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20. Marcus has dinner in his den.
21. Kathy in her bunker with most of her cats.
22. Christmas Eve: Joe patches up the wounded Lady Bug with duct tape.
23. Frankie starts a working day.
24. Frankie collects empty cans at a building near the West Side Highway.
25. Frankie returns his empties to WeCan redemption center.
26. Fatima, Ment, and Jazzy on a Friday Night in Frankie’s place.
27. Bob and Bernard working. Bob ties up a bag with empty cans.
28. Bernard and Bob serving dinner in the tunnel.
29. Bernard in Harlem.
30. Bob in the Holland House.
31. Poncho in the Bronx.
32. Ment, Jazzy, Fatima, Brian Jr., and Frankie on the Upper West Side.
33. Bernard in the nearly empty tunnel, posing by the portrait Chris Pape made of him nearly twenty years ago (January 2010).
34. The South End, where all constructions have been torn down. During a very cold winter, a stalactite has formed where Little Havana once stood (January 2010).


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