Any errors that occur are regrettable and are mine.
I would also like to thank the entire staff of Flanker Press: Margo, Jerry, Brian, Laura, and Bob, who are dedicated, knowledgeable, and great to work with.
Readers who bought The Doryman (Flanker, 2003) provided a big incentive to produce this book, especially those older readers on the Burin Peninsula, who remembered the August Gale of 1935 and those younger readers who want more of their own history. The preservation of the memories of those who died in the 1929 tidal wave, in this, the seventy-fifth anniversary year of the disaster, were another reason to write this book.
I am grateful to my husband, Paul Butler, for enthusiasm, support, and sharp editing. Finally, much thanks to Vanessa.
Domino: The Eskimo Coast Disaster
Rogues and Heroes (with Paul Butler)
A Veritable Scoff (with co-editor Marg Ewtushik)
The Doryman
A Faith That Challenges: The Life of Jim McSheffrey
Through a Mirror Dimly: Essays on Newfoundland Society and Culture (editor)
Uncertain Refuge: Lectures on Newfoundland Society and Culture
Flanker Press Ltd.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Hanrahan, Maura, 1963-
Tsunami: the Newfoundland tidal wave disaster / Maura Hanrahan.
ISBN 1-894463-63-3
1. Tsunamis — Newfoundland and Labrador — Burin Peninsula. 2. Burin Peninsula (N.L.) — History — 20th century. I. Title.
GC222.B87H35 2004 971.8 C2004-903519-3
Copyright © 2004 by Maura Hanrahan
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of the work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic or mechanical—without the written permission of the publisher. Any request for photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems of any part of this book shall be directed to Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, 1 Yonge Street, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5. This applies to classroom use as well.
The publisher wishes to thank Dick Buehler and Paul O’Neill.
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First Canadian edition printed September 2004.
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We acknowledge the financial support of: the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP); the Canada Council for the Arts which last year invested $20.0 million in writing and publishing throughout Canada; the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.