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But yet it wasn’t right. Because her focus was on him, and convincing him she wasn’t afraid. She desired him, yes, but she wasn’t dripping with desire. She wasn’t nearly as crazy to have him as he was to have her.

And that was going to change.

As soon as they were both naked on that bed, where she was leading him, he was taking over.

He was taking her.

Ana wasn’t stupid.

She knew what was coming, and she’d braced herself for it.

Ty wasn’t naturally submissive. He wasn’t one to be led. He was allowing it now because he needed to be sure this was what she wanted. And that she wasn’t scared.

But as soon as he was convinced of both those things, he was going to take her. She’d heard his intent in those three words he’d spoken to her while he was on his knees, his voice rough and masculine and intense despite his supplicant position. His body was shaking under the strain of holding himself back. It was obvious in those eyes—those strangely mesmerizing eyes. Pools of liquid silver.

She lowered herself to sit on the bed then scooted her way back until she was positioned dead center on the mattress. Fighting back nerves and embarrassment as her bare body jiggled, she lay back, raised her arms above her head, and positioned her legs so they were slightly bent and ready to welcome him in between them. The entire time, he watched her. His face flushed. His eyes heavy. His breathing a rough staccato.

Still, he didn’t do what she thought he would. He didn’t immediately cover her with his body. He stood there, looking tortured, jaw clenching, temple throbbing. “Sure?” he asked, as if even the effort to string two words together was now beyond him.

How could he even ask? All she wanted was for him to be the type of lover he couldn’t help but be, even before he was a vampire. Dominant. Aggressive and rough.

Well, as she’d told him before, she was willing to do whatever it took to get what she needed. She knew how to drive him to the edge. He’d admitted he liked it when she talked dirty. She’d also sensed how turned on he’d gotten when she spoke Spanish. So …

Arching her back slightly and parting her legs just a bit more, she said, “Fuck me, Ty. Le deseo. Dentro de mí. Jódame duramente. Please. Tome mi cuerpo entonces toma mi sangre.”

His eyes flared as he took in her words.

I want you. Inside me. Fuck me hard.

Take my body, then take my blood.

He growled. His fangs sprang out but she barely got a glimpse of them because he was moving too fast. Her breath whooshed out of her as he covered her, pushed his body between her thighs, wrapped her hair around his hands, and lifted her up to meet his marauding mouth.

Ty pushed his tongue into Ana’s mouth even as he managed to not plunge his dick into her core or his fangs into her throat. For now, kissing her was enough. He wanted to commit to memory every single thing about her. The texture of her sweet tongue. The slick heat of her mouth. The tangy sweetness that left a hint of something dark and mysterious, something he was determined to capture. He opened her mouth wider, moved his tongue deeper, and caressed her face with his thumbs.

His body was screaming for him to touch more of her, to suck her nipples and finger her pussy and lick his way down to that hard pearl at the apex of her thighs.

But he kept kissing her anyway. Couldn’t seem to tear himself away from the lovely mouth that had spoken such dirty, dirty words, blowing his control to shreds.

Ana, however, didn’t seem to have the same problem. It was as if she heard his body’s pleas and set out to answer them. Even as her mouth gave right back to him, her hands stroked down his arms, back, and ass. And her body … Fuck! Her body.

She writhed and twisted, smashing and rubbing her breasts against his chest, gripping his hips with her thighs and using them to pull herself up and rub herself against his aching cock. He wasn’t quite in the juncture of her thighs, but she kept focused on her goal until … yes! … his length slipped between her thighs and was immediately covered with her creamy arousal.

She moved back and forth, riding his cock, driving the head against her clit only to send it sliding back toward her ass then back again.

He ripped his mouth away from hers and groaned, “Oh, God. Oh, Ana. You feel so good. So fucking good.”

She had a pained expression on her face, as if the pleasure she was feeling bordered on too much, but she smiled. “I love the feel of you, too.”

He kissed her briefly, then couldn’t resist her sweet breasts for a second longer. He sucked one nipple into his mouth, gently, then harder, even as he rolled the other between his fingers. She whimpered, gripping his head with one hand as if to keep him in place. He wanted to tell her he wasn’t going anywhere, but he didn’t want to give up the morsel in his mouth, not even for a second. He hummed and purred and told her what he needed to with his hands.

She was still grinding against him, but he lifted up slightly, then pushed her knees up and out so she was open to him. He slid his hand between her thighs. With two fingers, he stroked through her wet folds, immediately noticing the hitch in her breath and the way she tensed up.

Given she hadn’t had a problem with his cock rubbing against her, it surprised him. Carefully, he watched her face as he penetrated her with both fingers, slowly but thoroughly.

She was really tight and he had to work to even get his fingers inside her. She didn’t protest, but she trembled. And he saw the flash of fear on her face.

“What’s wrong? Why does this scare you?”

She swallowed hard and he waited for her to deny it.

To his surprise, she didn’t.

“I was raped when I was sixteen. He used his fingers. His—his hand. He pinched and scratched. I—I usually don’t let men—”

He withdrew his fingers only to slide them inside her again.

Her face grew even redder and she bit her lip. They seemed to be signs of her ratcheting arousal, but …

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Do you want me to be gentle? Go slow?”

She hesitated. Shook her head again.

“Say it,” he commanded. “Because you asked me to fuck you hard. Have you changed your mind? I don’t want there to be any doubt.”

“No, Ty,” she said. “I want everything you can give me. Don’t hold back.”

He thrust his fingers inside her again, testing out what she was saying. She gasped, but arched up when he pulled back, clearly not wanting him to stop.

So he gave it to her again. And again, eventually hooking his fingers and bumping up against her pleasure spot. Her eyes widened and she shouted out, clearly surprised by the influx of sensation.


“More. I want more.”

“You want my tongue on your clit? Because that’s what I want. So bad, Ana.”

“Do it,” she whimpered.

He shifted position. A second later, his fingers still working inside her, he used his tongue to lap at her, groaning at the familiar sweetness of her juices. She was the best thing he’d ever tasted. Better than all the human blood he’d drunk since he’d been turned.

“This is what feeds me,” he said. “This is what I want. This is—” His words became muffled as he pleasured her.

She was thrashing around, forcing him to hold her hips down. He wanted to push her over the edge, but her body grew more and more tense, and even though she was into everything he was doing to her … it didn’t happen. She didn’t come.