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“Obviously not. Because I have made my decision. I’m going to work with Belladonna. And I’m going to save my sister,” she said. “No matter what it takes.”

So it was done, Ty thought. Ana Martin had agreed to work for Belladonna, only she had no idea what they were going to ask of her.

Just like she had no idea what Ty was.

Soon she would.

And when she did, she’d look at him differently, he knew.

He angered her now. Frustrated her. Annoyed her. Confused her.

But despite all that, she wanted him. Craved him, just like he craved her.

Soon, she’d crave nothing but getting as far away from him as possible. All he could do was enjoy what little time he had left with her.

As if she sensed what he was thinking, she narrowed her eyes on him suspiciously. He didn’t smile. Didn’t give away by word or expression anything that he was thinking. But his gaze took her in. Every detail. His nostrils took in her scent. His skin absorbed the thrumming of her pulse as his ears heard the rush of her blood through her veins. No, he didn’t react to her suspicions, but like an animal being stalked by a predator, she stiffened, as if she could read his thoughts.

Then again, she probably just noticed the stiffness of his erection, something he wasn’t bothering to hide. Why should he? He was perpetually hard whenever he was around her. If he tried covering it up, he’d spend his time doing nothing else.

She cleared her throat and spoke first, which was exactly what he wanted. She already held too much power over him. It was best he didn’t give up any more to her.

“So, what now?”

“In two weeks, your old friend Miguel will be making a very rare public appearance at the fund-raiser for the Hispanic Community Alliance. It’s a black-tie affair. We’re going to attend the fund-raiser together and remind Miguel what made him fall in love with you in the first place.”

“What’s that? I was eleven when we met, fourteen when I joined the gang. I wasn’t any more of a femme fatale then than I am now.”

“No matter. He loved you for your strength. Your bravado. Your determination to survive. That’s still an inherent part of you. In preparation for this fund-raiser and your overall mission, however, we’re going to train you in a variety of other things. Weapons. Surveillance. Social etiquette. Even what shoes to wear with what dress.”

She cocked a snotty brow. “So you match shoes and dresses. Tell me, what’s your go-to outfit?”

He had the insane urge to twirl just to make her smile, but he didn’t. Instead, he thought of the menagerie that was soon going to invade the Belladonna compound and shot her a sympathetic glance. “Afraid fashion’s not my expertise. For that, we’re bringing in the big guns—the rest of the team. You’ll meet them in a few days. For now, however, you’re mine.”



When Ana opened her eyes, it was still dark outside. She stretched, turned onto her side, then froze when she saw the man sitting in the chair beside her bed.

It was Ty. Her dream Ty, with light hair and blue eyes.

Slowly, she sat up. A sense of unease passed through her only to be chased away by the electric thrum of excitement. She licked her lips, and his eyes narrowed and followed the path her tongue took. Seeing the heat in his gaze caused a conflagration to spread throughout her body.

He smiled slightly, but there was nothing humorous in his expression. Instead, he looked like the very devil he’d previously admitted to being. “Be careful about teasing me, Ana,” he said, his words edged with a dark intent that made her shiver. “I’m barely hanging on to my control as it is.”

Then give it up. A sense of self-preservation stopped her from voicing the thought. She should take his warning seriously. Yes, some crazy part of her wanted to prod him until his control shattered, wanted to revel in the knowledge that she got so deeply under his skin. But was she really ready for that? In their last dream encounter, he’d been gentle. Giving more than he took. How would she react if he took his fill of her? If he took without asking? Would his urgency call forth her fear and ugly memories? Unwilling to take that chance, she pulled the sheet tighter around herself and asked, “Why are you back? Why now?”

She didn’t clarify what she meant, but she could tell he already knew. Why hadn’t he visited her dreams since that one time in Seattle?

“I’ve been fighting it. Fighting you. Fighting this. Just like you have. But something’s changed. You want me tonight. You need me. So tell me. Do I stay or do I go?”

Ana bit her lip, praying for guidance. Sure, this was a dream, but Ty had already invaded her waking hours. Inviting him to be intimate with her, even if in her dreams, could only bring trouble.

But it would also bring intense pleasure.

Pleasure she’d experienced just one time before. Pleasure she wanted to experience again.

As Ty stood before her, he looked right but … not right. She’d gotten used to seeing him with dark hair and eyes, and the difference in his physical appearance emphasized that he wasn’t real.

So if he isn’t real, a voice tempted her, it doesn’t matter what you do together. No one will know. Hell, he won’t even know. You might never get this chance again. Remember what they’re asking of you. Remember why you’re doing it. Take this for yourself.

Take him.

“I want to take you,” she blurted out, her chin held high. “I want you to lie on your back and let me do whatever I want to you. Will you do that?”

He held out his hand. With a small frown, she slipped her hand in his. He pulled her to her feet but didn’t kiss her as she’d expected. Instead, he took her place on her bed.

Lying back on the crisp white sheets, he folded his hands behind his head so his biceps bulged and his abs rippled. The light dusting of hair on his chest arrowed down his torso and disappeared into the waistband of his sleep pants. At his groin, his cock pushed against the cotton seam as if straining to reach her, and her mouth went dry at the evidence of his girth. As she continued to watch, his hips arched, tempting her to action.

Her gaze shot back to his face. She expected him to be smiling again. Maybe even watching her with an arrogant look of triumph. Instead, he looked hungry. Famished. Ready to break down and beg if she didn’t touch him.

She knew exactly how he felt.

With more bravado than actual confidence, she stepped closer to him and pressed her palm against his chest. The strong thud of his heartbeat echoed the throbbing need between her legs. A slight hiss escaped him as her hand made contact. “Yes,” he groaned. “Touch me. Please.”

“I—I am touching you,” she whispered.

“Touch me with both hands. With your mouth. With your body. I need you, Ana. I need you so much.”

The naked vulnerability of his pleas made her breath catch. He needed her?

“Yes, I need you,” he said, making her wonder if she’d voiced her thoughts or he’d somehow read her mind. “And once we begin training, once you learn more about your mission, things are going to change. The way you feel about me is going to change.”

“Why? Are you going to be mean to me?” She pouted, skimming a nail across his nipple as if to punish him for any future transgressions against her.

He jerked. “I’m going to push you, and you’re not going to like being pushed. But more than that, you’re going to see me for who I really am. What I really am. And you’re not going to want me any longer. Not the way I want you.”

Instinctively, she pulled back at his pain-filled words. She had no idea what he meant, but when she opened her mouth to question him, he shook his head wildly. “Don’t ask me to explain because I can’t. Just know that I want you and need you, Ana. Here. Now. I need you to take me, just like you said. Do what you want to me. Do anything. Do everything.”