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‘Brand Appleton was a friend of the family – about a year older than me.’ It was Beamabeth who spoke. ‘He was an apprentice to a physician, and well thought of, and would probably have become a full partner in a year or two. And…’ she turned a little pink, ‘well, it all seemed a little like we might be married. But then it happened.’

‘What happened?’ asked Clent.

‘Mandelion,’ Beamabeth answered simply. ‘Mandelion was taken over by radicals overnight. People have explained it to me.’ Her brow crinkled. ‘Radicals are terribly dangerous, and if you don’t flush them out of your town then they eat away at everything like woodworm and, next thing you know, everything falls apart, and respectable people are hanged from the ramparts, and nobody has any coffee or chocolate.’ She looked a little sadly into her cup of hot elderberry. ‘Of course we’re safer here in Toll, with the Luck to protect us, but still…’ It took a moment before Mosca remembered the bridge guard talking of the Luck of Toll, the town’s mysterious protection against all disaster.

‘Anyway,’ continued Beamabeth, ‘everybody agreed that the radicals were a terrible threat. So the Committee of the Hours had to go back to their book of the Beloved and decide which of them were radicalish. Because we couldn’t have people born under radical Beloved running around our Toll; nobody would be safe. And so lots of people were reclassified.’

‘Reclassified? You mean… they got their daylight took away from them?’ asked Mosca.

‘Yes – the ones with radicalish names. And that’s when it all came out. Brand was born under Goodlady Sparkentress, She Who Helps Burn the Stubble to Ready the Earth for New Growth. And all these years we’d believed she was a lucky sort of Beloved – a bit hot-tempered perhaps, but very loving and courageous. But that day we found out that Sparkentress had been reclassified. All these years we’d known him, Brand must have been a radical underneath. It was a great shock to all of us. He seemed quite surprised too.’

‘I bet he did,’ muttered Mosca. It had been bad enough walking into Toll and having everyone treat her even more like vermin than usual. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like waking up one morning to discover you had gone from golden boy to public enemy without having done anything to deserve it.

‘Obviously I broke off his engagement to Beamabeth.’ The mayor took over the story. ‘The mere idea of some radical nightowl marrying a girl with the best name in Toll…’

‘Not quite the best,’ Beamabeth corrected him with a modest little moue.

‘No matter. It is a golden name, and you, my dear, are better loved than anyone else in this town. But rather than accept my decision Brand Appleton went utterly berserk and tried to fell me with a bust of Goodlady Syropia. My men had to roll him in a carpet before they could carry him from my house. And even now, despite being unable to walk in daylight, he has hounded my daughter by leaving gifts for her in the courtyards and gardens. He nearly blocked the western chimney by dropping rocks down it with poems wrapped around them.’

From outside there came the faint sound of a bugle.

‘My dear – the hour. We can delay no longer. These people must leave to seek their accommodation immediately.’ There was no denying an edge of alarm in the mayor’s voice.

‘Yes… yes, I see they must.’ Beamabeth stood, walked over to Clent and held out her hands for him to take. Her smile was very simple and very sweet. ‘Thank you, Mr Clent. Thank you for coming to warn me. I would be much more afraid if you were not here, if I did not know that you were investigating this to keep me safe.’

‘I…’ Clent looked about him with the trapped gaze of a spider sinking into honey. ‘The pleasure and honour is mine, my dear Miss Marlebourne. Rest assured, I shall discover more and keep you informed. Farewell for now, and good fortune to you.’

Mosca kept her tongue pushed into her cheek where it could do no damage until she, Clent and Saracen had been shown out of the house and were back on the sunset courtyard.

‘So,’ she began when she could hold in her words no longer, ‘this reward, then.’

‘Will be ours, child, will be ours. When the mayor has his proof. But first we have a duty to that poor girl -’

Rich girl.’

‘… to that brave little sylph to discover more about the shadowy threat-’

Something bitter that had been welling in Mosca’s stomach exploded out of her.

‘We did our duty! We warned her! And she’s got footmen and guardians and the mayor and half the town looking out for her! And she just poured us a dribble of hot punch each and then packed us off to do more danger-work for her! And don’t tell me we offered, Mr Clent, because we didn’t. She accepted the offer we didn’t make.’

‘Mosca -’ Clent stopped walking for a moment – ‘I seem to remember that coming to Toll, scotching Mr Skellow and warning Miss Marlebourne was your idea?’

‘Yeah.’ Mosca swallowed hard. ‘But that was b’fore I met ’er.’

Clent stared at her. ‘Mosca, whenever I think I have the measure of your malice I chance upon some hidden pocket of ill temper I had not suspected. In this case it is frankly incomprehensible. If you must choose a target for your bile, why choose her? A girl who already has unseen enemies, who has treated you with nothing but kindness and civility, who is making the best of hard times. Who even let you share in her shrinking stock of elderberry wine.’

‘Yeah, she did,’ Mosca answered through her teeth. ‘And, Mr Clent? If I hear any more ’bout how wonderful she is, that elderberry wine’ll be back to see the light of day. I just want to be sure that once we’ve got that reward we leap out of Toll like fleas off a hot rock and don’t hang about investigatin’.’

Despite herself, Mosca’s voice faltered a little as she looked around the castle courtyard, which seemed to have become larger now that the shadows were longer. The busy market had been stripped away, leaving an ominous space where rutted grass was the only hint of barrows, stalls and hobnailed boots.

The disquieting atmosphere stung a new haste into the steps of Mosca and Clent, and they first strode, then jogged back to the main streets of Toll, only to find them largely empty.

Mosca remembered the words of the ‘Raspberry’.

There will be another bugle call at sunset – this will be a signal that you have no more than a quarter of an hour to get back to your appointed residence. You must – must – make sure that you do so.

It had been ten minutes since the bugle sounded, and suddenly these words did not seem quite so comical any more.

‘Mr Clent…’

‘I know, madam, I know…’ Clent’s voice had the levelness of ice-touched panic.

Door after barred door. Shuttered window after shuttered window. Wooden ladders pulled up on to boardwalks. Wells covered. Slate roofs dulling from jackdaw blue to rook black as the sun melted into the horizon…

In the silence the sudden bang of a shutter rang like a gunshot. Both Mosca and Clent reflexively broke into a run towards the sound. Turning the corner they found a small inn whose door was still ajar. Outside it a plump and perspiring woman was struggling to close a pair of stiff and rusty shutters, wide-eyed as a rabbit with a fox upwind.

‘Help me!’ she squeaked when she saw them, and they threw their weight against the shutters and forced them closed. Then the woman jerked upright and raised a hand for silence.

A few streets away chimed a faint, metallic sound. A rattling, musical jingle-jangle.

‘In!’ she snapped huskily, seizing Mosca’s collar and Clent’s arm. ‘What you waiting for? In! In!’

Her terror was contagious, and in an instant they gave up all thought of the inn where they had booked rooms. Instead, they let themselves be bundled in through the open door, which was immediately slammed to behind them. Looking around, Mosca could see that quite a mob had been hovering by the door waiting to throw the latches to. The same suppressed terror was obvious in every face, in the tone of the whispered exchanges.