‘Dean,’ she said. ‘Dean Reeve. He’s here. He’s been here all along. I’ve felt him. It was him. I know it was.’ She turned to Sandy with a fierce expression. ‘I couldn’t have cut Beth’s throat. I couldn’t have ripped her belt off to tie it round my leg. He saved me. Dean Reeve saved my life.’
She waited for him to tell her she was paranoid, crazy, but he didn’t. ‘Why?’ he asked.
‘Because he wants to be the person who has the power to destroy me.’
‘What are we going to do?’
She shrugged. ‘What can I do?’
‘I said “we”.’
‘I know. Thank you.’
Sandy put his arms around her and she leaned against him. For a moment they didn’t speak.
‘So, shall we walk up the hill together?’
Frieda shook her head. ‘We should leave now,’ she said. ‘It’s getting dark. The day’s gone.’