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Joanie nodded. Something had to be done. Mike was moping around like he'd last his best friend. She had to cheer him up for the good of the team. In a way that made her feel a lot better. Everyone was counting on her to get Mike back in shape. She hoped she wouldn't let them down.

She was waiting for Mike when he finished showering. Her heart was in her throat. She didn't know what she was going to say, but it had to be something good. All the other girls were there too, waiting for their boyfriends. That made it a little easier. Her heart pounded wildly as the door opened.

Roy was the first one out. He grinned at Mary Kay and they walked away swinging hands. Then Tim and Tom Eagan came out. Allen Parks was next and he went off, with Bobbie. She was the only one left, waiting for Mike.

"Hi… Hi Mike," she stuttered as he came out the door. "I… I've been waiting for you. Do you have a couple of minutes to talk?"

Mike grinned. Joanie Adams was cute. "Sure, Joanie," he said. "We're all going over to the hamburger haven for something to eat. Do you want to come along?"

Joanie nodded. She was too happy to speak. Everything was working out just fine.

Joanie tagged along when the girls left for the party. She had been invited. Mike Wells had asked her if she was coming. She was so excited she could hardly breathe. She had heard all about the parties from the year before. She knew they were kind of wild. She didn't really care, though. She'd do anything for Mike Wells.

A half hour later Joanie wasn't quite so sure. They had gotten to the boys' rooms without being seen. Now things were different, though. She just couldn't believe what was going on. Somehow the guys had gotten a couple of bottles of wine and everyone was loaded. Mary Kay disappeared into one of the bedrooms with Roy. She could hear little moaning noises coming out of the bedroom. It was pretty impossible to ignore what they must be doing. Donna and Rhonda had claimed the other bedroom. The exact same thing was happening in there. Bobbie and Allen were stuck with the couch. It didn't seem to bother them, though. They were necking up a storm right in front of Mike and Joanie. Joanie was so embarrassed she felt like she was going to die.

"What's the matter, Joanie?" Mike chuckled. "You look embarrassed. Are these kids bothering you?"

Joanie decided that this was the time to take the plunge. It was the perfect opportunity to let Mike know that she was willing to neck with him too… even do more than that if he wanted to.

"Uh… they're not exactly embarrassing me," she said softly. "They're making me horny. I've… I've been thinking about what it would feel like if you'd do that with me."

Mike laughed. "You sure don't pull any punches, do you, Joanie," he chuckled. Then he grabbed her and pressed his lips down on hers.

Joanie started trembling so hard she thought she was going to fall right off the couch. Mike's tongue was darting in her mouth and it made her whole body light on fire. She could feel her pussy creaming wildly and she was almost embarrassed at how hot she was getting. When Mike's hand reached up under her sweater she moaned and let him feel her warm, rounded titties.

"Too bad the bedrooms are all taken," Mike gasped. "I can think of a lot more I'd like to do. How about your room?"

Joanie found that she was shaking so hard so she could barely stand up. "Let's go," she giggled. "I've got the key in my purse."

"Take off your clothes," Mike whispered as soon as they got to her room. "I want to feel your titties some more."

Joanie gasped as Mike reached out and unzipped her blouse. His fingers were hot on her quivering skin. She almost pushed his hand away for a second. Even though she wanted him to touch her, she wasn't sure if she could go through with it. She had been thinking about it all day and she was a little scared. She just had to make Mike fuck her though. She wanted to be his girl. It was the only way to beat Margie at her own game. If Mike wanted to fuck her, she would help him do it. She didn't want to be the only virgin cheerleader and after what she had seen tonight, she knew that the rest of the girls weren't shy with their boyfriends.

Mike pulled her blouse off and cupped her titties in his hands. His fingers traced over her hard little nipples and he sighed hornily.

"Jesus, you've got nice titties," he gasped. "Let's see the rest of you. Come on, Joanie. Don't be shy. I just want to look at you."

Joanie shivered. Then she unzipped her skirt and let it fail to the floor. She turned her back to him and rolled her panties down to her hips and slithered out of them. Then she took a deep breath and whirled around to face him.

"Do… Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked. Even though she tried to be bold her voice quivered.

"You're a little doll," Mike breathed huskily. "I bet all your boyfriends say that." His eyes rested on the fluffy triangle of her pussy and he felt the heat start to grow in his crotch. "You're making me hot, honey," he groaned. "I can hardly wait to get into that sweet pussy of yours."

Joanie blushed. It was working out just the way she'd dreamed, but she was still awfully nervous. She wondered if it would hurt when he put his cock in her pussy. She tried not to think about that part of it. His fingers felt so wonderful on her titties she tried to think about just that.

"Here," Mike groaned. "Touch my cock, honey. Give me your hand. I want you to play with my prick?"

Before she knew what was happening her fingers were unzipping Mike's pants. Then his cock was in her hand, stiff and hot. She gasped as she looked at it. It was every bit as big as her father's and it looked beautiful and powerful. She ran her fingers lightly up his hard prickshaft and smoothed over the head. It was soft and swollen. There was a tiny bit of moisture on the tip and her fingers slid in the sticky wetness.

"Oooooh," she gasped. "It's pretty. I've never touched a cock before."

Mike stiffened in surprise. "You mean you're still a virgin?" he asked. "You haven't done this before?"

Joanie blushed dark red. "Nooo," she admitted. "I want to, though. You'll fuck with me anyway, won't you Mike? I mean… even though I'm a virgin?"

Mike laughed. "You've got to be kidding!" he exclaimed. "From the way you were acting, I thought you'd done it before. You mean I'm the first one?"

"Y… Yes," Joanie stammered. "I… I was saving it for someone I really liked. I've been wanting to do this all year, Mike. I never thought you'd notice me, though. You were always going with Margie and I thought I'd have to be a virgin until I died or something."

Mike chuckled. "Hey," he said. "That's pretty neat. Are you sure you want to do it, though? I mean, being a virgin and all. It might hurt a little the first time."

"I don't care," Joanie sighed. "It'll be worth it. I don't want to fuck with anyone except you, Mike. You're the only one I want."

Mike felt his cock swell up even stiffer. That was kind of sweet. He believed her. She wasn't the kind of girl to just fuck around with anyone. She'd been saving it for him and he hadn't even noticed her before today. He sighed in pleasure. Maybe it was a good thing Margie and he had fought. He might never have noticed Joanie if it hadn't have been for that.

"I'll teach you all about it," he promised. "Just keep on touching my cock with your fingers and I'll play with your pussy. I know you'll like that."

Joanie's whole body jerked when Mike's hand slid down to her moist pussy. She could hardly breathe, she was so excited. His fingers felt like tongues of fire on her silky pussy hair. It felt so good she didn't want him to ever stop.

"Oooooh," she moaned. "That feels so good, Mike. I never knew it would feel that good."

Mike chuckled again. Joanie was cute and sweet and he could tell that she was going to be a good fuck. She shivered all over when he touched her pussy hair and he bet her sweet little cunt was soaking.