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“Yes. You. I want you.”

He gave the black lens of the surveillance camera a long hard stare and then bit his lower lip considering what it would mean for her if he went with his instincts and gave her what she wanted right there. Tempting as she was, she deserved better. He could wait. A couple minutes. Max. His gaze shifted to her eyes. “I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

He stepped away and noted they still had five floor stops before they reached the very top, which promised him heaven. Melanie gawked at him for a moment and then struggled to cover her exquisite breasts before the elevator doors opened again. He nonchalantly pressed the button labeled “close doors” trying to hide his eagerness, trying to pretend he was in control and had maintained his cool.

Yes, he liked a woman who knew what she wanted. He also liked to leave a woman flustered and disoriented, craving his body the way an addict craves her next hit. He stole a glance at Melanie noting she was flushed, disheveled, and glowing with a delicate sheen of perspiration. Gabe ducked his head to hide a self-satisfied grin and focused his attention on his fingernails to curtail his urge to gloat. Yeah, mission accomplished.

Chapter 6

Melanie stole a glance at Gabe, who was leaning against the wall of the elevator car, inspecting his fingernails. She’d been ready to yank off her pants right there in the elevator so he could pound her with that big, hard cock he’d rubbed so vigorously against her mound. She hadn’t even cared that the elevator doors kept opening. Thinking they might get caught had excited her even more. She’d known a few cock teases in her life, but she’d never met a pussy tease before. Maybe it was his way of teaching her a lesson for prying into his personal life. Why else would he suddenly start ignoring her? Had she been too needy? Too desperate? Had she done something to turn him off? Shit!

Melanie crossed her arms over her chest and turned her back to him to face the front of the elevator car. If he thought she was going to beg him to fuck her again, he would be sorely disappointed. She hoped he got a raging case of blue balls. She was going to take him up on that room service, take a look at his tattoos to prove to herself that she was brave, and then leave him with nothing but his hand for company. Maybe next time he’d think twice about getting a woman all hot and bothered and then pretending she didn’t exist.

By the time the elevator doors slid open on the top floor, Melanie had almost convinced herself that she really was going leave. What was she thinking anyway? Yes, Gabe was the sexiest thing on three legs and yes, her entire body was still throbbing with lust after encountering leg number three, but dammit, she wasn’t going to beg him to put her out of her misery no matter how attractive she found him. She took a step forward and then stopped, blinking repeatedly as she took in what was going on in the hallway next to one of the guest room doors. A couple was going at it right there in front of God and everyone. Well, she and Gabe were the only mortal witnesses, but really . . . And then it dawned on her that the bare ass with a pair of leather pants lowered just beneath the rhythmically clenching and relaxing flanks belonged to Shade and the shameless slut with her legs wrapped around his waist, her jeans dangling from one slender ankle and her back pressed against the wall, was none other than Nikki.

“Nikki,” Melanie sputtered. “What the hell are you doing?”

Shade turned his head. He was still wearing his sunglasses, for fuck’s sake. He didn’t even pause his deep, rigorous thrusts as he grinned at her. “Decide to join us after all?”

“Screw you,” she said. A hand settled against her lower back, and her nipples tightened as if her body couldn’t help but respond to a certain drummer. Dammit, anyway. She couldn’t deny that she wanted him, even though his inexplicable inattention in the elevator had pissed her off. She wasn’t going to leave him alone with his hand, because she didn’t want to be alone with hers.

“Don’t you think you should take this elsewhere, dude?” Gabe said. “There are security cameras in the halls, you know. And those surveillance videos tend to end up on the Internet when they catch a celebrity fucking a hot, anonymous chick in public.”

“I couldn’t get my key to work,” Shade said.

“We couldn’t wait,” Nikki added. “I needed his tasty cock inside me.” She licked her lips and then trailed sucking kisses all along his jaw, as if it were completely natural to fuck a rock star in the hallway before a pair of witnesses. “He has the biggest, most beautiful cock I’ve ever sucked.”

“That’s not your room,” Gabe said. He pointed across the hall. “That’s your room.”

Shade glanced from the door labeled 1012 to the one across the hall, 1021. He actually flushed. “Oh. My bad.”

He grabbed Nikki’s ass and held her impaled on his cock as he shuffled across the hallway. She banged against the wall but made no protest as he searched the pocket of his leather jacket and eventually produced a white plastic card. He managed to insert it into the slot upside down. When the little light on the door flashed red, he groaned in protest and, as if unable to resist, began to thrust deep and hard into Nikki’s body. Gabe took pity on the pair of lust-crazed maniacs and opened the door for them.

“Thanks,” Shade said breathlessly as he hoisted Nikki off the wall.

“See you tomorrow,” Nikki said and waved at Melanie. “Force is gonna rock your world.”

Melanie caught her wink just before Shade kicked the door shut. A loud thud pounded on the inside of the door.

Gabe turned to offer her an apologetic grin. He rubbed a hand over the back of his head and stared at the carpet. “Sorry you had to see that. He’s a horny bastard, but he has a good heart.”

“Where’s your room?” She would never admit it, but she was disappointed that Gabe wasn’t so turned on by her that he needed to plow her in the hallway.

He diverted his gaze and tilted his chin, but she saw the smirk on his sensual lips. “In a hurry?”

Apparently he wasn’t.

“You promised me room service.” She wasn’t cold, but she hugged herself and rubbed her hands up and down both arms. She still wasn’t sure if he was even interested in continuing what they’d started. She’d never encountered a man who could go from full throttle to full stop in three seconds flat. He’d seemed to want her when they’d first entered the elevator. She’d felt his excitement pressed against her and still felt the uncomfortable wetness of her panties. When she’d admitted she wanted him, he’d pushed her away. What game was he playing anyway? She didn’t have enough experience with worldly men to figure out how to proceed. Should she play hard to get, tear her clothes off, or jump him? Retreat? She glanced at the elevator, weighing her options. If she was the one to call this off, it wouldn’t be quite so devastating to her already wounded ego.

Gabe wrapped an arm around her back and directed her across the hall. He slipped his keycard into a slot and a tiny light turned green. “I think I’m gonna have to go back on that promise, Melanie,” he said and opened the door.

Was he really going to tell her to get lost? Why had he even brought her here? She glared up at him. “Why? Do you think it’s funny to—”

He pushed her into the room and closed the door. Her heart rate kicked up as he gazed at her in the soft lamplight. There was no mistaking the heat in his appreciative stare. He was back to full throttle. Oh, thank God.

“I usually have better control.” He reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. “But I can’t wait any longer. If it wasn’t for the security camera in the elevator, I would have done you right there.” He traced the lacy edge of the cup of her bra, his gaze riveted on her chest. “When you asked me to fuck you, I almost came down my leg, Mel. Fuck, I’m hard for you.”