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Of all types or professions that came here, I think he disliked doctors most. The reason was of course that the work they did or were about to do in the world bordered on that which he was trying to accomplish, and the chances were that they sniffed at or at least critically examined what he was doing with an eye to finding its weak spots. In many cases no doubt he fancied that they were there to study and copy his methods and ideas, without having the decency later on to attribute their knowledge to him. It was short shrift for any one of them with ideas or “notions” unfriendly to him advanced in his presence. For a little while during my stay there was a smooth-faced, rather solid physically and decidedly self-opinionated mentally, doctor who ate at the same small table as I and who was never tired of airing his views, medical and otherwise. He confided to me rather loftily that there was, to be sure, something to Culhane’s views and methods but that they were “over-emphasized here, over-emphasized.” Still, one could over-emphasize the value of drugs too. As for himself he had decided to achieve a happy medium if possible, and for this reason (for one) he had come here to study Culhane.

As for Culhane, in spite of the young doctor’s condescension and understanding, or perhaps better yet because of it, he thoroughly disliked, barely tolerated, him, and was never tired of commenting on little dancing medics with their “pill cases” and easily acquired book knowledge, boasting of their supposed learning “which somebody else had paid for,” as he once said—their fathers, of course. And when they were sick, some of them at least, they had to come out here to him, or they came to steal his theory and start a shabby grafting sanitarium of their own. He knew them.

One noon we were at lunch. Occasionally before seating himself at his small central table he would walk or glance about and, having good eyes, would spy some little defect or delinquency somewhere and of course immediately act upon it. One of the rules of the repair shop was that you were to eat what was put before you, especially when it differed from what your table companion received. Thus a fat man at a table with a lean one might receive a small portion of lean meat, no potatoes and no bread or one little roll, whereas his lean acquaintance opposite would be receiving a large portion of fat meat, a baked or boiled potato, plenty of bread and butter, and possibly a side dish of some kind. Now it might well be, as indeed was often the case, that each would be dissatisfied with his apportionment and would attempt to change plates.

But this was the one thing that Culhane would not endure. So upon one occasion, passing near the table at which sat myself and the above-mentioned doctor, table-mates for the time being, he noticed that he was not eating his carrots, a dish which had been especially prepared for him, I imagine—for if one unconsciously ignored certain things the first day or two of his stay, those very things would be all but rammed down his throat during the remainder of his stay; a thing concerning which one guest and another occasionally cautioned newcomers. However this may have been in this particular case, he noticed the uneaten carrots and, pausing a moment, observed:

“What’s the matter? Aren’t you eating your carrots?” We had almost finished eating.

“Who, me?” replied the medic, looking up. “Oh, no, I never eat carrots, you know. I don’t like them.”

“Oh, don’t you?” said Culhane sweetly. “You don’t like them, and so you don’t eat them! Well, suppose you eat them here. They may do you a little good just as a change.”

“But I never eat carrots,” retorted the medic tersely and with a slight show of resentment or opposition, scenting perhaps a new order.

“No, not outside perhaps, but here you do. You eat carrots here, see?”

“Yes, but why should I eat them if I don’t like them? They don’t agree with me. Must I eat something that doesn’t agree with me just because it’s a rule or to please you?”

“To please me, or the carrots, or any damned thing you please—but eat ‘em.”

The doctor subsided. For a day or two he went about commenting on what a farce the whole thing was, how ridiculous to make any one eat what was not suited to him, but just the same while he was there he ate them.

As for myself, I was very fond of large boiled potatoes and substantial orders of fat and lean meat, and in consequence, having been so foolish as to show this preference, I received but the weakest, most contemptible and puling little spuds and pale orders of meat—with, it is true, plenty of other “side dishes”; whereas a later table-mate of mine, a distressed and neurasthenic society man, was receiving—I soon learned he especially abhorred them—potatoes as big as my two fists.

“Now look at that! Now look at that!” he often said peevishly and with a kind of sickly whine in his voice when he saw one being put before him. “He knows I don’t like potatoes, and see what I get! And look at the little bit of a thing he gives you! It’s a shame, the way he nags people, especially over this food question. I don’t think there’s a thing to it. I don’t think eating a big potato does me a bit of good, or you the little one, and yet I have to eat the blank-blank things or get out. And I need to get on my feet just now.”

“Well, cheer up,” I said sympathetically and with an eye on the large potato perhaps. “He isn’t always looking, and we can fix it. You mash up your big potato and put butter and salt on it, and I’ll do the same with my little one. Then when he’s not looking we’ll shift.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” he commented, “but we’d better look out. If he sees us he’ll be as sore as the devil.”

This system worked well enough for a time, and for days I was getting all the potato I wanted and congratulating myself on my skill, when one day as I was slyly forking potatoes out of his dish, moved helpfully in my direction, I saw Culhane approaching and feared that our trick had been discovered. It had. Perhaps some snaky waitress has told on us, or he had seen us, even from his table.

“Now I know what’s going on here at this table,” he growled savagely, “and I want you two to cut it out. This big boob here” (he was referring to my esteemed self) “who hasn’t strength of will or character enough to keep himself in good health and has to be brought up here by his brother, hasn’t brains enough to see that when I plan a thing for his benefit it is for his benefit, and not mine. Like most of the other damned fools that come up here and waste their money and my time, he thinks I’m playing some cute game with him—tag or something that will let him show how much cuter he is than I am. And he’s supposed to be a writer and have a little horse-sense! His brother claims it, anyhow. And as for this other simp here,” and now he was addressing the assembled diners while nodding toward my friend, “it hasn’t been three weeks since he was begging to know what I could do for him. And now look at him—entering into a petty little game of potato-cheating!

“I swear,” he went on savagely, talking to the room in general, “sometimes I don’t know what to do with such damned fools. The right thing would be to set these two, and about fifty others in this place, out on the main road with their trunks and let them go to hell. They don’t deserve the attention of a conscientious man. I prohibit gambling—what happens? A lot of nincompoops and mental lightweights with more money than brains sneak off into a field of an afternoon on the excuse that they are going for a walk, and then sit down and lose or win a bucket of money just to show off what hells of fellows they are, what sports, what big ‘I ams.’ I prohibit cigarette-smoking, not because I think it’s literally going to kill anybody but because I think it looks bad here, sets a bad example to a lot of young wasters who come here and who ought to be broken of the vice, and besides, because I don’t like cigarette-smoking here—don’t want it and won’t have it. What happens? A lot of sissies and mamma’s boys and pet heirs, whose fathers haven’t got enough brains to cut ‘em off and make ‘em get out and work, come up here, sneak in cigarettes or get the servants to, and then hide out behind the barn or a tree down in the lot and sneak and smoke like a lot of cheap schoolboys. God, it makes me sick! What’s the use of a man working out a fact during a lifetime and letting other people have the benefit of it—not because he needs their money, but that they need his help—if all the time he is going to have such cattle to deal with? Not one out of twenty or forty men that come here really wants me to help him or to help himself. What he wants is to have some one drive him in the way he ought to go, kick him into it, instead of his buckling down and helping himself. What’s the good of bothering with such damned fools? A man ought to take the whole pack and run ‘em off the place with a dog-whip.” He waved his hand in the air. “It’s sickening. It’s impossible.