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6. Commercial effects — supplying merchants at half a dozen of the larger fishing communities stripped of property and goods rendering it impossible for them to continue in the trade.

In addition to the above, a thorough inspection was made of all settlements visited in the stricken area and many cases of a chronic nature were treated or prescribed for.


Dr. L. Paterson,

Dr. C.F. Blackler

Dr. J.B. Murphy

District Nurse D. Cherry

Nurses Jackman, Hampton, Fitzgerald, Rendell


Value of Donations to South Coast Disaster Committee

In-kind gifts: $25,000 value

St. John’s: $102,306.23

Rest of Newfoundland: $87,201.38

United States: $8691.57

England: $7440.37

Canada: $36,768.31

Special (amount from Newfoundland, representing funds

from Britain, the U.S., and Canada): $7684.28

Interest earned: $4939.60

Sundry refunds: $1896.81, $6836.41

TOTAL: $256,928.55

Note that this sum does not include the goods that were sent with the Meigle and the Daisy on their early relief voyages or the lumber, clothing, etc. that was sent directly from private firms and communities around the country.

Note also that the Committee did not reimburse people for foodstuffs lost to the tsunami.

Sources consulted for Tsunami


Bartlett, George A., Letter to R.A. Squires, Prime Minister, Nov. 20, 1929.

Earthquake Relief Committee of the Government of Newfoundland. Correspondence, 1930.

Ernest Cheeseman, Port au Bras, Letter to John Cheeseman, Nov. 20, 1929.

Hollett, Magistrate M., Correspondence to Prime Minister Squires—various letters and telegraphs, 1929.

Macpherson, Dr. Cluny, Letters to Dr. H.M. Mosdell, Nov. 27 and Dec. 9, 1929.

Mosdell, Dr. H.M., Letters and telegraphs to Hon. Dr. Barnes, Nov. 22, Nov. 27, and Nov. 29, 1929.

Mosdell, Dr. H.M., Letter to Nurse D. Cherry, Jan. 14, 1930.

Mosdell, Dr. H.M., Letter to Dr. Cluny Macpherson, Dec. 6, 1929.


Board of Health for the Colony, St. John’s, Newfoundland (n.d.) List of Lives Lost in Earthquake Disaster.

Dee, J.H. (1929) Report by Inspector J.H. Dee on Disaster of Night of 18th November on the Coast from Lamaline, Inclusive. Submitted to M. Hollett.

Author Unknown (1929) Voyage of relief Ship Meigle—To Scene of Tidal Wave Disaster, Lamaline to Rock Harbour, Districts Burin East and West.

Hollett, M. (1929) Report on Damages, Rock Harbour.

Hollett, M. (1929) Report on Damages by Tidal Wave between Lamaline and Rock Harbour.

Newfoundland Board of Health, (1929) Southwest Coast Disaster Summary. St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Newfoundland Outport Nursing Industrial Association (Nonia) (Sept. 30, 1932) Eighth Annual Report, delivered at Nonia Headquarters in St. John’s.

Paterson, L., M.D. (1929) List of injured attended by medical staff of Meigle.

South Coast Disaster Committee, (July, 1931) Report of the South Coast Disaster Committee. St. John’s, Newfoundland.


Isabel Gibbons Bragg, St. John’s.

Margaret Rennie Saint, Fox Cove.

Elizabeth (Bessie) Hennebury Walsh, Lord’s Cove.

Mary Harris, Whitbourne.


•Sam Adams of London, Ontario, originally of Great Burin.

•Nellie Andrews, Winterland, Newfoundland, originally of Springdale, Newfoundland.

•Anna Tarrant Contois of Barefoot Bay, Florida, originally of Lawn.

•Mary Kehoe Dasting of Cape Coral, Florida, originally of Red Head Cove, Conception Bay, Newfoundland.

•Frederick Davies, Carbonear, Conception Bay, Newfoundland.

•Cyril Fleming of Mississauga, Ontario.

•Marie Herlidan, originally from Lord’s Cove.

•Austin Murphy of Toronto, originally from Lawn.

•Aiden O’Brien of Brooklyn, New York, originally of Cape Broyle, Newfoundland.

•Captain Ernest Pike of Summerside, Prince Edward Island, originally from Burin Bay Arm.

•Caroline Hillier Skinner-Hickman of Mississauga, Ontario, originally from Point au Gaul.

•Albert Taylor of Guelph, Ontario, originally from Jamestown, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland.


Newfoundland Outport Nursing Industrial Association (Nonia) Collection—various materials, Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives, Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland.


Author Unknown. (2004) “Devotion to Duty of the Highest Order.” Newfoundland Historical Society Newsletter. Spring 2004: 3.

Brown, Cassie. (1962?) “Earthquake and Tidal Wave: The Hillier Story.” The St. John’s Woman Magazine.

Cranford, Garry. (2000) Tidal Wave: A List of Victims and SurvivorsNewfoundland, 1929. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Flanker Press.

Cranford, Garry. (1999) “Tidal Wave: Adrift in A House— Pearl Hatfield.” In Not Too Long Ago, 45-46. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Seniors Resource Centre.

Cranford, Garry. (1999) “Tidal Wave: On Great Burin Island—Louise Hollett.” In Not Too Long Ago, 47-49. St.

John’s, Newfoundland: Seniors Resource Centre.

Cranford, Garry. (1999) “Tidal Wave: At Lord’s Cove— Mary McKenna.” In Not Too Long Ago, 50-51. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Seniors Resource Centre.

Cranford, Garry. (1999) “Tidal Wave: My Experience— Eloise Morris.” In Not Too Long Ago, 52-53. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Seniors Resource Centre.

Cranford, Garry. (1999) “Tidal Wave: Kelly’s Cove— Marion Moulton.” In Not Too Long Ago, 54-55. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Seniors Resource Centre.

Daily News. (1929-1930) Various articles and editorials.

Decks Awash. (1980-82) Various articles.

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. (1981-1994) Various editions and entries.

Evening Telegram. (1929-1930) Various articles and editorials.

Western Star. (1929-1930) Various articles and editorials.


My thanks go to Garry Cranford, whose initial research served as the foundation for this book. In addition, Garry’s fine compilation book, Tidal Wave: A List of Victims and Survivors, Newfoundland, 1929 provided a great deal of the information concerning material losses and loss of life that is contained in this book. In turn, researcher Vera McDonald did much of the work that made Garry’s original book possible.

As always, the staff of the Centre for Newfoundland Studies and Archives at Memorial University’s QEII Library made my own research much easier with their helpfulness and expertise. The City of Bolton, England kindly forwarded material. The City of St. John's awarded me a grant to partially fund this project, which I greatly appreciate. Thanks to Janice Cheeseman, Margie and Gladys Bonnell, and Harold and Grace Hollett for their assistance and generosity with photographs for Tsunami. Thanks also to Randy Harnett of Clarenville for the clarifications.