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“Nikki knows we’re just having a good time,” Shade said. “You’re the one who can’t separate sex and love. Stop projecting that onto your friend.” He turned his head toward Gabe. “Tough luck, dude. She’s hot and all, but I’m glad she landed on your dick and not mine.”

Melanie’s jaw dropped. She didn’t even know what to say to that. Gabe’s body tensed. A muscle in jaw tightened as he clenched his teeth together. For a second Melanie thought he was going to punch Shade in his smug face.

“So am I,” he said. He tossed his silverware onto his plate with a loud clatter, chugged his glass of water in three long gulps, and then stood. He extended a hand toward Melanie. “I need to be alone with you right now.”

Stunned, she stared up at him. The intensity in his expression made her heart melt and her panties ignite. If she hadn’t been confusing sex and love before, she sure as hell was now.

She placed her hand in his and rose to her feet, never taking her eyes off his.

He led her to the elevator and used his card to send them toward the top floor again.

“Something wrong?” she asked him.

“No. I just want to show you something.”

“What kind of something?”

“The surprise I mentioned last night.”

She racked her brain for memories of what he was talking about, but came up lacking. “I don’t remember. What surprise?”

“I have a little hobby,” he said. “It’s sort of perverse.”

Her muscles tensed. “Good perverse or bad perverse?”

“You’ll have to tell me.”

“Gabe . . . ”

“Don’t look so freaked out. If you like me enough to put up with my band mates’ bullshit, this will be easy.”

She wasn’t so sure.

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I think you’re going to find this to be a treat. Of course, it’s still a prototype.”

Her thoughts swirled with confusion. “A prototype?”

He flushed, and she had to stifle the urge to kiss him. She loved to see him flustered.

“I have this hobby,” he said quietly. “I build things.”

“What kind of things?” She was picturing some lifelike android or a drumstick polisher.

“Things that make a woman feel real good.”

She was already feeling real good, but had to wonder what he thought would intensify her experience. “What? Like sex toys?”

“I guess that’s what you’d call them. Does it weird you out? I’ve used my creations in the past, but I’ve never told a woman I designed them. I thought maybe . . . since you know I’m sort of a geek in wolf’s clothing . . . ”

And that’s what she liked best about him—the geek hiding just beneath the surface that only she seemed to appreciate. “Are you just going to show me or are we going to actually use them?”

“I have a couple new ones I haven’t tried out yet. How do you feel about being a test subject?”

“Your test subject?” She already knew he could make her come like no one else.

“You can say no,” he said.

As if the thought of refusing had even crossed her mind. Gabe Banner brought out her adventurous side and she couldn’t wait to see what he showed her next. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed the tips of her nipples against his chest.

“Let’s see what you’ve got, Dr. Kink E. Inventor.”

He laughed and nuzzled her neck, making her giggle with ticklish delight. “I’m glad you’re up for some experimentation. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She slid a hand up the soft strip of hair at the center of his head and tugged him closer, her throat closing off with unexpected emotion. Her sole regret was that her time with him would have to end far before she was ready to let him go.

Chapter 9

The elevator let them out on their floor. A mixture of anticipation and trepidation settled in Melanie’s belly. She reminded herself that Gabe was a fantastic lover and that they didn’t have much time left together. If these toys of his were important to him, she wanted to be open to them. Open to him.

Apparently her willingness to participate excited him. He had her shirt halfway off before they made it into the suite and all the way off by the time the door shut behind them. Her bra followed.

He cupped her breasts. “You have the perfect nipples for this,” he said.

“For what?”

“I’ll show you.”

He shifted behind her and drew her back up against his belly, massaging her breasts and suckling the side of her neck as he slowly walked her toward the bed. His hands moved to her belt. He had her naked and sprawled across the mattress in less than a minute. He paused to stare down at her.

“You’re beautiful,” he said.

She smiled at him. “You make me feel beautiful.”

Gabe watched her for a long moment. “I think we’ll try two things at once. I want you screaming my name. You’ll never have to fake an orgasm with me.”

He was practically grunting like a cave man.

She grinned up at him. “Is that some sort of macho vendetta against my girlie bits?”

“Damn straight.”

He opened his suitcase and rummaged around until he found two packages securely wrapped in thick canvas. He laid them on the bed beside her and unwrapped the first. Three thin chains formed a Y-shape. Each end of the chain had strange-looking clips attached—one clip was larger than the other two and had some sort of suction cup affixed to it. Melanie lifted her head to get a better look, but couldn’t even guess what the contraption was for.

“This is why you have perfect nipples,” he said. “Exactly the nipples I had in mind when I dreamed this up.”

“What is it?”

He didn’t answer her. Still fully clothed, he climbed up onto the bed and straddled her thighs. He cupped her breasts in both hands, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs until they pebbled under his attention. He fastened one clip to her left nipple and the other to her right.

Her back arched off the bed. “Oh!”

“Are they tingling?” He tugged the chain.


“Must not have a good connection.” He removed one of the clips and wet her swollen nipple with his tongue. She held the back of his head to keep him from moving away. While the clip on her nipple was stimulating, it in no way compared to the warm, wet pleasure his mouth gave her. He pulled back and returned the clip to her wet nipple. A delightful tingle swept through her flesh.


“It’s working?”

“It feels sort of like when you stick your tongue on a nine-volt battery.”

“Do you like it?”

It felt different from anything she’d ever experienced. “I think so.”

He went to work on wetting her other nipple, tilting his head so he could hold her gaze as his tongue flicked against her sensitive skin. When he had both clips in place, they released rhythmic pulses to both breasts. He tugged the chain between them, and Melanie’s womb tightened.

“Gabe! I think I’m almost there.”

“I don’t even have it all the way on yet,” he said. “Try to hold back.”

She’d never had a man tell her not to come. She tightened all the muscles between her legs, longing for something inside her to alleviate the throbbing ache, and clung to the covers in torment. She tried focusing on the top of Gabe head instead of the maddeningly pleasure flowing through her body, but it was no use. “Oh God,” she cried.

He released the chain from his grip, allowing it to rest between her breasts. He stretched out the final chain, which was attached to the middle of the one connected to her nipples, so that it lay down the center of her belly.

“Hold really still, baby. I’ve got to get this just right.”