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Rita bit her lip to keep from squealing out in pleasure as Duke's cock began to push forward in her steamy pussy mouth. It felt so good she could hardly stand it. She shook all over and her pussy felt like it was on fire. She wished she could throw her legs up and wrap them around Duke's broad back. She wanted to push her pussy right up against his hard cock and drive it all the way in her hot cuntmouth with one swift stroke. She wanted to scream at him to hurry… to fuck her hard… to plunge in and stir her steamy pussy with his hard cock. She didn't dare, though. She forced her legs to stay down and her pussy to stop quivering. Duke wanted her to lie there like a stick of wood and she had better do it. If she didn't behave he'd pull his cock right out and give her a lecture about how a wife was supposed to remain passive. She didn't want to go through that again. She bit down on her lip until she tasted blood and managed to keep still and quiet.

Duke's hard cock pushed forward with a slow steady motion. He loved to put his cock in Rita's steamy pussy. It had taken him a long time, but she was finally acting like a good girl when he fucked her. He didn't want a wife that acted like a whore. He had fucked plenty of whores and when he wanted something different he knew just where to go find a whore to take care of his kinky needs. His wife didn't know anything about it. She shouldn't. Wives didn't like to be fucked wildly. He was proud of the fact that he'd never let himself do anything weird and kinky with Rita. Some men treated their wives like whores but not Duke Henderson. He treated Rita with respect. He was very proud of that.

Duke felt Rita's pussy shudder around his cock. He supposed that was alright. She was supposed to get a little excited when he sank his long cock in her cunt. It was just fine as long as he didn't lose control. Only whores lost control and put their legs up. Rita was a proper wife. He was glad she didn't do anything like that.

Duke could feel the steamy, slippery warmth of his wife's hot pussy. It felt good wrapped around his long, stiff cock. He lunged in a little farther and it got even better. Then he finally pushed in all the way and felt the sensitive head of his cock nudge up against his wife's quivering womb.

"Ugh!" he grunted. "That's nice, hon. That feels really good. Does it feel good to you, honey? Do you like my big surprise?"

Rita shuddered wildly. "Yes!" she whispered. "Yes, I like it honey. I like it a lot."

She clamped her lips tightly closed. That was all she was supposed to say. She wasn't supposed to tell him how much her pussy was trembling and creaming around his stiff prick. She wasn't supposed to tell him that her pussy felt like it was on fire. She wasn't supposed to mention any of that. The only thing that she was supposed to say was that it felt good. She had said that. Now she was supposed to be quiet and let him fuck her.

Duke began pumping his big cock in and out of her creamy pussy. He drove forward a little harder and her breath caught in her throat. Maybe he was going to really break loose tonight. Maybe he'd fuck her so hard that her shuddering pussy would come. Maybe tonight was the night that she'd experience all those marvelous things she'd read about but never felt for herself. Maybe her pussy would explode in a million pieces tonight the way the books said it would.

"Ugh!" Duke grunted again. He shoved his cock all the way to the back of her pussy tunnel and tried to hurry and shoot. He knew that he should hurry and get it over with as quickly as possible. No proper wife liked to be fucked for a long time. He had been really good about that. He always managed to come really fast and sate Rita the trouble of a long, drawn-out fuck. He thought about the whore he had fucked at the last teacher's convention. She had sucked his cock for him. He really liked that. That felt so good he felt his balls swell up just thinking about it.

Rita felt Duke's long cock swell up. She knew what that meant. It meant that his cock was almost ready to come. He had just started and he was almost ready to come. She shuddered in disappointment. If only Duke would fuck her a little longer. He never did though. Just a few quick thrusts and it was over. If he would just last a little longer, she might be able to come too.

Duke shoved his cock all the way in. He pounded back and forth for a few thrusts. It felt so good, Rita almost squealed right out loud. She loved it when he fucked her hard. Her pussy felt so horny she thought for a minute that it might actually come tonight. If he would only hold out a little longer, her pussy might come.

Duke plunged back and forth. Then he felt his balls start to pump. That was good. He was going to come already. That was a nice fast fuck. That was just the kind of fuck that was perfect for a woman as sensitive and proper as Rita.

Rita felt his cock stiffen and swell up even longer. She gave a little groan of frustration. He was going to come. Any second now his cock would pump hot cream up her shuddering pussy. She wasn't going to get to come after all. Tonight wasn't the night. She sighed deeply. Maybe next time. If she could just get him to last a little longer she knew her hot pussy would come. Not tonight though. His cock was already starting to come and she wasn't nearly ready yet.

"Ugh!" Duke grunted. "Uuuuuugh!"

Hot cream blasted from the tip of his cock and splashed up her shuddering pussy channel. It gushed against the walls of her cunt tunnel and blasted the inside of her shaking pussy, with a scalding hot wetness. It felt good but Rita was so disappointed she hardly noticed. It was all over and her pussy hadn't even started to come. It was too late now. Duke was all through.

Duke gave one last grunt and pulled his long cock out of her pussyhole. He didn't even say anything. He jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom to wash his cock.

Rita shivered. She was suddenly very cold, even if it was warm in the room. Hot cockcream leaked out of her shuddering pussyhole and dripped down her smooth thighs. She didn't even bother to wipe it off. She was too busy thinking. She was wondering if Steve Jordan fucked Liz that fast. She bet he didn't. She bet that Liz got to come every time they fucked.


Joanie sat in the balcony with the other cheerleaders. They had strict orders from Rita Henderson. They weren't even supposed to talk to the team until practice was, over. She felt a little left out. Mary Kay, the squad leader, was going with Ray Smith. He was on the team. Donna and Rhonda Smith had been dating the Eagan boys for over a year now and Bobbie McKensie was going steady with Allen Parks. All the cheerleaders had boyfriends on the team. She was the only one left out. She and Mike Wells. She had heard all about his fight with Margie. It was the only thing the girls talked about this morning on the trip. Even Mary Kay thought she ought to make a play for Mike. Then, everyone would have a boyfriend. Joanie agreed. She just didn't quite know how to go about it though. Mary Kay thought she should go right up to Mike and start a conversation. She believed in jumping in with both feet. There was a party planned for midnight tonight. The girls were going to sneak off to the team's quarters. Mary Kay told her to come right along. Mike wouldn't be able to resist when he saw everyone else paired off. Joanie sat on the bleachers and watched Mike play. She hoped he would notice her before time for the party. She hated to barge right in, even though she was invited.

"What's the matter with you, Wells?" Coach Henderson barked. "That's the third time you've missed that lay-up. Get your head together, kid. We've only got two more practices before our qualifying game. If you keep messing up like that, we're not even going to make the semi-finals!"

"Sorry, Coach," Mike mumbled. "I won't miss it."

Mary Kay poked Joanie. "Did you see that?" she whispered. "If you don't go and cheer Mike up we're going to lose our chance at the Tournament. He's really messing up. I think he's missing Margie's good lovin'. Why don't you talk to him after practice and try to cheer him up? Somebody's got to. If we miss the finals this year I'll just die!"