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Tess blushed. “That would be rude. We can’t just—”

“Yes. We. Can. Now, Tess. S'il vous plait.” She wasn’t being fair. I was the injured one. I was the one in need of TLC. These guests could fucking wait until I’d had my wife beneath me, on top of me, tied up, and ravished. “You don’t want me to ask again. You won’t like what I’ll do.”

Suzette broke the thick tension. “You can’t go. Not yet. I’ve got a small reception planned next door.”

I couldn’t think of anything worse.

I was married. I wanted all these people gone. I wanted to be alone with the one person who truly understood me. I wanted my wife.

“No. Suzette. Rearrange it. Tomorrow, I don’t care.”

“I’m sorry, Suzette.” Tess shrugged. “Q really should get some rest.”

I grumbled in my chest. I hated she thought I was hurt. I wanted a bed, yes, but I wasn’t planning on fucking moaning about my injuries and going to sleep.

Did she not sense everything I was transmitting to her? Did she not understand that I could suffer two broken legs and still need to be inside her?

Fine. If it made our escape faster I would play the poor patient angle. “You know. I am feeling a little tired—I need to be in bed with my wife.”

Tess threw me a look while Fuckwit sucked in a gasp.

My eyes tightened, taking in his innocence—his pompous timidness. This boy had nothing on me. I could blow him fucking over and defeat him. What did Tess ever see in him?

Frederick suddenly threw an arm around my shoulders, eyeing up Brax. Shoving his traitorous hand out, he smiled. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Frederick Roux. Business partner to this sour groom.”

Fuckwit half-smiled, taking the offered handshake. “Nice to meet you. I’ve researched your company. Congrats on all your success.”

Frederick laughed, letting go to nudge me. My teeth clamped together at being manhandled, especially because it highlighted just how much I did need to lie down. Fuck, I hurt.

“Nope, not my company. All this guy’s. He’s the mastermind.” Slapping me on the back—making me groan—he added, “Congrats, Mercer, Tess. So happy for you both.”

Tess beamed, running fingers through her hair. “Thank you for everything you did for us, Frederick. Rome, and Lynx…well you know—”

My stomach lurched, thinking how close I’d come to losing her. My fingers found the tracker under my skin. It would have to be removed. The Taser Lynx used had short-circuited it, but at least it’d done what I needed.

I’d held on and proved the point I set out to make. It cost a lot more than money but it brought shitloads of protection.

Fuckwit watched us, his forehead furrowed. “Did something happen?” His eyes narrowed. “Is that what happened the past few days? You look like you’ve been in a pretty serious fight.” His gaze flickered to Tess. “You’re not in any danger again—are you, Tessie?”

I coughed.

A swirling tornado of anger ripped me apart.

“Tessie?” My voice was whip-thin and blade-sharp. My body was still sore, the pain eroding no end of painkillers, but all I wanted was a fight. I wanted to hurtle this asshole away from Seychelles. Away from my wife. Away from any claim he thought he had on my woman.

Never call her that.”

Tess pressed her warm form against mine. “Q—don’t. Brax calls me Tessie. It’s a nickname that’s completely innocent.” Turning to Brax, she finished, “And no, I’m not in any danger. Not anymore. Thanks to Q.”

“But you will be if you call her that again,” I snapped.

My fists ached to ram into his jaw.

The celebrant arrived, smiling—completely oblivious to the standoff between us. “I have the paperwork that requires signing. Please choose your two witnesses and come with me.”

“Perfect timing,” Roux mumbled, throwing me a look. “Come on, Mercer. I’ll witness another one of your documents.” He followed the celebrant.

Tess let me go, grabbing onto Suzette. “Would you do the honour? Please.”

Suzette’s eyes watered. She looked from me to Tess, holding her heart. “I’d love to.”

Great. Fucking fantastic. Yet more time stopping me from getting my wife naked. The second this was over. I was gone. With or without Tess. Who was I kidding? I would never leave her—especially with Fuckwit here.

The three of us trailed after Frederick, leaving Twerp and his little girlfriend. The celebrant had set up a station with a small table, leather binder, and pens. A crisp piece of paper rested on top.

I sighed.

This whole mingling after the wedding bullshit was fraying my nerves. I didn’t know if it was the pain making me cranky or the fact Tess’s past was trespassing on my future. I just wanted to leave.

Soon. Sign then I was free.

The top of the paper held an intricate flourish with the words:

This is to certify Quincy Mercer II descended from Quincy Mercer I and Veronica Fable married Tess Olivia Snow descended from Stephen Snow and Mary Carlton, both sound of mind and able body, in holy matrimony before the witnesses of…

“You sign here, Mr. Mercer.” The celebrant pointed to a column stated ‘groom’.

Taking the pen, I printed my name, then signed. The simple act of holding the pen aggravated the muscles in my arm from Lynx’s bad batting skills.

I needed more drugs—especially if I planned on delivering my threats to Tess.

Beneath my signature, it changed from groom to husband.



It hit me for the second time.

I’m Tess’s husband.

This time it was a battering ram compared to the tiny realization. I was hers. Forever.

Tess’s body heat seared into mine, reaching over to steal the pen. Planting a chaste kiss on my cheek, she printed her name…then paused.

My heart stuttered as the pen hovered over the signature of ‘wife’.

“Do I sign with my old name or…” Her voice trailed off, her eyes meeting the celebrant.

The man smiled. “Your new one, of course. If you’re taking your husband’s name, sign it as Tess Mercer.

She froze.

Every instinct and bestial sense sprang to high alert. I tried to see past her outer shell, searching for the real reason why she didn’t want to sign the fucking form.

Swallowing back my temper, I said as soft as I could manage, “Tu vas bien?” You okay?

She looked into my eyes, tears making the blue shine like the sea. I almost crashed to my knees with the sheer unconditional love in her depths. “I’m no longer Tess Snow.”

My stomach twisted thinking about the girl who I’d watched transform into a woman. Ever since I woke up to her whispering in my ear at Lynx’s house, I’d known she’d turned an irrevocable corner. She left Tess Snow behind the moment she smeared her cheek with the blood of her victim. She spread her wings and soared, putting her past where it belonged and embracing everything I’d always hoped she would.

Every time I looked at her I sensed it, sensed the depth and sweet depravity of my woman. I’d never meant to change her—but she’d changed herself. She’d become more—just more in every way.

I cupped her cheek, bringing her nose to mine. Tracing her throat, I caressed the top of the brand—the only part visible above her collar. She shivered, biting her lip.

“You walked away from that name, esclave. It no longer defines you.”

“What does define me?” she whispered.

“Your invincibility. Your conviction. Me.”
