Mr. Darcy holds me in contempt for my decided opinions and my impertinent manner. He would never deign to pay his addresses to me, an unknown country miss with nothing more than fifty pounds and my charms to recommend me, not when he could have a fashionable woman with fifty thousand and a title.”

Jane smiled. “I beg to differ.”

Elizabeth made to protest, but Jane silenced her. “You forget, Lizzy, I, as well as Charlotte, have noticed the attention Mr. Darcy pays you, even if it is nothing more than staring at you from across the room. It cannot have escaped your keen observation that you are, indeed, the only lady he stares at.” Jane shook her head. “No, there is no other explanation for it. Mr. Darcy must be in love with you.” The discussion was continued in earnest, and half the night was spent in conversation.

Chapter 2

The next day saw the arrival of an unexpected addition to the family party at Longbourn: Mr. Bennet’s cousin and heir, the Reverend William Collins. With the intention of making amends for an ongoing estrangement by his late father and the entail of Longbourn estate to himself upon Mr. Bennet’s death, Mr. Collins journeyed from Kent to choose a wife from among Mr. Bennet’s five daughters. If this did nothing to recommend Mr. Collins to the young ladies, it did at least add the promise of entertainment for their father, who was an enthusiastic admirer of the ridiculous. Mr. Collins did not disappoint.

Though none of Mr. Bennet’s daughters, with the exception of Mary, could receive Mr. Collins’s arrival or his attentions with genuine pleasure, the same could not be said for Mrs. Bennet, who welcomed him with open arms—as she would any gentleman of an eligible age and a good income. Mrs. Bennet introduced him to her girls with great cordiality and enthusiasm.

Being the most beautiful of the five sisters, Jane immediately caught his eye. Fortunately for Jane, however, her mother most dutifully pointed out to him that Bingley and his five thousand a year had preceded him. It was then only fitting for Mr. Collins to transfer his affections from Jane to Elizabeth—the next in age and beauty—and he did so with surprising alacrity.

“Lord, Lizzy!” her youngest sister, Lydia, laughed that evening after the gentlemen had withdrawn after supper. “I daresay you are becoming quite popular with all the pompous gentlemen in the neighborhood. First you are seen in Meryton talking alone with that dull Mr. Darcy, and now you have gone and caught Mr. Collins’s eye, as well! What a good joke if Papa were actually to force you to marry one of them! I could not imagine being shackled to such wretched bores!”

“Oh, yes!” Kitty joined in. “But really, Lizzy, you are being selfish. Will you not leave any eligible prospects for the rest of us?” she admonished before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Elizabeth folded her arms and scowled. “Lydia! Kitty! I would remind you both not to talk of such things, particularly when you know nothing of the circumstances.”

“Who shall be next then, do you think?” Lydia asked merrily. “Oh! I know! Mrs. Goulding has an old, incontinent relative visiting her. Perhaps he will do nicely for Lizzy, as well!”

Mrs. Bennet interjected. “Now, girls, that is quite enough. You know perfectly well Mr. Pritchard is far too elderly for your sister… although, he would likely leave her with a very pretty estate in Devonshire…” She frowned. “Now, Miss Lizzy, what is this I hear about your talking alone with that odious Mr. Darcy?”

Elizabeth blushed. “It is nothing, Mama. I was merely showing him some of the village. It was all quite innocent, I assure you. I have no interest in that particular gentleman, and I am quite certain Mr. Darcy has very little interest in me.”

“I do not doubt that one bit,” she agreed as she wrung her lace handkerchief. “I will admit there was a time when I would have been happy to see one of you girls so advantageously settled as mistress to that man’s estate—goodness! Ten thousand a year!—but he has since shown himself to be such a proud, disagreeable man that I would not have him near any of you for all the gold in the Kingdom! No, Mr. Collins will do very nicely for you, Lizzy. Mark my words. You are very lucky to get such a man… so affable! So promising! So fortunate in his patroness, the great Lady Catherine de Bourgh!”

Elizabeth, for all her protests, could not convince her mother she would not suit Mr. Collins at all, nor would he suit her. In the end, she only retired to bed, determined to avoid Mr. Collins as much as possible and to also avoid doing anything in the future that might incite any unwelcome speculation about her and Mr. Darcy.